The problem is in the backend. If I make something in the preview bold (or style it in any way), it works that specific time I save it. But if I click on it again to make any edits, the styling is changed to viewable code.
Me making something bold:
How it looks in the preview before saving:
If I click again to make edits:
Again, if trying to make edits:
I’m already using ‘read more’. The problem is the content above the ‘read more’ button…
Using the text editor/HTML isn’t an option for the client/employees who will be using the visual editor and have 0 experience in HTML. I can get it to work myself that way. But if they click on the accordion to then edit the bottom half, it makes the code in the top half viewable without even touching it. So every time the bottom half is adjusted, the top half needs to be recoded.
Info below
This page might be a better example. On the first accordion, I’ve added an h3 to the preview and it shows up as live code rather than styled/header text: