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Hi Yigit,
The deactivating worked. Thank you so much!This reply has been marked as private.Thanks for your help! I apologize if this is my ignorance, but this is the screen I get:
And nothing happens when click on the widget or drag it as it says.
Has this happened before?-
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
Great, thanks so much for your help!
This reply has been marked as private.There are no plugins activated. When I say the headline element, I am referring to the headline button (which is now present). The main issue is the constant loss of the VISUAL aspect (vs. TEXT/code aspect). Doesn’t seem like the content is getting deleted because the text view still shows code.
The page I was last working on is titled “Our Story”. I just logged in now and checked it out and I see that the visual aspect is again working, I can view the text. I suspect, if I were to go in and edit, update, and return to it, the visual aspect would be invisible again after a few changes or other post edits. Since you are planning on logging in, I’ll leave it for you to experience. Here’s an example of what usually happens:
I work on a post, check out its preview, go back in, make some changes, update it, maybe decide to go back in and change something, or go edit another post. Whatever the case, it’s usually by the second or third visit to a post that I lose the visual aspect of editing. Then, when I’ve gotten over the frustration a day or tow later, I go back in to see if I can get anywhere and alas, I notice the posts are visible again. BUT what then happens is I work for a few minutes and think the problem’s solved, but end up with an invisible visual aspect all over again (code option still working).
This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by
also, might someone confirm my last post is private? I checked the box, but Im a little nervous since the post itself does not signify that in any way I can see.
This reply has been marked as private.Thx, kitchen sink was not expanded. But I’ve again lost the VISUAL aspect. Here’s what happened:
After I expanded it the kitchen sink and could view the headline element, I made a couple headline changes within a couple of text elements. When I went in to change another text element the VISUAL ASPECT was blank. I checked the others I had just accessed previously, they were now blank too.
I’ll followup privately with login details, I assume you mean UN & PW?
Dear Dude – I stated above that the headline element SHOWS UP FINE with the TinyMC plugin – BUT with the plugin I LOSE the VISUAL ASPECT of the EDITOR. So I’ve DEACTIVATED the plugin in order to regain the visual aspect of editing – which works BUT then the HEADLINE ELEMENT is GONE. GONZO. NOT THERE.
Thanks for replying, though, had you completely read my message, you could have saved us both the trouble of responding to something irrelevant. I stated that “Im back to the problem of not having ANY text size control BECAUSE THE HEADLINE BAR IS GONE AGAIN.”
Since the upgrade didn’t return the HEADLINE element to its natural place, I went and tried a plug-in which DID offer me the headline element and more, BUT THEN I lost the ability to view the visual aspect of the advanced layout editor.
So I’ve DEACTIVATED the plug-in and thus REGAINED the visual aspect of editor, but I’ve LOST the HEADLINE ELEMENT and this project has been held up for WEEKS over this.
Smooth sailing, NOT. When I returned to make another change to a post I had just edited, the “visual” aspect of editing was no longer visible (my original problem). I remembered that someone above had recommended I try deactivating any text-related plugins and that doing this had corrected the visual editor, so I tried that again with the new plugin tree recommended and my visual editor is again visible. BUT now Im back to the problem of not having ANY text size control because the headline bar is gone again – IE, upgrading the theme did not fix this issue, and my alternate solution doesn’t allow visual editing. PLEASE ADVISE.
Disappointed that the upgrade didn’t fix the lack of headline control, I went ahead and took jtree’s advice and installed the Ultimate Tiny MC plugin which has allowed me to view headline options and enable font control (thanks jtree5757). Hopefully sailing will be a bit smoother here on out.
So I’ve finally updated the theme. But one of the issues that caused me to update it at your recommendation – not being able view headline options in the advanced layout editor – is still an issue, i.e., I still cannot view headline options and thus cannot control text size. Help?
This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by
Thanks Yigit. I just learned that the only CSS changes that were made were to increase the logo/header size. Im guessing that a child theme was not created. So, please tell me if I’ve got this straight: moving forward I should reinstall the theme via FTP, after which I will find that the logo doesn’t fit, and to address that, I will need to create a child theme in which I can modify the header image size…yes/no?
Thanks for the plugin tips jtree5757, and thanks Peter for the FTP explanation – great to finally have better understanding around this. I’m currently waiting to find out if the original website creator made any changes to CSS before I go ahead and update; I’ve gathered that if any changes were made to the theme and I go ahead and update it without addressing those changes, I’ll be dealing with a whole other can of glitchy worms…right?
Hi Yigit, in the video’s beginning, before it gives the FTP instructions, it shows how to upload the theme via WordPress. Seems like a much easier way of going about it, but is this not recommended for some reason?
Hi Yigit, I’m at the page and I see a paragraph that says “Update: Version 2.4.5 Out Now! WordPress 3.8 compatibility, bugfixes and new features! Check the changelog at the bottom of this page for more information and examples;)” And yet, nothing about “download update here”.
In the top right corner I see the message: “You have already purchased this file. You can download it here.” Am I to assume that is how I download the update?
Nothing very straightforward or intuitive about this process:/
Hey Yigit, I now have my ThemeForest login info but I don’t see a “download” section to find the update at. Can you provide a link?
Thanks much. Once I get the login info, I’ll check this out…looking forward to having some design control again! Best wishes…Elaine
Gah. Dead end. #1, I don’t have the theme forest login info, #2, no idea how to update via FTP once I get the info from colleague on Monday. Guess this is a whole new troubleshooting project. I just don’t understand, I had access to the header drop down menu when I was working on this site a couple weeks ago….a bug I suppose. Welp, sounds like updating is the only solution?
So I was just looking into doing that based on your previous message. My WordPress version is already 3.8, but I am having trouble finding a way to update Enfold; on WordPress, my “Enfold theme options” does not appear the way it does on the link you provided – there is nothing about updating, instead it talks about “updating dummy content” then goes into “front page settings”, “logo” etc…no where do I see update options.
Thanks yes, but like I said, the header element is no longer visible in either the default or advanced editor…see screenshot:
Right! I would usually use heading elements but the option for them seems to have gone away…is there some control I don’t know about that can fix this?
Ie, I have several section headers I would like to be larger:, I am referring to text block element. I would like to be able to adjust header sizes differently than paragraphs. Changing the code as you suggest would change all text, no? That’s not what I’m looking to do….
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by