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  • in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #352629
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    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #352267
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    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #352255
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    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #352242
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    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #351718
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    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #351464
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    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #351451
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    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #313064

    I have looked over the info at the above link and tried the only suggestion that appeared to apply “Fonts not loading in Firefox or IE9″ but that .htaccess code addition broke my WP site so I removed it.

    The issue I’m having is with the icons that are included in Enfold theme’s content elements are not displaying correctly in Firefox, IE and now even Chrome.

    I assumed those icons are installed on my server along with the Enfold theme but maybe that assumption is incorrect. The placeholders shown in the browser where the icons should display have numbers like E82B, E8RR, E835, etc. in Firefox, some type of Asian symbols or nothing in IE and as of the 2.9.2 Enfold update there’s Asian symbols or rectangle placeholders in Chrome. Safari displays the page as designed.
    How can I trace the server location path of Enfold content element icons to see if the images reside on my server or a remote server? If they are on a remote server this may be browser security features blocking the icons.

    Firefox reports the browser element code as followis but displays a placeholder:
    <article class=”iconbox iconbox_left avia-builder-el-4 avia-builder-el-no-sibling ” itemtype=”; itemscope=”itemscope”>
    <div class=”iconbox_content”>
    <header class=”entry-content-header”>
    <div class=”iconbox_icon heading-color” data-av_iconfont=”entypo-fontello” data-av_icon=”” aria-hidden=”true”></div>
    <h3 class=”iconbox_content_title” itemprop=”headline”>A One Stop Shop!</h3>

    Safari reports the element code the same way but displays the icon correctly:
    <article class=”iconbox iconbox_left avia-builder-el-6 avia-builder-el-no-sibling ” itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=”; > <div class=”iconbox_content”> <header class=”entry-content-header”> <div class=”iconbox_icon heading-color” aria-hidden=’true’ data-av_icon=’’ data-av_iconfont=’entypo-fontello’></div> <h3 class=’iconbox_content_title’ itemprop=”headline” >What’s in it for you?</h3>

    I’ve posted my URL privately in this thread but can post it again if necessary. I would really appreciate any help getting to the bottom of this problem. I love Enfold but I’m growing weary of this problem and need to resolve it one way or another.


    in reply to: Icons not loading in some browsers #310067

    Just discovered the this issue with icons not loading has now also appeared using Chrome after updating Enfold to version 2.9.2 this morning. The only browser that is still displaying Enfold content element icons is Safari. See private link to my site posted on this thread for reference.


    in reply to: Remove dates displayed in 'Child Latest News' widget? #243508

    Disregard my last message. I got it working now. Thanks again for all the help.


    in reply to: Remove dates displayed in 'Child Latest News' widget? #243507


    Thanks for the offer to do it for me but it occurred to me my security plugins were likely blocking the functions.php code change. The dates are now gone from the widget but the time is still being displayed. Tried to add a similar line to remove the time as well but haven’t gotten it right yet. What code do I add to remove the time as well?

    Thanks again,

    in reply to: Remove dates displayed in 'Child Latest News' widget? #241478

    Sorry, 2nd attempt at the URL


    in reply to: Remove dates displayed in 'Child Latest News' widget? #241476


    Tried adding that to the Child theme style sheet and also to the “Quick CSS” area in the Enfold Child Theme Options. Unfortunately, neither worked. You can view the news widget near the bottom of the Home page at

    in reply to: Remove dates displayed in 'Child Latest News' widget? #241322


    Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, when a add that code to the child theme’s functions.php file (themes/enfold-child/functions.php) the website loads as a blank page. When I remove the code, the site/theme loads correctly again. This is repeatable. Any suggestions on how to resolve the issue would be much appreciated.

    I added the code to the functions.php file after the following lines:
    * Add your own functions here. You can also copy some of the theme functions into this file.
    * WordPress will use those functions instead of the original functions then.


    in reply to: Hide 'Archive for category:' in page header #180405

    Thanks Yigit. That works perfectly.



    Thanks for the reply. The quick CSS suggestion to not display dates on posts worked perfectly.

    I am really pleased with the Enfold theme except for how it currently manages video.
    I think improving overall theme support for video content should be a very high priority. Most people want to utilize video on their site these days and will expect Enfold content and media elements to display video thumbnails the same way they do with image files.

    A friend’s site at uses a theme called Breakout that seems to have successfully solved many issues with video integration. Maybe this can provide some insight on a path to enhancing video support in Enfold.

    Meanwhile, can you suggest any plugins that would add a ‘Recent Post’ grid, widget, etc. to pages with thumbnail support for video/embedded video?


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by KCMartin91737.
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    Sorry, fouled up the image tag example. 2nd attempt:

    Example of video image tag: <a href=""><img src="" alt="test for thumbnail" /></a>

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