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Anyways, the most recent updates seem to have resolved the problem, so everything looks good now.
I think the problem here may have been that update to enfold 3.0 and above or wordpress 4.0 and above (maybe 4.0.1?) resulted in the columns having un equal widths. The result is that the same content in seperate columns of suposedly the same width resulted in text wraping, while in other columns text doesn’t wrap.
The pricing table that is being misformated because of this issue is quite extensive. I’d like to avoid having to reformat the entire table with your suggested solution. Do you have an estimated date for when you expect a permenant solution to be in place?
The magic wand button is not an option in the table edit interface. Can you suggest an alternative solution?
Can you document what you are referencing when you mention “hr whitespace separator element / shortcode?”
Update: I had also forced some cells to conform to a specific height with the code below. It appears that <br> and <p> tags are bothing being striped out before being redered.
Example of code that isn’t rendering: <p style=”line-height: 150px;”></p>
Update: it appears that multiple breaks (<br><br>) are being converted to be rendered as new paragrah tags instead. Any suggestions to prevent the theme from doing these conversions would be much appreciated.
This reply has been marked as private.Excellent, that did the trick. Thank you!
I’ve been able to resolve this issue…went ahead and manually recreated the sliders.
Exclent Dude, that did the trick!
Many thanks!
I suspect that it should be somewhere inside wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider, but not sure where…
Any idea where in the file structure the layer slider data is saved?
I have a full server backup, so it was backed up, just not sure where the files are that need to be restored.
Huge +1 for this. I’m in the process of creating a large pricing table (100+ rows) and I’m teribbly concerned that any updates to the table are going to be time prohibitive.
Awesome, thank you for your help Peter.
Turns out that it was the “BadgeOs” plugin that was causing the problem. Now that it’s deactivated the page titles are displaying correctly again.
So what’s the best way to approach creating a custom template within Enfold if I do want to use a full width template?
I’m fairly certain that it *is* using the Avia Layout Builder. Here’s the code for the template for you to determine yourself:
Template Name: Custom Lockdown
global $avia_config;/*
* get_header is a basic wordpress function, used to retrieve the header.php file in your theme directory.
get_header();if( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), ‘header’, true) != ‘no’) echo avia_title();
?><div class=’container_wrap container_wrap_first main_color <?php avia_layout_class( ‘main’ ); ?>’>
<div class=’container’>
<main class=’template-page content <?php avia_layout_class( ‘content’ ); ?> units’ <?php avia_markup_helper(array(‘context’ => ‘content’,’post_type’=>’page’));?>>
/* Run the loop to output the posts.
* If you want to overload this in a child theme then include a file
* called loop-page.php and that will be used instead.
*/$avia_config[‘size’] = avia_layout_class( ‘main’ , false) == ‘entry_without_sidebar’ ? ” : ‘entry_with_sidebar’;
get_template_part( ‘includes/loop’, ‘page’ );
?><!–end content–>
//get the sidebar
$avia_config[‘currently_viewing’] = ‘page’;
</div><!–end container–>
</div><!– close default .container_wrap element –>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
Ok, after redoing the new files in the child theme directory the behavior of the sidebars described above is no longer occuring. Not sure what I did, but it seems like that problem has fixed itself.
I do have another issue however. The custom template is displaying pages using the “boxed layout” rather than the “stretched layout” which is default on the rest of the site. How can I make a custom template within a child theme inherit the layout set within the WordPress admin area?
This reply has been marked as private.Hmmm…appears that it’s only happening when logged in:
Any obvious issue that come to mind that might be causing this?
This reply has been marked as private.Or is there a way to paste PHP into the menu address field without it being stripped out?