Forum Replies Created
March 14, 2017 at 5:14 pm in reply to: Can't Change the Email Address the Contact Form Goes To #760860
We are having the same problem. I have tried numerous times to add email addresses into the contact form and I have even tried just changing the one email address that is there. THe only email address that stays is the default email address.
Hi – i want to display only the title, featured image and published date… but when i use this code, it hides the categories for me so I am almost there. I just need the date to show up. What can I use to get the date to show up?
Well, looks like I spoke too soon! This issue has been resolved! The problem was not Enfold. I am both thankful that it’s not Enfold but also sorry that I spoke too soon on here. Thanks for such a great support forum!
Hi. I hate to bug you guys again about this problem… but we are getting into a bind over here with time and other projects. I tried looking on your forum again for anything like what I am talking about with this support forum post… and I found a post where one of your developers said to put this into the child functions.php file.
function avia_remove_yoast_filter()
remove_filter(‘wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content’,’avia_wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content_fix’, 10, 1);
remove_filter(‘wpseo_video_index_content’,’avia_wpseo_video_content_fix’, 10, 2);
}Like I said, I’ve already checked plugins and everything else but i am doing it a 2nd time just to be sure. I really hope you all can get back to me soon. We are desperate to find a solution!
JeannieJanuary 6, 2017 at 11:18 pm in reply to: How do you change the color of "Enfold Child Main Menu" #730568Rikard – you can close this topic.. Thank you for your help! Jeannie
Rikard – Hi. That seemed to work on my monitor but then I tested it on different screen sizes. I have a larger monitor…. 27 inch..
The link above shows the site on a 22 inch desktop monitor. Use the menu at the top to choose lower and higher desktop menus and you will see what I am talking about.
Anything below a 22 inch monitor is still not displaying the widget in the right location…
If you look at the widget when you have chosen a desktop monitor over 22 inches… like say 23 inches…. then you will see the ad is in the right location …
How can we fix this?
Jeanniethe third image in the last message was not included for you all to give help on the plugin…. on the contrary – i only included that pic to help you all understand that i have the plugin side worked out.. and i would like you to know that i have also tested it and it does work on another website..
Above is a clear image of the backend of what the post page template would look like. you can see at the top the name of the page… and the link for the page….
the pic above has writing on it which explains what is trying to be solved within the template page that i created….in addition to the problems that i am trying to solve to get the “post template” page working right……just as a page….. is the problem of trying to get it to work with posts auto populating into this layout. i have no clue how to do that… and am praying you all can help…
This is how to make text wrap around the ad widget… from the plugin side… but i am not sure if the title box or the text box would block the text from inside of it from wrapping around the widget somehow… i am also not sure if i should use a title box or a text box… but instead should use some sort of code to pull in the title from the post and the text from the postIsmael,
The template that I referred to as “blank page layout grid row” was a template in the advanced layout editor.
We dont want to remove the header and footer……. we want posts to show up in a text box area inbetween the left background ad space and the right side bar (horizontally) and inbetween the footer area and the header area (vertically)… I will create a picture to display what we are trying to accomplish…..
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by
Hi. I’m sorry to bug you all… but this matter is urgent… we have been trying for a while to get this resolved through other means and with your support forum. If we dont get this resolved soon and migrate the test site over to the live domain…. we cold loose customers that pay for advertising… Can anyone advise how I could get this resolved?
also – in the image i included above…. i drew blue lines to the left of the logo and the right of the header widget… so you could see how we want them both to align. i also highlighted the header widget… so you could see how poorly it is aligned now.
the above image is what i was asking help to do in this support thread.
the code you told me to put into the general styling section of enfold in my back end editor … did not change the alignment of the header widget. it caused my logo to right align however, which we did not want to happen. we wanted our logo to stay in its current position as seen in the picture above…
does this help?
I will try to put up a screen shot of what the code caused the header area to do… (wrongly move the logo, and not move the header widget) asap
The name of the widget with the header ad (lifestyle furniture image) is “header”…
Rikard – I tried that but it put the logo on the right side of the header….. the logo was fine where it was and we wanted it to stay there….. the image we are trying to get to stay left aligned is the header widget…… that currently has lifestyle furniture image in it… Thanks, Jeannie
January 5, 2017 at 7:01 am in reply to: How do you change the color of "Enfold Child Main Menu" #729746I did…. but i looked back again after your question here to see if i missed something. I did see what i needed this time…. thanks for your help. i understand now…
JeannieAndy & Ishmael,
I finally was able to get the spacing of the columns in the main content area (which includes the background ads that i spoke of) fixed to a width that i needed.
The developer that helped me to do this said he did it with CSS.
.flex_cell.av_one_fifth.first.avia-builder-el-first {
margin-left: 0 !important;
}.flex_cell.av_one_fifth.first.avia-builder-el-last {
margin-left: 6%;
float: left;
clear: none;
margin-top: 0;
}#top .no_margin.av_one_fifth {
margin-left: 6%;
width: 10%;
}Above, you will see the last few “quick css” entries that I have on the site. Thank you for your assistance trying to resolve that part of this question.
There is still part of my original question left that is unanswered.
1. Is there a way to get the “entire header area outer horizontal edge” and the “entire footer & socket area’s outer horizontal edge” to line up with the outside border of the “content area/right side bar area”? we must find a solution for this ……… without changing the “layout” for the website under the enfold “general layout”, (we must leave the layout for the site set as “stretched” because that setting helped us fix other major problems we had earlier.)
2. On, in the right side of the header, you will see an ad. this ad does not stay right aligned, more so when the screen size goes way up (like the size of televisions) We need to figure out how to fix the ad so that it stays right aligned?
3. The header image is not adapting to mobile devices on the same website listed above.
September 20, 2016 at 12:47 am in reply to: get map to not scroll when scroll button used on mouse, but retain zoom ability #688866Thanks Andy! I’ll check it out!
I’m going to try to explain again. In the above 2 responses, you 1st showed a picture that was from (i know this because it had the colored menu below the header) and in the second response, listed as the website where you can’t see the header image. is the domain name we are building the enfold site for. however, the enfold site which will be used at is currently being build at the site is a site built off of thesis and not what we are trying to talk to you about. We are trying to replace that site with a site we build at and then migrate over to after we are finished.
that being said … there are some useful reasons to look back at the old thesis built site. we want our header ad to line up similar in the enfold site as to that of how it did in the thesis built site. below you will see a screenshot of the thesis built site ( that we are trying to replace :
below you will see the enfold site ( that we have built so far. See how the header ad looks at the 20 inch screen size? we want it to look that way at 13 inch screen sizes, etc…. all desktop screen sizes…
see below for how (the enfold site) looks at different screen sizes… see how the ad progressively gets smaller as the screen size goes down ?
19 inch
15 inch
13 inch
10 inch
i was advised to put my page in a grow row to get the content that i wanted divided up the way that my client wants it divided up.. i have two requirements: i need the background ads to be responsive at desktop screen sizes and I need the page broken up so that the left background ad is 10%, the center part for content is 80%, and the right background ad is 10% of the web page width.
the suggestion that you all gave to put the page into the grid row actually fixed the 1st problem of needing the background ads being responsive. so, for this part of the ads, i just need to know how to tell the grid row cells to be a different width?
see screenshot with drawing on it for additional explanation of what i am trying to accomplish:
Knowing that and implementing it would totally knock this problem out!
Any help you can give me with this would be greatly appreciated….
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
that header image is an image of the header from the website that i referred to in the private data was which is a subdomain that i am using to work on the site to redesign it using enfold
Is there a way we can pay for development of an enfold element? Is there a way we can develop elements for enfold ourselves?
September 14, 2016 at 10:57 pm in reply to: get map to not scroll when scroll button used on mouse, but retain zoom ability #686613Thanks Andy! Look forward to the update! :) Love Enfold!
September 14, 2016 at 10:56 pm in reply to: contact form sending auto reply to me instead of person that fills out the form #686612@guenni007 it is the embedded contact form…
September 14, 2016 at 10:55 pm in reply to: contact form sending auto reply to me instead of person that fills out the form #686611@andy this domain is the second domain hosted with this hosting account. for some reason, putting http://www. on the front seems to not let it be brought up sometimes… try:
Thanks! I will send my suggestion in there!
Ok. Can we suggest that better featured post elements be considered when thinking of new elements to make?
I really think Enfold is awesome, but I have several clients that would need additional plugins and work to create additional ways to display posts in a magazine type way if I used enfold on their site.
Even though Enfold doesn’t have enough options for displaying posts like I am talking about, those clients would still be better off with a website built using Enfold.
Thanks again for your response!
Jeannie :)
1.) The widget generates an inline styling that we can’t override. You can see that it sets a maximum width and height:
<div class=”wppaszone proadszone-4788 ” id=”4788″ style=”overflow:hidden; max-width:728px; max-height:90px; margin: 0 auto; text-align:center; “>
I think this the inline styling for the max width and max height are options for that banner in the ad menu. I took that off. Can you see if that helped take away the inline styling?
2.) How did you do this? Did you use grid row element? If not, use the grid row element, set the number of cells and then you can insert the columns inside those cells.
The way that i did this before was to place columns within columns. I moved everything into the grid row element. The grid row element with columns inside seems to have more promise!
1. I want the width for the first cell for the grid row to be 1/10, the width for the 2nd cell for the grid row to be 8/10, and the width for the 3rd cell for the grid row to be 1/10. Is there a way to accomplish this?
This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by
September 7, 2016 at 3:19 am in reply to: get map to not scroll when scroll button used on mouse, but retain zoom ability #682911The google map is on that page because i could not get the theme’s google map to work. I have added it to the bottom of the page so that you can see.
If you want me to use the theme’s google map, how can i make it work?
If you want me to stick with the iframe solution, how can i make it work?
is there a place where we can buy elements that I do not see listed in the link above?
September 5, 2016 at 8:09 pm in reply to: URGENT – Contact forms does send emails after upgrade to WP 4.7 #682332I couldnt get the contact form to work at all except using a gmail address for the settings. I called my host (godaddy) and they had to make a change to a setting in the MX Entry (Change from Local to Remote) and then emails started coming through. It’s not all the way fixed … but I thought you all would want to know that information. Godaddy said it was an automatic setting in Cpanel for them.
jeannieSo I found a forum about putting columns within columns and was able to get most of the home page lined up like I want it.
That means that I need to update what my questions are:
1. I still need to get the header widget lined up right. Right now it is showing up smaller than it’s actual size and it is not aligning to the right side. I want it to be right aligned in the header and equal height of the logo. Can you help advise me on how best to accomplish this?
2. I was able to find a way to get everything lined up mostly the way that I want it to be lined up … except for there being too much space or padding between elements. The way that I devised was putting a column in a column. One of your responses in the forum said it was okay to do this and how. I followed those instructions. As I started to do this, it worked… but now when i hit update, all of my changes are undone when i go look at a browser… (each column that i had put into a column is now outside of the column its supposed to be in) . ANY help you can give me on this will be greatly appreciated!
home page is supposed to look like this: (all columns are ready except for the note below)
1/5——– 3/5 ————————- 1/5 ———-
xxxxxxxxxx 2/3 ————– 1/3—
xxxxxxxxxx post slider that fits in the 2/3 section for community shows*put the x’s in so you could see how table was supposed to be lined up
Tradio should be half the width of the available space and same with OCS image … with both being in the left column
sports should be in the empty right column
post slider should be at the very end of the 2/3 column for the community shows with 3 posts visible
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by