Guenni077 That worked perfectly! Thank you so much!
If others need the same the code is:
#section_id {
clip-path: polygon( 0 0,100% 10vw,100% calc(100% - 10vw),0 100%);
web-clip-path: polygon( 0 0,100% 10vw,100% calc(100% - 10vw),0 100%);
margin-top: -10vw;
Hey Vinnay
It did make it a lot better, but it is not perfect.
Is there anyway to make it not noticeable?
Hi John
Here you see a GIF explaining my issue.
It happens on multiple devices and multiple resolutions.Tested with:
Again its only on intial load and only the main tab.
I know it looks very centered, but it isn’t you will see when you click on the tab again. It is only on the initial load, it isn’t.
I hope my screenshot explains it.
Hi Yigit
Sounds awesome!
Thanks for the quick reply.