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  • in reply to: problem with preview my home page #1330830

    Thank you for your answer.
    Unfortunately, even after clearing the browser cache and deactivating the plugin (I don’t have a server cache), I get the same message with the same problem (only on the home page)

    Is there any other solution?

    in reply to: Customize a menu and adapt it to two distinct parts #1327800

    Thank you for your quick response
    As I explained in my first message, I already use “conditional menus” to customize the tabs that appear on each page of my site. With this plugin I managed to divide my site in two.

    My concern is only about the common pages and conditional menu doesn’t allow to do what I explained above. On the contrary, the common pages end up with ALL the menu tabs of both parts…

    in reply to: Customize a menu and adapt it to two distinct parts #1327796


    I don’t think a screenshot can help you understand better… Let me explain by giving you a concrete example:

    Menu 1 : face to face
    Menu tabs : office address, schedules, office rates, testimonials,

    Menu 2 : remote
    Menu tabs : explanation of the online sessions, prices for online sessions, testimonials,

    The “testimonial” page is common to both menus.
    What I want to do :
    -If the person was on menu 1 and clicks on “testimonials”, I want him/her to keep menu 1 without seeing the tabs of menu 2. -If the person was on menu 2 when he/she clicked on “testimonials”, I want him/her to continue to see menu 2, without seeing the tabs of menu 1 (I don’t want him/her to see the tabs “practice address” and “practice rates”)

    Is this clearer? Thank you!

    in reply to: Problem Enfold / WordPress for menu #1326062

    Thank you !

    in reply to: Problem Enfold / WordPress for menu #1326018
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Problem Enfold / WordPress for menu #1325940

    I put the code in function.php of the child theme but my menu “Enfold Main Menu” is not a child menu. Can the problem come from there? And if so, do you know what I should do? Thanks

    in reply to: Problem Enfold / WordPress for menu #1325910

    The current menu on my site has to be my main menu, right? Or I don’t understand your question?

    On your screenshot the menu is: “Enfold Child Main Menu” and on my menu it says “Enfold Main Menu”.

    in reply to: Problem Enfold / WordPress for menu #1325840


    Thanks for your answer
    Which menu should I name as the main menu? I thought that with this code, the Logo button would be added whatever the main menu of my site… ?

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