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  • in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1466032

    Hello Mark,

    I’ve just tried loading the banners on my homepage again and it’s working! Yay! Finally! Let’s hope it holds long-term.
    Thank you for your assistance. I’ll get back to you if there are any more issues.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1466015

    Hi Mike,

    If I could attach a screenshot of my homepage with the big white space where the slider should appear to this message I would, but I can’t how.

    Instead, you’re welcome to go into my WordPress account and add a Full-width Easy Slider to the top of my homepage, then look at the preview (without updating the page). Do that and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465996

    The Siteground Optimiser Plugin is still disabled, yet the slider issue continues, and now it’s also affecting the ads.
    At least the photos on the K’gari blog can be seen now, or they could be the last time I looked.
    I’ve no idea which widget you’re referring to in your last message.
    Please don’t put this issue in the too-hard basket. I’m not a tech guru and I’ve already been through this with Siteground, who advised me to contact Enfold.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465990

    PPS…. regarding the previous issue with the K’gari blog photos not showing, through support from the SiteGround support team, it appeared to be caused by a conflict with Siteground Optimer Plugin, dating from 20th or 21st August.

    In the Siteground email I forwarded earlier it says: “We can see that the errors are all related to one particular file within the theme employed by the site and within certain lines of the script. I recommend providing the above log to the theme developers you have discussed the issue with, and checking for the particular functionality of the function on the listed line, so it can be inspected how it interfered with the function of the SiteGround Optimizer plugin. I have currently disabled the plugin, as from my understanding, you do not want it to be activated currently.”

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465988

    CORRECTION: *big white BLANK space.

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465987

    PS… I’ve had no issues with the ads. What you’ve shown there is the first I’ve seen of that. However, when the slider issue started, I also had a similar issue with the photos on the first blog that’s on my site about K’gari. The photos were loaded correctly, but couldn’t be seen on any device screens. Did you get the email sent from Siteground that I re-sent via Private an hour or so ago. That shows Siteground registered an Enfold error. As I said, I’ll continue this in the morning.

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465986

    Thank you for your assistance, Mike. I’d like to mention though, that I took the slider off, as mentioned in my previous emails, because it wasn’t working. I’ve had a full-width easy slider on the home page of my site for some years with no issues, but recently, possibly two or three weeks ago now, it disappeared. By that I mean the slider was still where it had been all along within Enfold, but on the page it showed as a big white space. Because it’s taken so long to get this issue sorted out, I couldn’t leave it like that for my readers. It just wasn’t user friendly, so I took it off until this was sorted. I tried again about half an hour ago, and the slider still showed as a big white black space.

    That said, it’s late here now so I’ll go through the other things you’ve written about in the morning.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465975

    You probably didn’t get this information from Siteground either. See private.

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465974

    Ok. That appears to have worked this time, without doing anything different.

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465973

    Hi, I’m trying here again and looking for anything I’ve missed, but can’t see anything other than what I’ve tried before. Hope it works this time.

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465969

    This is a reply created by Rikard

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465961

    Hi Rikard,

    I’ve been posting my login details in the box that says “Private Content (link to your website, login credentials, FTP credentials, etc – only visible for moderators)”.

    If it doesn’t go there, and the moderators, assuming that’s not you, don’t pass that information on to you, then where do I put my private content? Surely it shouldn’t be here in the public arena.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465957

    Hi Rikard,

    I’ve resent my WordPress login details in private as requested. Please keep me informed of receipt and progress.

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465893

    Thanks, but my login details are private and shouldn’t be shared in the forum thread. How else can I check that you’ve received them?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465878

    Hi Rikard,

    It’s been six days since I sent you the details in private, but I’ve had no response and the issue still exists. Please advise when it will be rectified.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465324

    Please advise if you’ve received the message I sent privately this morning.
    Best Regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465320

    I have a response from SiteGround and taken a screen snapshot – how do I get an image to you?

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465319

    Sorry, wrong chat box. Ignore that.

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465318

    Thank you. I just received your message as I posted that last one.

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465301

    Hi Rikard,
    The only thing checked under Enfold > Performance is Responsive Images. However, I’ve disabled the Siteground Speed Optimiser plug-in and the photos are now showing. I haven’t tried putting the slider back yet but will do so in the morning and get back to you. Thank you for your help thus far.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Homepage slider & images not showing #1465285

    PS… I reverted PHP to 7.4, but the same issue happened again. I’ve also disabled the auto-update on all plug-ins; as well as disabled and enabled each in turn to see if any were conflicting. That made no difference.

    in reply to: Multiple issues #1332868
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