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  • in reply to: API Token – not accepting #1397964

    You can ignore this – my bad – sorted

    in reply to: Reversing the order of specific blog posts #1395882

    Don’t suppose on the same deal its possible to get 6 row columns?

    in reply to: Reversing the order of specific blog posts #1395881

    That worked brilliantly – thank you.

    in reply to: Reversing the order of specific blog posts #1395841

    Have removed.

    in reply to: Reversing the order of specific blog posts #1395795

    Hi – Not just that – its running top to bottom correctly – but its running right to left.

    Is there anyway to get this running so top line has a full row and is running left to right?

    Thanks M

    in reply to: Fullwidth Background images #1395758

    .main_color {
    background-size: 100%!important;
    .main_color {
    background-size: contain!important;

    This did…

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by mattwalt.
    in reply to: Fullwidth Background images #1395757

    .main_color {
    background-size: 100%!important;

    This worked though :-)

    Thanks for the help

    in reply to: Fullwidth Background images #1395755

    Doesn’t seem to be working…

    in reply to: Reversing the order of specific blog posts #1395754

    AH wait – cache finally cleared – actually worked after a small change to the CSS – however small issue
    The last few which were on their own before now are on the top alone – so have a weird space to right of top row.

    in reply to: Reversing the order of specific blog posts #1395752

    Hi – thanks for that
    Yes – on these 3 pages the blog grid should reverse so starts at Lesson 1
    This won’t work as it needs to be reversed on all screen sizes.

    Would be great to be able to change the blog order to acceding/descending by date.

    Thanks M

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378758


    There are 2 other small things to sort – but will open new threads

    thanks for the help.

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378748

    That does work :-)

    Removed another attempt CSS which seemed to block this at first.

    As you’ve mentioned it does add extra space between the div’s

    Just tested on a lesson page – works just fine. More space as mentioned but its really not noticeable.

    Thanks – will now start changing the 5000 odd individual code blocks to be responsive by position (Seems to work on the by position not be simply reversing) :-/
    At least its working :-)

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378724

    See pic attached

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378723

    Being Arabic text the info needs to run from right to left.
    So on Desktop runs correctly
    If I reverse the rows then is also works correctly on mobile.
    So on Mobile runs correctly.
    The issue is I really do need it reversed which seems to be the issue at the moment – this runs to the same order as on desktop.
    So the correct order should run:
    desktop is correct with (top row only):
    tablet with two rows is correct with (top row only): The 2 left hand columns should display above the right hand.

    and mobile with one row should be
    As mentioned there are like 135 odd pages each with 7-8 rows to reverse so doing by page/element rather than by row would be ideal – but if it has to be by row – then I have no choice :-)

    Failing being able to reverse the rows on tablet – I could then go direct to the below 990px wide option – but then would need to set a max size for the blocks so they don’t display massive on tablet view – say max 400px or something… The images are saved out at 700px. Hoping this doesn’t mean adding code to the individual blocks ;-)
    Thanks M

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378654

    Yes I see the toggle works – and allows for 2 break points.
    There are 2 issues.

    Firstly the break points – when setting at the narrower I get a brief area where I get a double column (which I need) but that double column is not reversing. When set to the wider break point works – However the image of the code block displays huge on table/mobile landscape (actually cuts off 1/2 – 1/3 of the image which isn’t ideal.

    Secondly there are like 173 pages with 7-8 rows each… So doing a more per/page based solution would be the least work.

    I tried the CSS approach but for some reason it doesn’t seem to work…

    Please help.

    Thanks M

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378368

    Yup found the toggle. It works great for smaller screens…
    But as mentioned after – the issue is that for this site on sizes between 990 and 690 either get non reversed 2 block rows or a massive block image…
    Need to ideally get a 2 row column which is also reversing.

    One suggestion was to set different view for different devices – but having to deal with 100’s of rows on the site that its probably an impractical approach.
    Is there not a way to use the colour block element to do the column reversal?


    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378238

    Created a user account

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378235

    Purchase code – created an api key – but its not accepting

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378234

    You can see he issue almost on every page.
    Did the reversing only to 1 page (and a test page)
    Shouldn’t require authentication to view… Site has a licence key but for some reason isn’t being accepted.
    Thanks Matt

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378117

    Surely something like this would be more elegant solution i approach for my situation? Though struggling to get it to work :-)

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    .flip-mobile .flex_column_table {
    display:flex !important;
    .flip-mobile .flex_column_table .flex_column {
    flex:0 0 auto;
    Using ID .flip-mobile

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378108

    I have about 75 pages of these to do… So to set up multiple screen displays for each page x 7-8 rows could be a real slog to do that way…

    Is there no way to do this more aimed at the colour blocks themselves – possibly giving them an ID?

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378107

    Yes – on the smaller option I get 2 blocks but they are flowing normally not reversing.

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378058

    Found the row setup – works but jumps from desktop to mobile view – 4 block row to single – bypassing tablet 2 block rows…

    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12

    No table view 2 block rows.

    And on mobile:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by mattwalt.
    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378055

    Basically have 4-6 rows of 4 columns / colour section
    Each row needs to reverse on smaller screens – break point at 990px

    The current oder:
    1 2 3 4
    5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12

    They need to run tablet:
    4 3
    2 1
    8 7
    6 5
    12 11
    10 9
    And on mobile:

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378050

    Here is a screenshot of the element.
    Its a colour section with an array of code blocks and text blocks within 1/4 page block elements

    in reply to: Reversing elements in colour section on mobile #1378049

    You may need to baby me through this :-)

    Where can I find Row settings / Row Screen options etc.? Theme file editor / Enfold theme options / Colour blocks themselves…

    Here is one of the pages below. As mentioned there is one page currently using the same elements which needs to flow normally on smaller screens.

    in reply to: Dynamic Avia files. #1180937

    Sorry – had to go back to a previous version of Enfold to resolve the issue – under time pressure.

    On mobile (smaller screens) the menu was unresponsive and the header section the top bar and respective links wasn’t displaying (just as blue link text)
    We are using Mega Max Menu on the site to comply with accessibility requirements. Works absolutely fine on desktop – even with the screen pushed down to a minimum size.

    Seems the latest version of Enfold is creating Dynamic Avia CSS files which it seems to be linking (or trying) to – probably due to the server setup. The unresponsive could be related. This issue only occurred after the last Enfold update.

    Many thanks Matt

    in reply to: Layerslider #1159189

    My web guys response:

    No issue other than all plugins/themes should he kept up to date for security.

    in reply to: Layerslider #1159032

    Hi Rikard

    Seems that LS is causing security issues with some of our sites.

    Thanks Matt

    in reply to: Header widget position. #1112303

    Thanks Victoria – that splits the tel and email and has on either side. But its still above the logo.


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