Sorry. I think I figured it out. In event-mod.css (wp-content/themes/enfold/config-events-calendar/event-mod.css), this line is set to display:none
#tribe-events-footer .tribe-events-sub-nav {
display: none;
I set it to display:block; and that seems to have resolved it.
Thanks anyway!
Hey Nikko – thanks so much for this. It did work. Now, if I wanted to do the reverse and disable smooth scroll on one page only, what would you suggest. I appreciate your help!
Excellent. It works. Thank you so much Ismael!
Hi – thanks for the quick response. I’ve been playing with it, turning the shrinking header off to see if I could resolve it (I could not). I’ve set things back the way I would prefer, with shrinking header. You can see it here:
There’s also a screenshot here: