Is it possible that the color for “Read more →” is dependent on if an excerpt was added manually to the post or if the <!–more–> tag was used in the post?
It looks to us that having the <!–more–> tag in the content (even if there is an excerpt), changes the styling of the “Read more →” .
Ideally, we don’t want to have to manually create/maintain an excerpt for each post.
Will the change in the Quick CSS survive a theme upgrade – or should we, ideally, make the changes in the child theme CSS?
Much thanks.
1) The color seems to work only sometimes. See, for examples:
* (only the first “Read more →” appears in red.)
* – never appears in red
* – some appear in red but other do no
2) Yes. How can we change “Read more →” to, for example, “Click here for more”
And, how can we change the string that appears. Currently, the string is: Read more →