Ok, i have fixed it for now by adding a new variable with an if statement to the meta-box.class.php file in line 100:
$custom_priority = isset($box['priority']) ? $box['priority'] : 'high';
$box['id'], // HTML 'id' attribute of the edit screen section
$box['title'], // Title of the edit screen section, visible to user
array(&$this, 'create_meta_box'), // Function that prints out the HTML for the edit screen section.
$area, // The type of Write screen on which to show the edit screen section ('post', 'page', etc)
$box['context'], // The part were box is shown: ('normal', 'advanced', or 'side').
$custom_priority, // The priority within the context where the boxes should show ('high' or 'low')
array('avia_current_box'=>$box) // callback arguments so we know which box we are in
But i still don’t understand why this issue occurred at the first place? Why do some of the boxes not have the priority set?