Hi Rikard, sorry for my delay,
I´ve tried with incognito window and it works! It works also with firefox navigator.
Thank you very much for your support,
Best Regards,
Thanks for your answer and por creating the testing page.
It´s strange… maybe it´s something in my computer or navigator (I use Google Chrome). I´ve created a video that shows what happens to me (see my private content).
I will check ir the is any pop up fire wall or something…
If you have other ideas I would appreciate.
Hi Rikard,
Thank you for your answer. I think I haven´t explained quite good the issue.
The problem is that after the update, the Magic Wand tool don´t work properly, because I can´t add buttons with it. Also, now that I am checking, I can´t add separator either.
You can enter in my place to check it if you need.
Best Regards,