Forum Replies Created
Can you please try re-installing WordPress (wp-includes folder specifically)?
Best regards,
JosueHey Steve,
Disable this plugin:
Plugin: Open external links a new window. Plugin by Kristian Risager Larsen
Best regards,
Are you familiar with modifying Avia builder elements? the file in question is /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/av-helper-masonry.php, around line 300 you’ll find the individual masonry item content source.
Best regards,
JosueAlli puse mi API Key y funciono, no se exactamente porque a ti no te funciona la verdad, en consola lo tengo asi: James,
Your images seem to be loading fine, can you specify which ones are having issues?
Best regards,
1. Can you please create us a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.
2. Use this plugin to look for those strings and translate them.
It’s a @font-face issue, refer to: regards,
I appreciate your comments but I am finding that even after following your directions I still can not get the comments to appear.
Can you specify which Posts so i can check it in the backend?
Also I would like the related posts to appear as well but these seem not to work either.
Related posts will not appear on ALB-enabled Posts.
Lo que ves en mi mensaje anterior si, va al Quick CSS. Si quieres cambiar la etiqueta tendrias que modificar el archivo fuente /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconbox.php, linea 379:
$output .= " <h3 class='iconbox_content_title' {$markup} {$title_styling}>".$title."</h3> ";
$output .= " <h6 class='iconbox_content_title' {$markup} {$title_styling}>".$title."</h6> ";
Hey raisonbrands,
In Header > Mobile Menu, make sure
Hide Mobile Menu Submenu Items
is unchecked.Best regards,
JosueHas probado usar una de las widgets areas que ya estan creadas en vez de crear otra? por ejemplo:
– Quita todos los widgets de “Display Everywhere”.
– Añade los widgets que quieres para el blog a “Sidebar Blog”.September 22, 2016 at 5:39 pm in reply to: ENFOLD Theme Implement Deferred Parsing of Javascript? #690356Hey!
Try adding this at the very end of your theme / child theme functions.php file:
add_filter('clean_url','async_js',11); function async_js($url) { if ( false !== strpos( $url, 'jquery.js' ) || false === strpos( $url, '.js' )) { return $url; } return "$url' defer='defer"; }
Try removing the code you have in child functions.php and use the Simple Image Sizes to modify the image size you want to change.
add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size', 10, 1 ); function enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size( $size ) { $size['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>345, 'height'=>250); return $size; }
Best regards,
JosueIf you want to get a higher score, yes. That doesn’t mean a higher load speed though, what Photon does is load the images from WP server which may be faster or slower than your own server.
Best regards,
It’s caused by Jetpack’s Photon, which is loading the same image from three 3 different domains.
Best regards,
JosuePrueba añadir este codigo al Quick CSS:
.wpcf7-form, .wpcf7-response-output{ clear:both; } .wpcf7-form-control-wrap { display: block !important } .wpcf7-form p br{display:none;} .wpcf7-form label {display:block; visibility: visible; position: relative; } .wpcf7-form label, .modified_width:before{display:block; visibility: visible; position: relative; margin-bottom: 7px; font-weight: 600;} .wpcf7-form p{ position: relative; clear:both; float:left; width:100%;} .wpcf7-form p.hidden{position: absolute; width:0px; left:0; top:0; } .wpcf7-form .form_element_half{width:49.5%; float:left; margin-left:1%; clear:none;} .wpcf7-form .form_element_third{width:32.6%; float:left; margin-left:1%; clear:none;} .wpcf7-form .form_element_two_third{width:66.4%; float:left; margin-left:1%; clear:none;} .wpcf7-form .form_element_fourth{width:24.2%; float:left; margin-left:1%; clear:none;} .wpcf7-form .form_element_three_fourth{width:74.8%; float:left; margin-left:1%; clear:none;} .wpcf7-form .first_form{clear:both;margin-left:0;} #top .wpcf7-form .wpcf7-text, #top .wpcf7-form .wpcf7-select, #top .wpcf7-form .wpcf7-textarea{ width:100%; margin-bottom:0; display:inline; min-width:50px; padding:13px; border-radius: 2px; } #top .wpcf7-form .wpcf7-select{ -webkit-appearance: none; border-radius:0px; background-image: url(); background-position: center right; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 2px; } .wpcf7-form .button { margin: 0; padding: 16px 20px; border-radius: 2px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; min-width: 142px; outline: none; } .wpcf7-form p input, .wpcf7-form p textarea, .wpcf7-form p select{ -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; }
Did you try switching to the default theme? the search results are theme-independent.
Best regards,
Post a link to the Page where you’re trying this.
Best regards,
Adicione este codigo para Quick CSS:
.title_container{ font-family: serif; background: red; }
Modificar conforme necessário.
You are welcome, glad to help :)
JosueHey kilimats,
Can you post a link to the page you’re testing?
Best regards,
Has puesto en la parte del ‘referral’ este valor?*
Have you considered using Toggles and Tabs at the same time? you could hide them respectively with CSS:
@media only screen and (min-width: 767px) { .only-mobile{ display: none } .only-desktop{ display: block; } } .only-mobile{ display: block; } .only-desktop{ display: none; }
Best regards,
Have you checked it on an actual mobile device?
Best regards,
JosueYou are welcome, glad to help :)
Try adding this code to General Styling > Quick CSS:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #top .container .av-masonry-col-flexible .av-masonry-entry { width: 100%; } #top .container .av-fixed-size .av-masonry-entry .av-inner-masonry-sizer { width: 100%; padding-bottom: 80%; z-index: 1 } } .big-preview.multi-big, .big-preview.multi-big img { width: 100%; padding: 0; }
JosueFirst of all disable that plugin. Then make sure that Posts have comments enabled (under Discussions) –
Check these two: (hosted on WPengine) <small class=’av-host-link’>(hosted on WPengine)</small> regards,
JosueYou are welcome, glad to help :)
JosueSeptember 19, 2016 at 10:53 pm in reply to: Sub Navigation Menu – WooCommerce Pages Conflict #688847Hi,
Including a FWD Submenu in
format causes issues so i changed it to something like this:add_action('ava_after_main_container', function() { ?> <div id="sub_menu1" class="av-submenu-container main_color av-sticky-submenu container_wrap fullsize" style="z-index:301"> <div class="container av-menu-mobile-disabled"> <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => wp_get_nav_menu_object(23), 'menu_class' =>"av-subnav-menu av-submenu-pos-right", 'fallback_cb' => '', 'container' =>false, 'echo' =>true, 'walker' => new avia_responsive_mega_menu(array('megamenu'=>'disabled')) ) ); ?></div> </div> <div class="sticky_placeholder"></div> <?php });
Check your child functions.php.
Best regards,
Josue -