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  • in reply to: Not showing on ipad #939059

    Do you mean like this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) {
    .responsive .av_one_fourth.first.el_before_av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth.el_before_av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth.el_before_av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .avia-content-slider-inner .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_fourth {
    clear: none;
    margin-left: 2%;
    width: 48%;
    .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth.flex_column_div, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first+.av_one_fourth+.av_one_half.flex_column_div {
    margin-top: 0;

    If it is this you mean, I´ve tried it and it doesn´t work. =)

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on ipad #936544

    Thanks Ismael!

    It worked like a charm!
    To only thing left is that the element with “Tent camping” (on all three languages) has a padding on the top that I can´t find out why it is there.
    There is no code in style.css either, I think, that refers to any avia-builder-el.

    Please see attached images.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on ipad #935726

    No problems Ismael, I´m only grateful for your help.
    Added screenshots in private (and there is one more furter above that I added in the beginning of this thread). There are two images on english site and a few more on the german. =)

    Any ideas on how to fix the other problem, regarding the small spacing on the left of the second last image (named: Tältcamping) on the swedish site? I want a empty column to disappear on mobile/ tablet portrait but it still stays a small gap.
    I mentioned it furter above as:
    “1. I´ve added the code in quick css:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 990px) {
    .only_desktop { display: none !important; }}
    and added only_desktop in i 1/4 column. The column seems to disappear but there is still a small “gap” showing. (see attached image)” .

    in reply to: Not showing on ipad #933868

    Done that, but no effect. Even flushed caches on cloudflare.

    Any ideas on problem nr. 1, Ismael? =)

    Best regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on ipad #932868


    yes, the codes are exactly the same on each language-page.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on ipad #928007


    1. And don´t know is I understand what you mean with adding space on the right side….?
    Is there a way to have 2 pieces of 1/4 columns in the center of the page (on desktop) without using a empty 1/4 first?
    I think that would be the easiest solution. =)
    Or the best thing is of course if the visibility option worked.

    2. Ok, I can email them and see what they say about it.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on ipad #926307

    Thanks for your answer!

    1. So do you have any ideas to fix the problem?
    The padding is there so the columns will have a nice layout on desktop, but it doesn´t work on tablet portrait. As said before, the visibility option for mobiles doesn´t work when I set the “empty” column on hidden.

    2. I´m using WPML.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Problems with columns on Ipad portrait. #922748


    it´s a new model and I´m already using that code. That thread is me. =D

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Problems with columns on Ipad portrait. #922062


    I´ve tried that already, thats why I went for the css solution. Using the visibility options didn´t work, it shows on portrait anyway.
    To clarify, the css code was only for problem 1.

    Any ideas for problem 2? =)

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #921317

    Working like a charm!
    On my new, not pro but regular, iPad! =D

    Thanks a lot!

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #919977

    I´ve added the code and it is still showing perfectly on iphone and tablet portrait,
    but now none (of the google map or colorsection) is showing at all on the landscape.

    And now a fullwidth slider is gone on the frontpage. Only happening on landscape though.

    This was a tricky one to fix… =)

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Mobile menu scrolls #918894

    I think your collegue Ismael turned of all my plugins (working on another problem), and after that I checked and it works now.
    I will turn on plugins one by one and see if something goes wrong.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #918890

    I´d tried to add a color section and it works!

    The only remaining problem now is that the Google Maps isn´t hidden on tablet landscape and the color section isn´t showing in landscape.
    I bought a new ipad yesterday =D so it seems to be some problem with the themes settings of the pixel screensizes? Maybe a ipad is larger than 990px in landscape?
    It looks fine on tablet portrait (and I made a separate color section for iphones).

    I´m turning in my plugins now btw. =)

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #918871

    All right, I´ll try that…
    Can I turn on all my plugins? And change back to swedish? =D

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #918210

    For real? Its showing a fullwidth slider on ipad/ iphone with you and a google map modul on your desktop?

    Im having an old ipad but a both my iphone 6s and iphone 7s is showing the same as the picture I´ve put in private.
    Even after the code you just gave me, Ismael.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Mobile menu scrolls #917743

    Hi Victoria!

    I made the change in custom.css, but it still doesn´t work….

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #917587

    So this is still on your todo-list and I should keep them turned off…? =)

    Thanks for your help.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #917058

    Thanks Ismael!

    But the fullwidth easy slider does not show on ipad or iphone still. Check
    I´ve provided a photo in private.

    Did you turn off W3 total cache and autoptimize?

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Mobile menu scrolls #916326

    It looks like this on my mothers AND fathers ipad (brand new, not mini) and they are white aswell.
    I´ve added a screenshot in private.

    in reply to: Mobile menu scrolls #916306

    Its the oldest ipad that exists… 😄 maybe thats the issue? I’ll see if I can find a newer one…
    I’ll get back to you if the problem remains.


    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #916281

    There are two problems.
    I will copy the text from the first post I wrote:

    “I´m having a problem with Google Maps not showing on iphone and tablets.
    You can check the page;
    I have now hidden the Google map-section for tablets and mobiles and put in a fullwidth easy slider (hidden for desktops), but the easy slider doesn´t show either. (empty, white space).

    And another problem, on the same page, is that it all looks fine on the swedish one, but on the english/german pages the “styling” of the contact-page is all messed up. Can you take a look, please?
    Just follow the language-flags at the top right corner of the page.”

    With messed up styling – I mean that the contact form and the text is spread in full width and not inside the maximum 1050px width.

    Best regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #915917

    … and the style of the german/ english contact page still isn´t working… Swedish contact page looks like it should.
    What am I missing? =)


    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #915726

    Ok, I understand.
    I´ve tried to deactivate, flushed cache, refreshed the page, but it still doesn´t work…
    I can´t see the easy slider on the ipad or iphone. Its just empty, white space.


    in reply to: Mobile menu scrolls #915719

    That is weird. I´m on an iPad…


    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #915689

    But then I don´t understand…
    Am I supposed to deactivate autopt, refresh a few times, and then reactivate and it is suppose to function without problem?

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Mobile menu scrolls #915679

    Yes the links are there, but if you first scroll down a bit on the page, and THEN open the menu – the links have gone fishing somewhere. =) You can scroll in the menu and suddenly the links will reappear, but our guest won´t understand that.
    I want them at the top at all time… =)

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Not showing on iphone/ tablet, and more #915534

    Ok, I´ll try…
    But there seems to be a problem to minify scripts with enfold? Are there any other plugins you can recommend that works better?

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Mobile menu scrolls #915463

    Here you go!

    in reply to: Icons doesnt show on mobiles #905594


    If you look higher up, in the earlier posts, you already got a username and password to use.
    But I´ll post them again for you in the private field.

    Regards Johan

    in reply to: Icons doesnt show on mobiles #905468


    I´ve added the code, but it doesn´t work. Now there is some kind of icon but not the right one. See image in private.

    Regards Johan

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