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  • in reply to: Google Maps problem #675753

    I have done the API key and I have added in Enfold theme, but it is not working.


    in reply to: Google Maps problem #674164

    Hi Basilis,

    I have done this, but the problem is still not solve…


    in reply to: Google Maps problem #674151

    Ok. Thanks. Yaku

    in reply to: Google Maps problem #674145

    No, Yigit,

    I have added the API key in the Theme, but it is still not working.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by hector1069.
    in reply to: Google maps #663073

    If someone of Kriesi team could help me I would so please, even more because now the images are not painted…


    in reply to: Google maps #662885

    @mensmaximus, I have updted all enfold theme, but the problem still going…

    Maybe I am doing something wrong with the child theme, but I do not know what?

    in reply to: Google maps #662371


    I have following all the steps that you describe in your posts, but still it does not work.

    in reply to: Google maps #662284

    I have tried also this change and it is not working…Help!!!

    in reply to: Google maps #662220

    I have done it, but it does not work. Maybe becasue I do with a Child Theme.
    the point is that when I added the code to funphions.php the adminstrator stops working.

    I have left the file in the FTP if you want to check it.


    in reply to: Link in a new page #606650

    Hi Yigit!!

    Ok. Thanks a lot and have a good day.

    in reply to: Link in a new page #606603

    Hi Yigit,

    It is almost perfect. A weird thing happens when you make click on the image the first time do not open in a new window, but the second do it perfectly.

    What can it happen?


    in reply to: Link in a new page #605470

    I send you the link again.


    in reply to: Link in a new page #604749

    Yes, my code was like that, I wrote it on portfolio link gap, but it did not work.

    Now, I have done what you told me but, it does not work… and in the template appear a weird code (see image).

    I give you my logincredentials if you want to check it.

    in reply to: Problem with child theme #602453

    Thanks Rikard,
    Now everythings is working well.

    Thank you.


    in reply to: Problem with child theme #601237

    Hey Gunter!!

    I have remove the footer and the most of the problem have fit and I have update the theme, but there is already a problem with the General options, becasuse I import the preferences from the parent theme, but they are not paint on the screen.

    For example, The header should have paint in black and the letter should appear on green, but it does not appear as this.

    Best regards.


    in reply to: Problem with child theme #600289

    Hi Ismael!
    The point is that image are out, the tittle of the diferents sections have desappear (or they are in green when in parent theme are in black), all the animation are out, the header have also desappear, and when I try to edit any page there are no edit option on the top…
    But If I change to the parent theme everything come back fine…

    What I did was just to set up the child theme, activate it, and import the parent options from the panel of the theme. So the options are imported, but the rest of the things are not working…

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Child Theme #599516

    Hi, the details of the problem are the followings:
    I set my web perfectly and it was finished, when I decided make a change through the child theme. So I installed the child theme and I exported the preferences from the parent theme. In that moment something was wrong and now I can not seen the header, a lot of image, and so on

    If I come back to the parent theme everything will be ok, but I would like to work with child theme. Maybe the problem is in the set up of the child theme, but I followed the documentation and I do not where is the problem. So, I reset all the data base, the problem will be increasing, instead to work it out.

    With this data, coudl you help me? If not I have to use the parent theme again.

    in reply to: Child Theme #598862

    Hi Vinnie!
    I tell you what the matter is.
    I fit all the site, and at the end I realised that I was not working with child theme. So I decided to fit it following the instructions of the documentation, but something was wrong, and now the child theme does not work properly, but I do not how to work it out.

    I give you all my data in private area, and if you need disable some plugins or working with css, you can do it.


    in reply to: Child Theme #598326

    I have checked these instructions and they are ok in the file wp.config.php

    If you want you can access to it through FTP. I give you data in private.

    in reply to: Child Theme #596929

    I send you again the data. I missed an “s”.

    in reply to: Child Theme #596850

    I will send you in private the data edition, again.

    in reply to: Child Theme #596830

    It is a private section

    in reply to: Lightbox o similar #596300

    That is!! Thank you very much!!

    Good day!!

    in reply to: Lightbox o similar #596237

    I have done all what you told me, but it still is not working.

    in reply to: Lightbox o similar #595801

    It is not working, when I do click on the imagen the screen go a bit up, but it does no appears a lightbox…

    in reply to: Lightbox o similar #595741

    I have added the code as you told (in function.php, although I have put it at the beginning, because I could not find a place where you told (Appaeareance)… but it should work, anyway.

    And later I have add my image. So the image appears, but nothing happen with the pop up…

    Could you help me?

    in reply to: Lightbox o similar #595569

    Hi Andy,

    That is the idea that I want to improve (Inline content). But I have a small problem. I do not know where I have to added the code. I have tried adding a code in the first imagen (as a trial), but I think I have to added some code in the begining of the page, but I do not where, or I have to install something else…

    Could you help me?

    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #456529

    It is worked out!! I have desable the option of Lightbok in the main options…:-(


    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #456480

    Hi Ismael,

    “Lightbox” is check as “Yes”, but the lightbox is not working…:-(


    in reply to: Problem with the gallery #456269

    I have update the theme, but the problem is still there… Maybe I am doing something wrong…

    I have desactivate almost all the plugins…:-(


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