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  • There is an option under the CAPTION tab to add a link to the slide image or button. We tried both the button and image links and it only works on computers, not mobile devices. FYI, on mobile devices, the button doesn’t even appear.

    See this screenshot for reference:

    So, should we just give up and assume the slider links (buttons or images) are just not possible on mobile? I feel like I’ve wasted a lot of time trying to explain the issue to you guys and it seems like you keep missing the point I’m trying to make. I’m sorry if I come across as rude, but most of the time I’ve found the Enfold support responses to be pretty much on target.

    That works if we want the video lightbox to pop up when the visitor clicks on the slide on mobile. But that is not what we were asking about.

    On mobile devices, when you click on the video slide, instead of taking you to the portfolio page it is linked to, it takes you in Safari to a blank page with the message, “Safari cannot open the page. The error was: The URL can’t be shown.”


    On regular computers, the VIEW PROJECT button link works as exepcted and takes the visitor to the targeted portfolio page.

    WordPress login credentials included in private content section.

    Once you log in, go to Pages then open (edit) HOME and you will see the Fullscreen Slider element with the video slides in it as the first element on the page.

    The issue seems to have resolved itself once we went live and updated our PHP version from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.1.

    We are still waiting for a solution to this topic though.

    We just went live with the website so that is why the link I provided in the private content section no longer works. I updated the link there.

    We decided to try changing the video slide caption setting from Apply Link to Image to Attach one button, but that didn’t change anything on mobile. On mobile devices, it still takes you in Safari to a blank page with the message, “Safari cannot open the page. The error was: The URL can’t be shown.” Also, on mobile we don’t even see the button to click on. Not sure why that button can’t be shown on iPhones or iPads.

    On regular computers we now see the button over the slide and if we click on it, it works as expected while if we click on the video itself, it pauses the video also as to be expected. Only on mobile devices we are having all these linking issues.

    Some screenshots of the current Fullscreen Slider video slide settings for reference.
    Video Slide – Slide Tab:
    Video Slide – Caption Tab:
    iPad view of homepage video slide:

    in reply to: Add words 'Posted on' before blog post date #1185009

    Perfect! Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Hamburger menu next to default menu in enfold #1184752

    Thanks Ismael. That CSS code worked perfectly.

    Lastly, how do I get our logo (png format) in the upper left corner of the hamburger menu overlay screen?

    Screenshot reference:

    Thanks Ismael. After looking at the link you sent I ended up adding the following code into the child theme’s functions.php file. It seems to work well enough. Newly added portfolio items and posts do not need any modifications to the code below because I’m using the has_tag and has_category functions. Only downside is that for new pages, I have to add the new slug names into the is_page code sections below where relevant. Is there a better option for when adding new pages? Thanks.

    function green_footer_body_class_slug($classes) {
    	// add 'green-footer' only to pages with slugs below.
    	if ( is_page( array( 'about', 'work', 'news' ) )  )
            $classes[] = 'green-footer';
    	// return the modified $classes array
    	return $classes;
    // add my custom class via body_class filter
    * ----------- GRAY HEADERS SLUG ----------- */
    function gray_header_body_class_slug($classes) {
    	// add 'gray-header' only to pages with slugs below.
    	if ( is_page( array( 'about', 'work', 'people', 'contact', 'news', 'project-inquiries', 'media-inquiries' ) )  )
    	$classes[] = 'gray-header';
    	// return the modified $classes array
    	return $classes;
    // add my custom class via body_class filter
    /* ----------- GRAY HEADERS TAG ----------- */
    function gray_header_body_class_tag($classes) {
    	// add 'gray-header' only to pages with tags below.
    	if ( has_tag( 'team' ) )	
    	$classes[] = 'gray-header';
    	// return the modified $classes array
    	return $classes;
    // add my custom class via body_class filter
    /* ----------- GRAY HEADERS NEWS POSTS ----------- */
    function gray_header_body_class_news($classes) {
    	// add 'gray-header' only to news category posts below.
    	if ( has_category( 'news' ) )	
    	$classes[] = 'gray-header';
    	// return the modified $classes array
    	return $classes;
    // add my custom class via body_class filter
    /* ----------- GREEN BACKGROUND FULL PAGES SLUG ----------- */
    function green_bg_body_class_slug($classes) {
    	// add 'gray-header' only to pages with slugs below.
    	if ( is_page( array( 'contact', 'project-inquiries', 'media-inquiries' ) )  )	
    	$classes[] = 'green-bg';
    	// return the modified $classes array
    	return $classes;
    // add my custom class via body_class filter
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by killyman.
    in reply to: Hamburger menu next to default menu in enfold #1182392

    Thanks Ismael. Tried the latest code you provided, but couldn’t achieve what I wanted with custom png images.

    I tried another method I found on the support forums. This method involved creating a custom links menu item and then adding in my HTML code in the Navigation Label field. See screenshot here:

    That seemed to have worked well as you can see by this screenshot:

    But, now I’m struggling via CSS to get the png social icons to align horizontally insted of vertically, while keeping the navigation menu items above remain vertically stacked. Any suggestions? Refer to previous screenshot again:


    in reply to: Hamburger menu next to default menu in enfold #1181174

    Thanks so much Ismael for all your help with this.

    We think it might be best to just skip using the built-in social icons feature/script and instead insert our own HTML code right after the last mobile menu navigation item? Could you provide us with the necessary code to add to our functions.php file (and if necessary separate CSS code) to achieve this? I added our HTML code and CSS to the private content section for reference.

    Also, how can we add our png logo to the top left corner of the mobile menu overlay screen?

    Lastly, is there a way to remove the scroll bar on the right side of the mobile menu overlay?

    See screenshot mock-up for reference purposes:

    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio Thumbnail Image Dimensions Help #1180801

    Great. Yes, I understand about needing to regenerate previously uploaded images once this change has been implemented.


    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio Thumbnail Image Dimensions Help #1180693

    Hi Richard. I just have one last question.

    If I wanted to modify the default dimensions of the blog post featured image, would I just add and modify the following lines of code to the existing avf_modify_thumb_size code in the child theme’s functions file?

    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] 	= array('width'=>710, 'height'=>270);		  // big images for blog and page entries
    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_without_sidebar']= array('width'=>1030, 'height'=>360 );		  // images for fullsize pages and fullsize slider


    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by killyman.
    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio Thumbnail Image Dimensions Help #1180456

    Hey Nikko. I thought all our portfolio featured images had been uploaded with 1920 x 1080 dimensions. After reviewing your response, I realized we uploaded the wrong dimensions for the Reptopia image. I just replaced it with a version with 1920 x 1080 dimensions and now the last portfolio thumbnail is aligning left as desired.

    Thanks so much for catching this oversight on our part.

    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio Thumbnail Image Dimensions Help #1180420

    Thanks Nikko. It seems to be working great.

    One more question. How do we make, via CSS, the last portfolio thumbnail image in a 2 or multi-column layout align left instead of right? See this screenshot for reference:


    in reply to: Hamburger menu next to default menu in enfold #1180416

    Thanks Ismael. I looked at the links you provided to include the social icons in the mobile/burger menu. I added the code into our child theme’s functions.php file, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. I think it is because of the way I have the default menu set to “Display as icon” and I have modified the secondary menu via CSS to bring it down to the left of the default menu (icon). In the child theme style.css file I had to add the CSS further below for the secondary menu positioning to work (header_meta margin top -31px) and to hide the secondary menu altogether when the screen size becomes 767px and narrower.

    FYI, in Header settings, Header Social Icons is set to “No social icons.” I’ve tried changing to show icons in all 3 choices and it doesn’t have any effect.

    I’m including the URL to the dev site in the private content section along with temp WordPress admin access credentials.

    Here is a screenshot mock up of what we hope to accomplish:

    /* ----- BEGIN SECONDARY (SUB MENU) MENU CSS ----- */
    #header_meta {
        margin-top: -31px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    	#header_meta {
    	display: none;
    nav.sub_menu {
        position: relative;
        top: 60px;
        left: -44px;
    .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #top #wrap_all #main {
        padding-top: 172px;
    .sub_menu>ul>li>a, .sub_menu>div>ul>li>a {
    	font-size: 14px;
        text-decoration: none;
        font-weight: bold;
        padding: 7px 0;
    	font-family: 'metropolisblack', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;
    .sub_menu li {
        float: left;
        position: relative;
        padding: 0 6px;
        border-right-style: solid;
        border-right-width: 1px;
        line-height: 10px;
    /* removes dividers between menu items */
    .sub_menu li {
        float: left;
        position: relative;
        padding: 0 6px;
        border-right-style: solid;
        border-right-width: 0px; /* 1px */
        line-height: 10px;
    /* ----- END SECONDARY (SUB MENU) MENU CSS ----- */
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by killyman.
    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio Thumbnail Image Dimensions Help #1179553

    Thanks Victoria.

    So, in my child theme’s functions.php file, would I just add the following line of code with my preferred width and height dimensions?

    $avia_config['imgSize']['masonry'] = array('width'=>705, 'height'=>705 , 'crop' => false); // images for fullscreen masonry

    Would I then be able to remove the Simple Image Sizes plugin?

    in reply to: Hamburger menu next to default menu in enfold #1179506

    Thanks for the reply Ismael.

    I ended up making the default menu display as a (hamburger) icon in the Main Menu general settings. Then I created a secondary menu and used CSS based on this topic ( to re position the secondary menu to the left of the default menu icon and to disappear at screen widths of 767px and lower. All seems well for now.

    Do you think this CSS based solution is sufficient? I put a link to the dev site for you in the private content section so you check and let me know if the coding and functionality seem correct.

    Also, we’d like to add some social media icons to the default hamburger menu overlay screen just below the last vertically stacked menu item as well as our png logo image in the top left corner of the overlay screen. See this screenshot for reference purposes:

    Lastly, any chance you can provide some input on the following masonry image size topic I started? Thanks.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by killyman.
    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio Thumbnail Image Dimensions Help #1179503

    UPDATE JANUARY 29, 2020

    I figured out the reason why the previously uploaded featured images from older Portfolio items maintained their correct size of 1920×1080 while the latest ones were being re-sized upon upload to 705×397. I had installed the Simple Image Sizes plugin and changed the masonry size settings in the plugin to 1920×1080, but then after a little testing, I removed the plugin. After removing the plugin newly uploaded images were being re-sized to 705×397.

    Screenshot of the plugin settings and changes I made for masonry size:

    I’d prefer not to use a plugin for this goal of making sure all uploaded masonry images (portfolio featured images) are maintained at 1920×1080 dimensions upon upload. Isn’t there a way to add some code to my child theme’s functions.php file to accomplish targeting just the masonry image size?

    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio Thumbnail Image Dimensions Help #1179074

    UPDATE JANUARY 28, 2020

    I tried changing the Masonry settings from Perfect Grid to Flexible Masonry and noticed that the thumbnails were now displaying correctly with the 16:9 ratio and no cropping.

    However, now when a new featured image is uploaded to a Portfolio item, the outputted masonry thumbnail image is shrunk down by about 85%. The previously uploaded featured images from older Portfolio items remain the correct size and consistency.

    Screenshot for reference purposes here:

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    in reply to: Add Hamburger Menu to right of Standard Primary Menu #1178855

    Thanks for the reply. I may have a solution on another post.

    in reply to: Hamburger menu next to default menu in enfold #1178853

    Hi Ismael. Thanks for the suggestions.

    So, what is the best method to accomplish the following configuration?

    • Default menu is set to Hamburger menu mode and remains visible at any screen width.
    • Secondary horizontal menu located to the left of the default menu is only visible at screen widths of 768px and above.

    Here is a link to a mock up screenshot of what I’m describing:


    in reply to: Hamburger menu next to default menu in enfold #1175865

    Has anyone figured out how to accomplish this? I would also like to be able to have a secondary menu appear as a hamburger menu to the right of the primary menu. The advantage of this configuration is that one can keep the items on the primary menu to a minimum and then add additional items and social media icons to the secondary Hamburger menu.

    The following website has this feature set up:

    Screenshot of Normal Menu with Hamburger Menu to the right in collapsed mode here:

    Screenshot of Hamburger Menu in expanded mode to the right of Normal Menu here:

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by killyman.

    Thanks Ismael. That seems to have worked.

    Thank you for your prompt response.

    Any CSS suggestions you an offer as a workaround until the fixed theme version is released?

    in reply to: Enfold System font settings overriding custom CSS font #971539

    That worked finally. Thank you so much!

    How would I add multiple Google Font families? Do I just repeat the wpb_add_google_fonts code block in the functions.php file as outlined below?

    function wpb_add_google_fonts() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'wpb-google-fonts', ',400italic,700italic,400,700,300', false ); 
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_add_google_fonts' );
    function wpb_add_google_fonts() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'wpb-google-fonts', ',400i,700,700i,800,800i', false ); 
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpb_add_google_fonts' );
    in reply to: Enfold System font settings overriding custom CSS font #970950

    Could the issue have to do with the avia-dynamic-css Style Sheet overriding my child theme Style Sheet settings?

    in reply to: Enfold System font settings overriding custom CSS font #970601

    The only way I can get the Exo font to apply to the heading font is by selecting it in the “theme options > general styling > fonts” section. But I don’t want the Exo font to be used for site-wide heading titles, only for the special “main-products-heading-title” CSS class I created and added to my child theme style.css file.

    I’ve set up a temp admin user account for you to access. See private content section.

    Any help on this would be much appreciated.

    in reply to: Enfold Homepage Title Bar Not Displaying #837561

    I created an admin user for you to log in and check the issue. Details in private content section.

    in reply to: 4.3 update – odd behavior since? #514160

    Anyone have a solution to the duplicate unordered lists UL tags being created each time one edits in advanced layout editor mode? My Parent Theme (Enfold) Version Number is 3.3 and still having these issues.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by killyman.
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