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First solution: Putting this one in the child theme of your Function
function avia_post_nav($same_category = false, $taxonomy = 'category') { global $wp_version; $settings = array(); $settings['same_category'] = $same_category; $settings['excluded_terms'] = ''; $settings['wpversion'] = $wp_version; //dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap if((class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') && !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count)) || class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true; $settings['type'] = get_post_type(); $settings['taxonomy'] = ($settings['type'] == 'portfolio') ? 'portfolio_entries' : $taxonomy; if(!is_singular() || is_post_type_hierarchical($settings['type'])) $settings['is_hierarchical'] = true; if($settings['type'] === 'topic' || $settings['type'] === 'reply') $settings['is_bbpress'] = true; $settings = apply_filters('avia_post_nav_settings', $settings); if(!empty($settings['is_bbpress']) || !empty($settings['is_hierarchical']) || !empty($settings['is_fullwidth'])) return; if(version_compare($settings['wpversion'], '3.8', '>=' )) { $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']); $entries['next'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']); } else { $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category']); $entries['next'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category']); } $entries = apply_filters('avia_post_nav_entries', $entries, $settings); $output = ""; foreach ($entries as $key => $entry) { if(empty($entry)) continue; $the_title = isset($entry->av_custom_title) ? $entry->av_custom_title : avia_backend_truncate(get_the_title($entry->ID),75," "); $link = isset($entry->av_custom_link) ? $entry->av_custom_link : get_permalink($entry->ID); $image = isset($entry->av_custom_image) ? $entry->av_custom_image : get_the_post_thumbnail($entry->ID, 'thumbnail'); $tc1 = $tc2 = ""; $class = $image ? "with-image" : "without-image"; $output .= "<a class='avia-post-nav avia-post-{$key} {$class}' href='{$link}' >"; $output .= " <span class='label iconfont' ".av_icon_string($key)."></span>"; $output .= " <span class='entry-info-wrap'>"; $output .= " <span class='entry-info'>"; $tc1 = " <span class='entry-title'>{$the_title}</span>"; if($image) $tc2 = " "; $output .= $key == 'prev' ? $tc1.$tc2 : $tc2.$tc1; $output .= " </span>"; $output .= " </span>"; $output .= "</a>"; } return $output; }
December 1, 2015 at 6:29 pm in reply to: Next and Previous Post Navigation is in reversed order #545454With something like this it should be possible to get rid of the image???
Can you help me with a short php snippet to remoe the image in the post nav?
Must be possible with something like this:
Hei thanks for the fast answer… , but afte updating the theme it would be back?
Is there somethin i can do in my child function
November 2, 2015 at 4:01 pm in reply to: Replace toggle icon with another entypo-fontello font OR use a png #528561OUH no not really?? – i just forget to set the Font-family??
Hell – sorry about that.And thank you very much for your help !!!
October 30, 2015 at 9:58 am in reply to: Replace toggle icon with another entypo-fontello font OR use a png #527270Sorry I deleted my new fonts. SO i tried to upload again new fontello fonts.
1. In my style css I like to handle the new icons for customiced templates:
.icon-related::before { content: "\e800"; } .icon-cancel:before { content: "\e808"; } .icon-techdetails::before { content: "\e930"; }
But tis code are allready set standard
2. in my functions.php I tried the code Line 156:
function avia_replace_mobile_menu_icon($icons) { $icons['supersticky'] = array( 'font' =>'star', 'icon' => 'ue999'); $icons['pinterest'] = array( 'font' =>'pinterest', 'icon' => 'ue998'); return $icons; } add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_replace_mobile_menu_icon', 10, 1);
Nothoing helps! I´m at the End.
October 29, 2015 at 8:56 am in reply to: Replace toggle icon with another entypo-fontello font OR use a png #526588Hi – you allready found a solution above. But know its not possible to place any new icon…
I think i have to insert the secondary iconfont external.October 28, 2015 at 7:58 pm in reply to: Replace toggle icon with another entypo-fontello font OR use a png #526368Hi there – I´m back!
I saw that I could remove the “supersticky icon” …. But now – the same Problem is to remove the “sticky”
This code won´t work::function avia_replace_mobile_menu_icon($icons) {
$icons[‘sticky’] = array( ‘font’ =>’star-empty’, ‘icon’ => ‘ue998’);return $icons;
add_filter(‘avf_default_icons’,’avia_replace_mobile_menu_icon’, 10, 1);Does this work or the woocommerce as well?
October 20, 2015 at 11:34 am in reply to: Open magnific popup automatically when a specific page load #521507Thanks for this snippet… I think I can use this as well.. In this case I will show how to open the magnific popup on a Menuitem and ue the standard login with the popup (so no other plugin is needed and s on no more cs and js
First make a link Menu element and type:
<a class="inline_popup" href="#content-to-open">Open Popup</a>
Then in your functions.php you can insert the following
/* Inline Maginific Popup für Iframe und other content */ function inline_popup_enabler(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $(window).load(function() { $('.inline_popup').magnificPopup({ type:'inline', midClick: true, preloader: false }); }); })(jQuery); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $( "#wp-submit" ).addClass("mfp-close"); }); </script> <div id="content-to-open" class="content_popup mfp-hide" > <figure> <button title="" type="button" class="mfp-close">×</button> <iframe src="/wp-login.php" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="reg_iframe" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" align=aus marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="600px" width="100%"></iframe> </figure> </div> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'inline_popup_enabler');
This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
is it possible to deactivate the layerslider for specific sites:
if ( !is_home() ) { add_theme_support("deactivate_layerslider"); } }
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
I have it thanks
I don´t want to have answers for CSS. I want to make a standard blog with a image left and the Excerpt right.
HOW DO I SET IT TO STANDARD?Please click on the link: should look like this… or similar.
And i don´t want to hide big images with CSS ???
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
September 29, 2015 at 2:07 pm in reply to: How to replace the class-framework-widgets.php in child theme? #510744Hmm I think I not understand it. Hmm is it possible to copy the Framework ” class-framework-widgets.php ” to the child theme and register it?
I tried your example. And copied it in my functions.php
class avia_newsbox extends WP_Widget { echo image; }
But I get errors. Can you be a little bit mor porecise how to change a function in the framework?
I want to remove the images in the sidebar of the avia_newsbox widgetThank you, perf. And sorry for the missunderstading and the inconvenience
The whole article was about the thumbnails in the widget. // that was why I mention it again.
Can yu understand my thing now. I want a function to delete the widget sidebar thumb
But for SEO issues not just display: none;
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
Tahat is a usfull code. of course. of faster Fileupload and less generation in the uploadfolders. Thank you for that!
What I actually need is to remove the image that is shown in the sidebar at the category box.
<span class="news-thumb "><img src="" class="attachment-widget wp-post-image" alt="beer-sheva turner stadium israel" height="50" width="60"></span>
I thought i said that.
maybe Josue can help?Here is the login data
Hi Ismael,
i tried and regenerate the thumbnails. Isn´t it easier to make a function like:::
function avia_image_remove( $image ) { $image['widget'] = " "; return $image; }
I tried something like this. But it didn´t work.
Sorry for the missunderstanding. I tried all codes. Setting the Widget to “0” will insert the widget image with its original size or with the other code provided set the image to 100 in width and height.
No, And no I Don´t want to use a plugin. To inflate the PHP Code for Enfold and WordPress …
A bit sad, there is no solution for this. – Everyone gets customiced and php developed small solutions like this.
I need to find them to 80% by myself. :-/Add least, this code (in the functions.php) helps to change the sizes of the thumbnails
function enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size( $size ) { $size['widget'] = array('width'=>60, 'height'=>50 ); return $size; } add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size', 10, 1 );
Thanks for the code from the support team. THere isn´t any childtheme (upgradeable function to delet / remove the image of the widget container.
September 26, 2015 at 2:24 pm in reply to: Replace toggle icon with another entypo-fontello font OR use a png #509504Oh you will be shocked – the Enfold is completely Customiced.
September 26, 2015 at 1:54 pm in reply to: Replace toggle icon with another entypo-fontello font OR use a png #509496That is was I tried as well.
Ok know it is working in the Template editor. That´s good. I use CSS to make place some own icons.
There it isn´t working..icon-cancel::before {
content: “\e808”;
still the star is showing. – I think there is no solutionyes I can change the Image size :-) I know about the regeneration of thumbsnails about an year. I work on my 20th Enfold customization.
Sorry for that had misunderstanding!
A function to absoluteley hide / delete / remove the image – that is what I am talking about!!
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
hmm – a bit sad, that we can not create a function for this.
Hi Ismael,
sorry the code above isn´t working.
No – what i want is not a different size.
What I want is:
No Image should be shown! /// .news-thumb { display: none; } ///
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
To change the predefined thumbnail sizes this one is correct – i found in other discussions:
function enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size( $size ) { $size['widget'] = array('width'=>60, 'height'=>50 ); // small preview pics eg sidebar news $size['square'] = array('width'=>180, 'height'=>180); // small image for blogs return $size; } add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size', 10, 1 );
WHAT I WANT… is to delete the thumbnail completely with a function.
(Not just hide it) because of SEO issues
DO you know how to deactivate the thumbnails.
With a function in the childtheme – please? -
This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by