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  • in reply to: h3 styling syop working #816668

    Thank you Ismael now it works!
    I assure you it was working before and I didn’t touch anything. Maybe I should change the pswd :)

    I see, has some difficulties to load. I should disable minify ? Is it an hosting problem?

    Thank you for your help


    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #815815

    Can you help me? I wrote 12th of last month!!! In your “support page” you said “support 24/7”. 21 days after no one comes to a solution. This is hilarious!

    my actual H1:
    my actual highlight’s settings (note: this is the preset of your template!):

    And I repeat, I dnd’t change anything. It stopped working. I tried change the actual highlight and go back to the last, but is still not working.
    Please help.
    Thank you.

    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #814986

    It already happened. Changed nothing and the highlight style was gone.

    H1 – H2 – H3 -> with underline makes this font here with the color blue as you can see in the image I already gave you. (THIS is no working anymore

    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #813951

    I didn’t put the styles. It was the custom preset of enfold’s template!
    Just see the attached images.
    THAT highlight (the change of color AND font) dosen’t work anymore. And I didn’t change anything.

    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #812978

    In all the site’s pages. (h1 styling).
    I think isn’t important where but why it has stopped working.

    I send for the 3th time in this topic my credentials.

    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #812643

    As you can see I didn’t change anything.
    The font is


    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #812028

    I dont’ remember the exact name of your template. The “bio/ natural” one, with the girl running in a street, or with a ricotta and pomatos’s page.
    Ok I edited that template.
    I didn’t change the h1 which I found very cool (the highlight option: did a change of typeface, with italic and color blue). Now it is disappeared. And it happened another time, fixed with your’s Enfold’s upgrade patch.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by kharsoul.
    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #810886

    How did you do it?

    P.S. my credentials were intended for MY site. I’ll give you once again (100% working, I’ have triple checked).

    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #807504


    in reply to: h3 styling syop working #806900

    same here!
    I have a wounderful h1 styling (with underline-set it becomes italic with blue color) and now it is not working anymore.

    It happened another time but was fixed with the last Enfold’s update.

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #785342

    IT DOSEN’T… At this point I don’t know if you are trolling me or what, because I gave all my site’s access and you didn’t even try if that code WORKS?
    I need 2 block with 2 images and I want 2 different images with 350/320 pixel’s display.
    Now my client wants only 1 block (so 1 image >720pixel and another image <350pixel).
    It’s 30 april and no one had figured out how to solve this problem.
    There is someone capable to help me or have I to get some payed support?
    For my next site, I’ll use Avada again, at least they have a decent support.

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #783886

    I’ll try this weekend if it works.
    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #779221


    • wp-content/themes/enfold/css/custom.css
    • in the BO –> Enfold –> General Styling –> Quick CSS

    Credentials are in the Private Content.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #777872

    I thought I had written a reply…anyway the problem persists.
    I just want to know what part of my code is incorrect for these media queries
    image1a normal monitor -> image1b (smaller) for mobile
    image2a normal monitor -> image2b (smaller) for mobile

    Thank you

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #768676

    Sorry Victoria, not to bother you or other mods anymore, but the code I past in the first post is not correct? I asked another developer friend of mine and said it should work.
    Maybe I’m OT but another issue: the site is very slow even it’s optimized following the speedsite insights. I shuld decrease the quality of the slides’ images?
    Thank you,
    have a nice day

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #762508

    Yes the second box appeared again BUT maybe I haven’t been clear.
    the first box with the catamarn photo +360px width t’s ok then <360px becomes this 1 -> http://www.*****.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/catamarano_mobile.png
    the secondo box with the yacht photo +360px width its ok then <360px becomes this 1 -> http://www.***.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/yacht_mobile.png

    With those media queries the image ain’t changing.

    (I’ve put the images in the private content box)
    Thank you,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by kharsoul.
    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #760542

    Yes, the problem persists.

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #756547

    what errors did contain?

    Anyway dosent’ work.

    Using “” with iPhone 5 and Galaxy Y the first image of the catamar remained the same, but all the second content-box disappeared completelty (both image and text!).

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #755035

    I’ve copied the same CSS code from custom.css in “Quick CSS”. Doesn’t work. Take a look pls.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #754226

    The credentials are the same of the other topic. :)
    I posted in “private content”.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: menu and footer stretched #754217

    It changed itself; I didnt’ do anything :O
    maybe it changed itself with the last update, I dont’ know.
    Thank you anyway!
    Now if the media queries work it’s an okay website :)

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #752211


    Sorry to bother you guys! But I need a solution ASAP.
    Same code tried with instantWP(offline) worked. Online dosen’t :)

    in reply to: menu and footer stretched #750536

    Ok you have fully permissions.

    in reply to: Media Queries don't work #750532

    Hi, I gave to you the link.
    In the middle of the page there are 2 fullwidth block content (one with a Catamaran’s photo another with Yacht’s foto). I ispected and used that classes. Not sure if are right.
    With my code nothing changes, I’ll change media query to 479 when it will works. Thank you!

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