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  • in reply to: sidebar, footer and header styling #607850

    2) Thank you! Would you please let me know how to increase the text size of this section and change text color ?

    3) Yes, it is there. It wasn’t right after I added the Quick CSS from your post #606964. Strange.

    in reply to: Easy Slider with rotating Video slides #607842

    Thanks. Here it is.
    The problem actually only applies to the bottom controls. When I click on the middle of the video window the rotation cycle stops.

    in reply to: main menu font type #607813

    Hi Rikard,
    Since I don’t understand anything in all these codes, I usually don’t proceed with something when I’m confused and try to get more information before acting :)

    I went ahead and tried inserting this in my child’s theme functions.php file:

    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Cardo 400italic'] = 'Cardo:400italic';
    return $fonts;

    It seems that it worked.

    I would appreciate if you could still clarify a few things for me:

    The example has the same stuff written twice, only the order of font families is changed. I guess it’s done for the sake of example and I only need to have it written once, correct ?
    Or do I actually need to insert it twice as stated in the example?

    2) To better understand the functionality I tried entering the exact example from the documentation.
    $fonts[‘PT Sans’] = ‘PT Sans:400,700,400italic,700italic’;
    This entry it states 4 different font weights/styles at once.
    – How do I select winch font wight/style I want to use when selecting PT Sans font in “Advanced Styling” options?
    – What’s the purpose of specifying 4 different weights at once ?

    Many thanks!

    in reply to: main menu font type #607255

    I read a lot of threads here on how to add extra google fonts, including this article: . Got confused because most of the threads contain a lot of multiple information. I also read,if I’m not mistaken, that this entry in child theme’s functions.php will add the font family and not the specific font type (bold, italic etc).

    I would like to add “Cardo Normal 400 Italic” and later use it for my main header menu by selecting it in “Advanced Styling” Theme options.

    Could you please walk me through the steps?

    in reply to: sidebar, footer and header styling #606986

    Hi Ismael,
    2) Still can’t figure it out.

    3) I added this code to my site#1. Unfortunately, nothing has changed.
    The styling I want for sidebar and footer is still as it was and not like shown on site #2 (below):

    Basically what I want is site #2 (regular “Construction” DEMO) with the header from site #1 (header settings from “Coming soon” DEMO )

    4) Did that. Hasn’t fixed the issue with site#2. Color under the main menu is still grey.


    in reply to: main menu font type #606956

    Sorry, found it!

    in reply to: change the order of left side bar.. #606925

    Hi, Vinnie!
    Thanks for your reply. I think my question is the same as the original post in this ticket.
    I would like the sidebar order to match my menu order (not the other way around). I have asked this question here: and was redirected to this article.

    in reply to: change the order of left side bar.. #606905

    Hello! I’m a bit confused with terminology here.

    Here is the order I want, displayed in the “menu”:

    Here is the order I have in my sidebar:

    How do I make it matching the menu order ? Can you please write it out for me?

    in reply to: sidebar, footer and header styling #606383

    – That was my question :) How do I do it manually (3&4)?

    – Would you also please post a more detailed example for my question regarding the order of sidebar (q#2)? If I can see the example based on one of my sites, I can follow it in creating the rest…


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Ivne.
    in reply to: sidebar, footer and header styling #605744

    Thank you for your reply.
    3&4) I don’t see how it might work because I want something from one site and something else from another….so to say the combination. If I export options form site #1 to site #2 I will overwrite the much needed options in site #2. In addition, I would like to learn how to do it manually. Thank you!

    in reply to: background color of menu in sticky/shrinking header #593909

    Please take a look at another example below I would really appreciate a solution to this issue.

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video (background) slide #593906

    Info below… thanks!

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video (background) slide #593779

    Hi Vinay, that kinda was my question. :) How do I create one ?
    I work, so to say, in test mode and when the website is finished I want to transfer it to the domain I need. Will it be possible after your “hacking” ?

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video (background) slide #593710

    Hi Vinay,
    Yes, I would definitely be interested in that. How do I create a temporary user ?
    Can I just install the theme on sub-domain and after you done transfer it all to “real” domain ?
    Please provide some instructions.

    in reply to: background color of menu in sticky/shrinking header #592530

    I don’t always have an internet access when I’m working on this project, so I’ve decided to work offline through MAMP. I can post more screenshots. Hope it helps.

    This is how Logo and Menu area looks when you open the page:

    This is how Logo and Menu area looks when you scroll it down a bit (background color of menu becomes grey for some reason):

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Ivne.
    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video background #592527

    Thanks for your suggestion. My entire idea of working with Advanced Layer Slider was due to having flexibility and variety when working with captions. The only option for working with captions and video background by using Color Section I found is Headline Rotator, but it’s very limited in its abilities. Should I use some other Elements for this ?

    – Easy slider doesn’t do the trick for me either, because it’s impossible to use multiple rotating captions with one non-rotating (looped) video slide.

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video background #591999

    This way video going to be inserted as a layer. I would like it to be a background. Am I missing something ? Thanks!

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video (background) slide #591998

    Thanks for your suggestion. My entire idea of working with Advanced Layer Slider was due to having flexibility and variety when working with captions. The only option for working with captions and video background by using Color Section I found is Headline Rotator, but it’s very limited in its abilities. Should I use some other Elements for this ?

    – Easy slider doesn’t do the trick for me either, because it’s impossible to use multiple rotating captions with one non-rotating (looped) video slide.

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video (background) slide #590434

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Ivne.
    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video (background) slide #590433

    It doesn’t quite solve my problem. You offer me to insert video as a layer. I would like it to be a background. Would that be possible ?
    Any suggestions are appreciated! Many thanks!
    The screenshot below has 3 layers (imac,macbook,ipad) and B&W abstract background (image). I would like to substitute this abstract image with the looped video.

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Ivne.
    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider – video (background) slide #588618

    Thank you for your reply!
    Is there a way to have video (background) slide in “Advanced Layer Slider”?
    I can only find the way to have picture as a background, not video.

    in reply to: caption varieties (sliders) #587926

    I did create separate posts yesterday. Nobody replied anything yet on any of them. Thanks in advance.

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