I have solved it, thank you very much
Can it be operated directly on the dashborad? Or do I need to find the corresponding css file to add?
My blog chooses a grid, why is it displayed like this again? What is the reason for this? https://jointcharger.com/blogs/
It was normal before like this: https://prnt.sc/NqXSsinHtg9R
It has become like this for the second time. I didn’t do anything, next thing I know what is causing this problem? I need your help, thanks
I solved the blog display issue myself. But there is a new problem here, without logging in to admin, browsing as a tourist, the background color of the PC side of the website I set is not loaded. Log in to the background of the website, browse as an administrator, and the website displays normally. I have never encountered such a situation, I hope you can help me solve it as soon as possible,thank you. what do I need to provide? Image screenshot upload link: