Forum Replies Created
Oh, I do have a request. It would be great for there to be a developer section with examples/samples and explanations of what certain things do. Seems like every time I open up the layout builder elements after an update I see new code in them that I have to spend a little bit figuring out what it does and if I need to do an update to the ones I have created. I think that if there is a dev section for the various aspects of the theme, then more people would contribute and more plugin devs might even consider throwing in some compatibility code in.
It’s something simple for an Enfold dev to do and throw up on the site.
@Basilis – What specifically about that template though? Couldn’t something like that be accomplished with the Advanced Layer Slider already included? Or did you mean some of the other stuff linked in that dev series of examples? I can try some of those…will all depend on how easy the code and scripts play with Enfold’s layout builder code.
Ok, so it has been a while since the last update… In that time I have had no support requests or issues noted with the existing elements I have put together. So now I feel comfortable taking requests for new ones. Feel free to share your ideas here or link me to examples of things that you would like to be able to do. As long as it isn’t super complicated, can’t already be accomplished already in some way…then I’ll give it a try. That includes integrations with 3rd party plugin actions. For those, if the plugin has a shortcode or PHP code snippet it uses to accomplish something, then it likely can be turned into an element.
October 31, 2018 at 7:47 pm in reply to: Remove Current Portfolio Post from related portfolio grid #1028592Just tried this code…can confirm it does not work.
Ok…figured it out. It is 100% an issue with the CSS compression option in the Enfold settings. Disabling resolves the issue. The team should definitely put up a notice letting people know until the devs can figure out how to make it work as it should.
Well, it seems to be all the sliders and script related stuff like that. This wasn’t an issue in the previous version…it didn’t present itself until this new update. How did this not get caught? Seems like it’s a pretty easy issue to reproduce.
Any solutions that work?
I’m having the same problem. Uploded and replaced the file as recommended and still the issue with the fullscreen slider. I have issues with video backgrounds too. Seems to be a LOT of little bugs like this that really should have been found before pushing a release.
October 23, 2018 at 10:10 pm in reply to: Error messages with custom layout builder for WooCommerce? #1025653@amrod1 – I actually wrote some more WooCommerce control elements and one of them addresses this problem. You’ll be able to use a custom layout and place the warning/error/notice alerts anywhere you want.
Lol…did you mean to post it 5 times? I’ll play around with the code and see what I can come up with. I was hoping to make it simpler for the user so they wouldn’t have to add more code in other places. Was hoping to try and find a hook I can throw into the element code.
A new version is up and ready to download! As previously mentioned, I have created a way for you to use ACF Pro to have an alternative way to display testimonials on sites. With this setup, you’ll be able to have a single location to enter testimonials for sites using the ACF Pro feature to create an options page in the back end and the element for a Repeater. The element’s “READ ME” tab will outline how to set up the specific fields needed in ACF Pro yourself…or you can just use the convenient import file that is included and it will set up all the fields you’ll need. This initial version will allow you to enter as many testimonials as you want and will load a random one on page load to display. Future versions will include options to load more or as a carousel.Included are four layout options which by default have that stock Enfold look, but no worries, you’ll be able to customize every aspect of the look to match each site’s style. They’re also completely responsive. I’ve also included a default image to load as the avatar should you not set one on a testimonial. Simply replace the user.png graphic in the images folder to anything you’d like. Just be sure to keep the same file name.
Ok, need a lil Enfold dev help here…
A while back Ismael mentioned using the ‘avf_preview_window_css_files’ filter to load a specific CSS file into the preview pane. I have tried…and tried…and tried to figure that out but nothing I try is working to do so. Can someone help me out with that? That will allow me to show several of the items in the preview pane and have them display correctly. I’m working on the new ACF Testimonials element and it will only load the stock styles and not the needed CSS.
On a related note…here is a preview of the new testimonial element. Reminder, it is used in combination with the ACF Pro plugin using a repeater element. In doing so you’ll be able to save testimonials to your site and only have to enter them once to be used on any/every page. The stock testimonial element has to be updated with new ones on each page. You’ll get four different layout options. This new element currently will only load a single random testimonial from the entire list. In the future, I’ll add an option to load more and a slider option…but this is a start.
I’ll give that a try and see if it causes any issues when I get the chance.
The testimonial element that comes with Enfold is great for sites that just need to load a few on certain pages, but not for service industry type sites where you’d be updating testimonials on a regular basis. For such sites you’d have to spend a LOT of time updating them on each page you want them displayed. With that in mind, I am working on a new option for testimonials that works with the ACF Pro plugin using the options page setup with repeater fields. I already have included a simple ACF repeater element for displaying a simple repeater with one subfield. This new testimonial option will expand on that so you can randomly display a nice, responsive testimonial wherever you want from a whole list. A specific setup will be required using ACF Pro….but it works!!!! Once I get the styling done so that it has that Enfold look I will post the update. Soon you will have the ability to display testimonials while only having to make a single update which will apply to every page or post it is displayed on. Stay tuned.Should be able to set a class or ID to the section where your gallery is and with some creative conditionals targeting said class or ID, you should be able to do this. I haven’t tried, but in theory it should be more than possible that way.
Reminder folks… This is a collection of elements that are meant to work in conjunction with specific plugins installed on your WordPress setup, just like Enfold does. Many of the elements will show up and work out the box without any other plugins installed. If you wanna catch them all, you’ll need some 3rd party plugins installed in WordPress. Currently, those plugins are WooCommerce and Advanced Custom Fields. That should have been obvious by the nature of the theme here…and the product description on my site….but apparently it wasn’t spelled out well enough.
This will be the case going forward. I will add more and more elements and some may only work if certain plugins are installed on WordPress. That’s been the point of this whole adventure. We all have countless ways in which we are using this theme for just as many purposes. My hope is that these elements help to make it easier to create even better layouts and templates without the need to remember code snippets or shortcodes. Not only for the non-devs who like the drag and drop nature of the layout builder….but for us devs as well. Time is money to those of us who build sites for a living. If these elements can help you to make better sites for your clients quicker…that’s awesome. Means you can get on to the next client that much quicker.
Hope everyone likes it and will consider purchasing the elements each time you need to use it on a different site. As a reminder, I am donating all of the proceeds to help a cancer patient. If you like the elements, please don’t forget to share how you are using these elements and where. I’ll share them out on social media.
I have uploaded the update which will contain the new modal button element!
Next Update
I will be cleaning up some description text in existing elements….oh….and ya know how with a few little edits with some CSS and adding a little extra stuff to the end of a link you can get a modal popup? Wellllllll… It has been a constant request here in the forums for an easy way to do so for years and it never seems to make the cut. In the forums here you find some basic CSS that allows you to edit the modal popup size either on the whole site or just on specific pages, as well as what you have to add to the end of a link. Since there is no element to do this…I kinda sorta went ahead and made one. It’s really just an edit of the stock button element with a little edited out and a little added to it. I removed the option that allows you to open the link in a new window/tab since that isn’t needed in this scenario. I added an option to choose the modal size…small, medium, large…so you have some options. In regards to that last part…because of the way modal windows are created, whichever option you pick will apply to all modals on the page. As far as I can tell, there is no way to have it apply to that specific popup. But…odds are you aren’t going to have more than one on a page at a time.
Now….if the devs know of a hook or simple way for me to make the modal size specific to the link and not the page, please let me know and I’ll add it.
Stay tuned for more….now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Hey devs… I was browsing around some of the elements included with Enfold since they were reorganized and I’m noticing a new line. What does this do? What does setting it to false do?
$this->config['self_closing'] = 'yes';
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the support on this. I wanna give some back by giving your sites/work some love. Please share links to the sites where you’re using the elements. I’d love to see what creative things people are doing with them. Feel free to tell whatever story you want to go with it. I’ll share them out on Twitter/Facebook/Google+.
As always, I’m still taking element requests.
This small update finally adds a major WooCommerce element that was missing…Product Gallery. With this element, you’ll be able to use the built-in gallery feature of WooCommerce. This means that when you are creating your custom product page layout, you can position the gallery wherever you want. It includes two setup options. First, you can choose the number of columns per row. Note…it is set to pull the shop catalog sized graphics for the thumbnails to ensure the images look crisp. That is assuming that you haven’t altered the default WooCommerce settings that set the image dimension to 450×450. But…just in case you changed the default setting to a non-square size or want to use a different square size source, you can override it by entering the slug in the override field. Next, you can change the border color of the thumbnail to anything from the default grey it is set to.
Change Log – v10
- Minor update to the product tags element
- Added product categories element
- Updated the product title element to optionally display categories as subheading option
- Updated the page title element to optionally display categories as subheading option
- Updated the product price heading element to optionally display categories as subheading option
- Added a category list element which will display a list of the post or portfolio categories.
- Added a tag list element which will display a list of the post or portfolio tags.
- Updated the ACF Repeater element to include additional, optional fields such as a title or field group wrapper.
Oh….also on that WooCommerce note… I am basing the elements I made on my specific use of WooCommerce. What addons are y’all using? I might be able to create some elements for the more widely used WooCommerce plugins if it makes sense to do.
@Yigit – Yeah, I will once I have my updates finished. I have this mentioned elsewhere on my site in general where I donate a portion of my proceeds. For this specifically, I just need to figure out how to word it best. Sometimes people get really effing nosey and want to know the person’s name and I don’t want them harassed while recovering from chemo, etc. But I will be putting something on there about it.
As for the project as a whole…what about other plugin integrations? As in other than WooCommerce? I’ve added a few for ACF which are really helpful for those using that plugin, but there are plenty of other plugins out there which use things like shortcodes, etc. I’ll gladly take requests on those.
I am working on some nice updates and additions today….so if there are any ideas, let me know! Upcoming updates include further WooCommerce related elements and some geared towards blogs. Also in the works, several new creative borders!
As a reminder, yes…some of the elements in this pack are just mods of an element that comes with Enfold, but the mods are significant, especially for WooCommerce. The goal is to make it that much easier for you to create custom templates and layouts that you normally wouldn’t be able to.
Finally….from this point on, 100% of the proceeds from this plugin will be going towards helping a friend with cancer. I have set this plugin up for “name your own price”. The minimum is still the price I had it when it was a fixed price, but you are free to show your appreciation by opting to pay a little more. I’d greatly appreciate it.
For fellow web devs, if you like this and feel you can use it for the sites you build for your clients, please come back and purchase again for each client to help out. Would also really appreciate if people would kindly share the direct link out on social media.
What? Nothing was added.
UPDATE – It now does what I mentioned….but there’s a catch. I was using the preview feature when I went to view the updates. The change to act like a page did NOT show until I saved the post. There seems to be a little bug that doesn’t activate that change unless the post is saved.
Why isn’t there an option that allows you to disable the built-in layout? Using the Advanced Layout in a single post just constrains everything into a defined layout making it pointless really. If I do two half-width sections, it just squeezes whatever is in it to a small, constrained width for the post. I’m surprised this issue wasn’t addressed a long time ago. Should be set up like it is with WooCommerce. If you use the Advanced Layout Builder, then it should disable all layout constraints so you can actually build your own single post layout templates. Having to make us go through all the trouble of editing the files ourselves just to make this happen kinda sucks.
I think I have tried that CSS filter before and it didn’t work. If someone wants to test it out again lemme know if it works. Maybe it was buggy when I tried it last or I did it wrong somehow.
As for the title, I’m referring to when the modal popup is closed. The text shown for the element title doesn’t change until you hit save on the product/page. If you use WooCommerce, give it a try with the Modern Product element. Once you pick a product and set your options. The element title will still say “Modern Product” until you hit save on the page. Then when it refreshes it will show the product name.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.NEW UPDATE
- Updated the Single Product & Modern Product elements to display the product name once the draft is saved or page is updated. Minor fixes.
- Added Page Title element. Displays whatever you have set as the page title using the special heading options & format.
- Added Modern Promo element. Mimics the Modern Promo element to allow a sexy promo for pages & posts.
- Added Lorem Ipsum element. Implements an external API to generate random Lorem Ipsum text with a variety of style options.
Again, these are meant to help make it easier to not only build out templates that you use for regularly created pages, but with all the elements for WooCommerce you can do the same and make your own, custom product pages if you want something different from the stock layout. You get more control over the layout.
I am willing to take requests for some elements and will consider them, but I am open to being commissioned to create one.
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by