Forum Replies Created
Here’s an updated sampling of the new WooCommerce Artframe element. I think it is pretty much done. It now shows the price of the product, allows you to input optional length/width values and knows the difference between a simple product and variable/group products (for the “add to cart” or “view options” button).
More elements coming soon! Send me any ideas or requests for more!
COMING SOON – As I finished up the Art Frame element I thought that people may want to do more than just displaying their artwork nicely on their site. Some of them may also sell paintings and posters. So I put together a WooCommerce version. In this version, all you have to do is select the artwork/poster graphic, choose the product page it links to and set up your customizations. When you link to a specific product, it will automatically pull the name and price. Additionally, I included a zoom button to link to a larger quick view of the artwork, a button to add the product to your cart, as well as a height and width display by simply hovering over the icon in the top right corner.
I checked some of those notices. Some of them I can probably fix up. Some of them really aren’t any big deal right now as they either reference settings that haven’t been saved/filled out yet in the element….or there really is no other way to call the specific info. Especially with some of the WooCommerce stuff. The PHP code used to call certain details are exactly how the WooCommerce documentation and plugins call it.
That said, if you or anyone else has any hints on how to better call the info that doesn’t give any notices, please do share. I only do this stuff in my spare time.
I tried your addition and it forces the element to become unedtable. How are you checking out these notices? I want to make sure I am checking the same way you are so I see the same things you are.
I’ll check it out. I personally haven’t had that problem and I am using that element on all my products. What other WooCommerce plugins are you using? I can probably check and see if by chance there is some odd conflict. Either way, I’ll probably add that in the next update as it doesn’t hurt anything by being there.
Any other ideas for new elements? The ones I have come up with have been entirely based on my needs. So I’m getting to the point where I am going to start needing new ideas from users.
I just pushed a minor update. This small update was kind of a big one for the new Art Frame element. It occurred to me that maybe you might want to link the artwork to either any link you would like, or to a lightbox modal to display a larger version of the image. The lightbox option then made me think that some artists would like to protect their work the best they can. The original display of the artwork doesn’t display that graphic as an image element, rather as the background to a container element. That makes it so people can’t at least just right click and download the image file so easily. But if we lightbox the graphic to view larger, they could. To counter that, I have given the lightbox option an additional setting which will allow you to choose to link it to the original image you chose previously, or you can choose to display a hard watermarked larger version of your artwork in the lightbox modal.
All this got me thinking about those who sell artwork from their sites. What if I added some WooCommerce elements to this and made it a product widget. So stay tuned for that in the next update!
I have pushed an update adding FOUR new elements! More coming soon!
Custom Enfold Layout Elements – Spiderfly StudiosIf you’re new to Enfold and wondering why you should consider getting this add-on….here’s why… These custom layout elements allow you to take your Enfold experience further, especially with WooCommerce. With WooCommerce product pages, you can now have a fully customizable layout. Yes, the stock product page layout with Enfold looks great, but sometimes you really want to switch it up. Now you can place nearly any product page element anywhere you want. So give it a try! If you like it and find it useful, please considering purchasing again for each website you use it on. Not only does it motivate me to continue working on this project, but I donate the proceeds to help various programs.
If you have already purchased this add-on, go ahead and grab the update. If anyone experiences any issues after the update, please let me know ASAP.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
Heya folks. Here are some samples of some of the updates coming in the next release.
If your site offers files for downloading, here is a great icon array where you can offer any range of file type downloads you want.
A simple button with optional flyout sections to provide added details. Great for downloads where you want to display the file name and file size.
A pure css image frame. Great for displaying artwork or photos.
An animated quote element.-
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by
Ok folks….it’s feedback time. As I am prepping to push an update with little tweaks to existing elements and a few nice new ones, let me know if you are having any issues with the elements. I will make fixes as they come up, but I’ll need your help finding them. I know there have been some major updates in the past year to both WordPress and Enfold. I am only finding and building things based on my particular use of WordPress and Enfold. So if one or more of the elements isn’t working correctly, just let me know and be as detailed as possible.
As always, I have a few key points to share:
A) Share your ideas for new elements with me so this collection can grow.
2) If you are a developer/designer using Enfold and this add-on with your clients’ websites, please purchase this add-on each time. Beyond some coffee or energy drinks, I end up donating the proceeds I get from this add-on.
D) HAVE FUN AND BE CREATIVE!There hasn’t been an update and likely won’t be. That said…I have been creating custom elements for the layout builder. I will look in to modifying some of the stock elements to allow advanced scheme control.
I’ll let you know.
Sorry for all the questions guys….but I was wondering if someone could help walk me through how I need to enact delayed animations. I want to just plug into what Enfold already has rather than trying to add even more javascript into the mix. I have been trying to follow the script and css templates there already in some of the elements, but it just doesn’t seem to work for me.
My goal in this is to create even better, more advanced elements. Figuring out the delayed animation hooks built into Enfold and applying them is the last bit I have I think.
Related question…. I know how to target various taxonomies and images when wanting to get a URL from the media library within these elements, but what about files in the that are non-images, like zip files? Is there a way to target those? I tried to wing it based off of what the Enfold settings does in the Import section….assuming it would work…but it doesn’t. Here’s what I tried….and I tried multiple variations on this. I’m not sure if this is currently possible or not…I”m just trying to make this as easy as possible for the user beyond just simply having an input field.
array( "name" => __("Button Link?", 'avia_framework' ), "desc" => __("Where should your button link to?", 'avia_framework' ), "id" => "src", "type" => "file_upload", "trigger" => "av_typefont_zip_insert", "file_extension" => "zip", //used to check if user can upload this file type "file_type" => "application/octet-stream, application/zip", //used for javascript gallery to display file types "std" => ""),
I even setting it to link picker and trying to target the media attachment library in some way. That way I would at least be able to have one setting here where they can set an URL manually or pick something from the media library.
Thank you!!! Is this a new issue in regards to WordPress updates or Enfold? Just want to make sure so I can go through all of my other elements and test for where I need to add that function. I did do the debut thing and saw the shortcode isue, hence me mentioned I thought it was that, but I couldn’t find the error in the html and didn’t know that we now need to add a self closing function to the code because HTML aspects with IDs are being converted to titled shortcodes. Now I can crank out all these updates I have been holding off on.
I think so too, I just can’t figure it out. I think it might have to do with shortcode processing….but I literally used the icon list file as a template. I just removed the stuff I didn’t need and replaced it with my code….which followed the same flow.
Gotta say….really hate that Guttenberg crap….lol
@Basilis I have placed a pastebin link in the private area. The top part is the CSS that applies to the element, the bottom part is the element code. I honestly can’t find the issue.
As a recap…. The first load of the element seems fine as you go in and add things the first time. The problem is when you go back in later to edit and you start adding new things. The preview, and even the saved content on the front end if you save, makes all of the icons but the first one disappear. I go back in to edit and things are out of order, etc. It’s weird and I can’t figure out the problem. I’ve used the same outline for other elements and this isn’t an issue. This element is fairly simple and it just uses CSS.
Ok….odd problem here…
On the element I am working on which is based on the icon list element, when you add it to the page and open it up to edit, the preview shows the default items just fine. The problem is that the moment I add or edit one, save the modal popup, then when the preview refreshes, it only shows one list item. I’ve made other list like elements and this doesn’t happen. The odd thing is that when I save the page, then open the element back up, the items all show up. It’s like the list items aren’t properly saving. I can’t find the issue anywhere. There’s no missing closers in the code. No CSS issues.Is there an Enfold dev who can look at the code for me and see if there’s something I’m missing?
@mdarwish – Can you be more specific? Do you have the Advanced Custom Fields plugin installed? That’s the only custom field aspect about this add-on. Are you wanting to use custom fields the built-in method? I can try creating a new element to do so.
If you are a web developer/designer who uses Enfold & this add-on to build sites for clients, please don’t forget to buy Enfold each time you do so and please come back and buy a copy of this add-on pack each time you do. It is a small price to pass on to your clients if you find them helpful. A lot of work and time goes into themes and add-ons and every little bit helps to drive further development and support. On that note, I tend to donate the proceeds I get from this to various charities and causes.
Stay tuned for an update…..just gotta iron out a few little details.
I have yet another question….for a new element I’m working on.
It does use a css pseudo element and I am trying to throw the icon picker into the mix. Using it as unicode doesn’t work. The only way I can get it to work is if I use the chinese character that goes along with it. How can I get that symbol/character to output directly without anything extra? I know that there are many threads in here where people complain that the symbols show up for various reasons and they don’t want that….usually an https issue…, but I actually want them to intentionally be output. For some reason, using those characters is the only way it works in the new element I’m creating.
Another question… Some of the new custom elements I’m putting together are animated using CSS only. Enfold uses the same effects when you opt to animate some of the elements into view as you scroll. I want to be able to tie into the same classes and scripts that are already in Enfold to delay the animations of these new elements until they are in view. I have tried usin the same class used, but that didn’t work. So I’m guessing there’s another step in there I’m missing.
I tried injecting the same class that Enfold uses for their delayed animations, but that didn’t work. So I’m guessing there’s a hidden step in there somewhere I’m not seeing.
Any help getting this to work would be appreciated. I’m trying to put together more advanced and nice looking custom elements for everyone and I want to be able to tie into what is already baked into the theme as to not double down.
Hey, devs! Is there a way to have a font picker in the elements? Or maybe add a custom element to edit in the advanced editor? I have an element finished and ready to launch, but I would like to also include the ability to manage the fonts it displays with as well.
Glad it is showing up now! It could have just been one of those odd cache issues LOL.
Hello. I’m not sure what your setup looks like, but the Enfold instructions work. I didn’t change anything about that with this setup. As for the JS files, those are in the shortcodes folder under the color picker.
@Gitte – I’m still looking into it. The only one of my elements that you can use is the field value one to display a custom field. The others will require the Pro version due to the type of fields they are. To get that one field to at least work, I just gotta figure out the differents in code between acf and acf pro. The ocde I am using right now simply references acf.
@Gitte – let me look at what the free version does and which of the addons I made for the pro version will work with it.
As always, if you have any ideas for new elements, just let me know. If it is something that can be done within the Enfold element API, then I’ll likely do it. The ones that have been made so far have just been ones that fit my needs.
There will be a small update soon BTW….unless someone has a really cool idea that I feel inspired to crank out and include to make it a bigger update.
Some of them do have previews…but only on the ones where it makes sense to.
There really isn’t a way to do a live view of them, but throughout this thread you can see screenshots of them. And yes, updates are included. Just follow this thread to know when one is pushed. You’ll just redownload from my site.
Hey folks! I put the addon on sale for a limited time and will be donating all of the proceeds to help feed and clothe the homeless. The addon is set to a new minimum of $15, but you are free to pay what you would like above that.
As always, if you have suggestions or issues, feel free to contact me.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by