Ok! Thanks!
Ok, now the font color of all the dropdown menu is white except the page where you are (still grey), how can I turn all white?
Thank you!
It works again! Just one more question:
Now the font color of the menu is white, but the font color of the dropdown menu is still gray. How can I change it?
Thank you so much!
Thank you! it works!
I Have two more questions:
1. I’ve tried to put the font color of the header white, and I have a problem. When I select #ffffff for the font color of the header, in the enfold menu of the wordpress CMS, the font of the the page of the menu where you are turns white, but the resto of the pages of the menu stay grey (I didn’t select this grey anywhere). How can I change the font color of the header and turn it white?
2. I want to include the Titillium web google font family. I’ve tried with the WP Google Fonts plugin and it works but in h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 the font takes a strong effect that I’ve not selected. How can I use Titillium web Light font for h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 and Titillium web Normal font for the rest of the fonts?
Thank you very much for your attention!