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  • in reply to: Blog Thumbnails #775370

    Thank you very much for your answer!
    But, can you tell me where I can find that setting (image above or on the left)? I searched it but I can’t find it….

    Thank you!


    in reply to: Blog Thumbnails #775168

    Thank you very much, Mike, it works, but… there’s a problem… I’m making more han one of my customer buy “enfold theme”, because I want to find a sort of “standard configuration”, but I can’t find it, I find some problem with this.
    In the example your code works, but I have another website, with the exactly same configuration (it changes only the ID page).
    I tried to use that code in the other side, and this is the result:


    The website is

    How is it possible?
    At the actual moment, to get closer to my goal, i added another css row, called “ .fullsize .template-blog .blog-meta ” (that I found i one of my many attempts of finding the right code).
    The result is similar, but the thumbnails are not square like I wish. That’s wouldn’t be a big problem, except that I can’t work with Enfold if I can’t understand the logic behind this css code.
    My question is, how is it possible that the same identical configuration works different with the same css code? What I am doing wrong? What I can’t understand?
    Can you tell me where I am wrong in the second site, what’s the difference in the configuration between tha 2 sites, and what is the right CSS code that I can use in ANY website with enfold theme (except naturally changing the page ID) ?

    If you wish you can login to both sites with the same ID and password that you already have.

    Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english

    in reply to: Blog Thumbnails #775095

    Thank you for the answer, but that doesn’t work at all.
    Now the original website is visible, so I created a test installation.. The id page is 21 too, but…. I applied your code, and this is the result:

    I already tried to put the code also in the custom.css file, but nothing changed.

    You can access to this test space by visiting
    and entering with the same credentials I’ve already sent you in the previews post.

    Can you help me to reach that thumbnails look that i asked in the first post?
    Thank you very much

    in reply to: Blog Thumbnails #773444

    Yes, of course!

    thank you!

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