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  • in reply to: Blurry Thumbnails Enfold Latest News Widget #508674

    heio. Don´t wan to open a new thread.

    Is it possible to hide 7 deactivate the thumbnails with a function!

    with a function in the child theme functions.php!

    THIS IS THE CORRECT SOLUTION to change the h1 for better SEO:
    why i always find my solution by myself after startin a new topic?

    add_filter('avf_title_args', 'avf_remove_header_title');
    function avf_remove_header_title($args) {
        $args['heading'] = 'span';
        return $args; 

    Maybe you know how to completely remove the string… it´s a bit like a bug
    <h1 class='main-title entry-title'></h1>

    in reply to: avia layout builder – similar plugin? #508602

    thank you very much for all your info´s – you can close this thread … And you can delete it if you like

    hmm, isn´t that jut dor the mobile menu icon.
    I can change the mobile_menu icon with your code.

    I need to change the “star” symbol which has the charactercode ue808

    I tried to give the fontello font icons a different code via the fontello Website – (not working) U+e808

    Exactly i want to change the charcode of the star icon


    Because my Icon has the same code


    So the same thing i need to chage some default charsets. in example of the star icon.
    I is the “ue808”

    In the functions calld supersticky? Whiy is my code not working???


    add_action('init', function() {
    	global $avia_config;
    	//$avia_config['font_icons']['mobile_menu']['icon'] = 'ue824';
    	$avia_config['font_icons']['supersticky']['icon'] = 'ue824';
    	return $avia_config;
    in reply to: Half Sized Blog and Magazine Element Issue #506960

    Half Sized Blog Element ….

    hei guys. I thought there is a shortcode to display the blog like:
    Half Sized Blog Element

    Can you tell me where to find this?

    in reply to: Remove Google Web Font #495796

    yes when we need to use good Google Fonts.

    I use for several Clients and need to deactiveate the loading of Google fonts via avia completetly

    in reply to: Disable #495794

    ouh and after an update??

    Is there a possibility to do this in the child theme function?

    in reply to: avia layout builder – similar plugin? #494961

    oh my gosh.. No :-D

    I found a solution to use Enfold with the customers wishes… I use the Ennfold now for about over 10 clients – it would be nice if kriesi would extract the avia-pagebuilder for a standalone version.
    I would pay for it ;-) //
    But actually i figure out, that there is no reason to use any other theme.

    in reply to: avia layout builder – similar plugin? #494680

    it was because I wan´t a similar composer like the avia one.

    Because I tried to build a own theme with a partner of mine – my client want to have something not out of the box :-).
    Actually I tried using enfold and totally customiced the header and footer parts.

    in reply to: smooth Scroll to anchor #494370

    SO yes this is what I found:

    $.avia_utilities.avia_ajax_call = function(container)
    		if(typeof container == 'undefined'){ container = 'body';};
    		$('a.avianolink').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); });
            $('a.aviablank').attr('target', '_blank');
            //activates the prettyphoto lightbox
            //scrollspy for main menu. must be located before smoothscrolling
    			if(container == 'body')
    				$('body').avia_scrollspy({target:'.main_menu .menu li > a'});
    		//smooth scrooling
    		$('a[href*=#]', container).avia_smoothscroll(container);
    		//activate html5 video player
    		if($.fn.avia_html5_activation && $.fn.mediaelementplayer)
    		$(".avia_video, .avia_audio", container).avia_html5_activation({ratio:'16:9'});

    The Scroll is controlling the body //

    can I let it control my div with the ID= #wrapper ??

    in reply to: avia layout builder – similar plugin? #494018

    I tried so many Pagebuilders and layout builders. but there isn´t any that is as googd as the avia

    Hi thanks for your answer, please have a look inside!

    in reply to: How to remove featured image in archive ? #467597

    it is better to hide the images with a hook. ??? Because Speed and SEO

    Is there a hook php to disable the image?


    Wordpres 4.2.2
    Newest Version Enfold

    …. The Portfoliocategories are not available in Menu.
    I can not add them to the menu?

    I am using the The Events Calendar PRO Plugin

    in reply to: Masonry Gallery – Thumbnails not Sharp #467555

    is there also a hook to disable the images in the masonry grid?

    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Umlaute: Problems with Ü in Firefox #447763

    Same happened to me many times.

    Same happen when I use Chrome to edit
    – i use Dreamweaver ans a texteditor to clean… (not working)
    -> after variuos time copy and paste from one to anot
    her editor and use the (Text only) to insert.

    It works ^^

    in reply to: Column header text disappearing and slider text #435985

    yes that´s what I´m looking for. .avia-ipad (for making special customicing)
    So I can exclude my own Javascript detection :-).

    But Is there something for iphone as well?

    in reply to: Column header text disappearing and slider text #435188

    Hei Huys, my webinspector isn´t working actually any more.

    wasn´t there a class like (Ipad), that you entered in the body class as you doing it with the ie8 class?

    it seems that the plugin “mycalendar” is causing that problem. But I’m not using the maps.

    On that sites:

    here the topic has been treated before: But the code is not working°

    In my new Themes / Installation there is always the following lines in the header:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>


    And how to deactivate this?

    It is slowing down websites.

    in reply to: Custom headers on product categories pages #428237

    Hi Guys..

    Actually we can add Image banners to product categories and archives by using the Theme Designer
    A very similar Problem to this above.

    I want to display the same long imagebanner from the category pages also on my singe products.

    I do the following:

    function add_banner_before_breadcrumb() {
    	if ( is_product() )
    		echo '<div id="av_product_description" class="avia-section main_color avia-section-large avia-no-border-st…verlay-active avia-bg-style-parallax container_wrap fullsize" style="color:#ffffff;" data-section-bg-repeat="stretch">
    			  <div class="av-parallax avia-full-stretch" style="background-image: url("")";   ></div>
    add_action('ava_after_main_container', 'add_banner_before_breadcrumb'); 

    But the javascript is a bit buggy after using this. Can you help me?

    user: SST
    login: Somer2015!

    in reply to: Breadcrumb Shop link twice (Woocommerce) #422702

    AH Sorry guys.. I tried the first Solution…

    This as working for me

        function avia_modify_event_breadcrumb($trail)
            foreach($trail as $key => $data)
                if(strpos($data,'href="http://link your"') !== false) unset($trail[$key]);
            return $trail;
    in reply to: file to change locations of breadcrumbs #417893

    yes it´s running perfect with this. Ok at least you have to choose the (with breadcrumb) in the dropdown and make a duplicate of the Template.


    And do the following to not display the Breadcrumb twice:

    //check if we want to display breadcumb and title
    //   if( get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'header', true) != 'no') echo avia_title();

    You can copy all this suggestions together and delete the unnecessary posts here.

    in reply to: file to change locations of breadcrumbs #417874

    haha Yes exactly,

    but I think I gave this suggestion for this entry to Yigit yesterday :-D // funny

    in reply to: Breadcrumb to new position #417123

    Solution was simple … with the shortcode in the Layoutbuilder:

    after the breadcrumb function in the functions-enfold.php add the following line.
    add_shortcode( ‘bread_crumb’, ‘avia_title’ );


    (why i found this solution so simple and can´t find any solution posted in the support. Many people asking for this snippet

    in reply to: Breadcrumb to new position #417095

    But now I have two functions, the original one and the shortcode add function.

    It would be easier to call the main breadcrumb function to show in between the shortdode. Can you help me with that?

    in reply to: Breadcrumb to new position #417087

    Hi can´t find any solutions at least the topic is closed.

    Actually I found one solution: making my self a shortcode [bread_crumb]

    function bread_crumb_func ($args = false, $id = false)
    		global $avia_config;
    		if(!$id) $id = avia_get_the_id();
    		$header_settings = avia_header_setting();
    		if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'hidden_title_bar') return "";
    		$defaults 	 = array(
    			'title' 		=> get_the_title($id),
    			'subtitle' 		=> "", //avia_post_meta($id, 'subtitle'),
    			'link'			=> get_permalink($id),
    			'html'			=> "<div class='{class} title_container'><div class='container container_breadcrumb'>{additions}</div></div>",
    			'class'			=> 'stretch_full container_wrap alternate_color '.avia_is_dark_bg('alternate_color', true),
    			'breadcrumb'	=> true,
    			'additions'		=> "",
    			'heading'		=> 'h1' //headings are set based on this article:
    		if ( is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() )
    			global $wp_query;
    			$term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    			$defaults['link'] = get_term_link( $term );
    		else if(is_archive())
    			$defaults['link'] = "";
    		//disable breadcrumb if requested
    		if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'title_bar') $defaults['breadcrumb'] = false;
    		//disable title if requested
    		if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'breadcrumbs_only') $defaults['title'] = '';
    		// Parse incomming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
    		$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    		$args = apply_filters('avf_title_args', $args, $id);
    		// OPTIONAL: Declare each item in $args as its own variable i.e. $type, $before.
    		extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );
    		if(empty($title)) $class .= " empty_title ";
            $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'avia_title','echo'=>false));
    		if(!empty($link)) $title = "<a href='".$link."' rel='bookmark' title='".__('Permanent Link:','avia_framework')." ".esc_attr( $title )."' $markup>".$title."</a>";
    		if(!empty($subtitle)) $additions .= "<div class='title_meta meta-color'>".wpautop($subtitle)."</div>";
    		if($breadcrumb) $additions .= avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true));
    		$html = str_replace('{class}', $class, $html);
    		$html = str_replace('{title}', $title, $html);
    		$html = str_replace('{additions}', $additions, $html);
    		$html = str_replace('{heading}', $heading, $html);
    		if(!empty($avia_config['slide_output']) && !avia_is_dynamic_template($id) && !avia_is_overview())
    			$avia_config['small_title'] = $title;
    			return $html;
    add_shortcode( 'bread_crumb', 'bread_crumb_func' );
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Raphael.
Viewing 30 posts - 151 through 180 (of 206 total)