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in reply to: Background image gone after update to Enfold 4.5 #1042432

I solved it.

You can change the background image and it’s behavour in the
General Styling / Body background section

Best regards

in reply to: CSS border-color does not work #1022617
This reply has been marked as private.
in reply to: CSS border-color does not work #1022385

Hi Viktoria,

please have a look at the private content.

Best regards

in reply to: CSS border-color does not work #1022043

Hi Victoria,

Webpage with borders around paragraphs:

Credentials: Please have a look at the private content.

Best regards

in reply to: Layout: Box around Text #928538

That’s it. Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend!
Jorg from Germany

in reply to: Layout: Box around Text #928532

Hi Mike,

I added the CSS-code to Quick-CSS field.

I want to use the advanced layout builder to add the CSS.

But there is no “Custom CSS claa” entry below the font size in my text block.

Do you have an idea why?

Best regards

in reply to: Layout: Box around Text #928501

Hi Mike,
thanks for your answer.

I had a look around and found an effect I want to use: “Pure CSS folded-corner effect”.

You can see the effect here: Folded Corner effect (pure CSS)

CSS-Code is:

.note {
  position: relative;
  width: 30%;
  padding: 1em 1.5em;
  margin: 2em auto;
  color: #fff;
  background: #97C02F;
  overflow: hidden;

.note:before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  border-width: 0 16px 16px 0;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #fff #fff #658E15 #658E15;
  background: #658E15;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3), -1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3), -1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
  box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3), -1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
  /* Firefox 3.0 damage limitation */
  display: block; width: 0;

.note.rounded {
  -moz-border-radius: 5px 0 5px 5px;
  border-radius: 5px 0 5px 5px;

.note.rounded:before {
  border-width: 8px;
  border-color: #fff #fff transparent transparent;
  -moz-border-radius: 0 0 0 5px;
  border-radius: 0 0 0 5px;

But how can I add this to Enfold?

Best regards

in reply to: Edit text above header #867183

Hi Mike,
thank’s for your concern.
I found it myself and deleted it.
It’s in Enfold / Header / Extra Elements / Header Phone Number/Extra Info

Best regards

Dear Sarah,

that’s it! Thanks a lot.

Best regards

Hi Victoria,

the website is online now.

I “solved” the permalink-problem. It’s not a problem any more because I changed the structure of pages.

Next problem :-)

Some sub-menue-items look different from the others.

Please have a look at the sub-menue-items of the main-menu-item “Info”. They are formatted well. These sub-menu-items point to webpages.
In comparison to that please have a look at the sub-menu-items of the main-menu-item “Produkte”. They are not formatted well. These sub-menu-items are page jumps. They point to links on the same page (for example the sub-menu-item “Steckdosensicherung” points to “”. In the section “Steckdosensicherung” there is a point id=”steckdosensicherung”).

Could you please help to format the sub-menu-items of the main-menu-item “Produkte” the same way as the sub-menu-items of the main-menu-item “Info”?

Additional question: Could you please tell me where I can change the the labeling of the “add_to_cart”-button? I want to change it from “Ausführung wählen” to “Details”.

All the best

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by hartgen.

Hi Victoria,

one additional question: In most of the pages (not in the homepage) there are Permalinks below the header.

Is it possible to remove the permalinks? I want to remove them because they are different from the headlines of the pages.

From a SEO point of view: Is it useful to remove them?

Could you please advise?

All the best

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by hartgen.

Hi Victoria,

great Job! Even the logo is not covered by the cart any more on a mobile phone.

Concerning the Paypal button: I’m using Paypal checkout now (not Paypal express) and I’m using an other plugin which is called “PayPal for WooCommerce”. This plugin works good with Enfold.

Have a good time!

Jorg from Germany

Dear John,

please ignore the other two small issues in the PDF-file. They were concerning the checkout process. I solved them by installing an other Plugin for Paypal checkout so far. But I didn’t configure the new plugin which is named “PayPal for WooCommerce” 100%.

So if there will be issues concerning checkout formatting, I will contact you again.

The other problem (formatting the output of the shortcode) still exists.

All the best

Dear John,

credentials in Private Content.

I found two other small issues with formatting:

Please have a look.

Could you please help me with them?

All the best

Great, thanks.

Licence is creative commons.

Title / Author: Hot Air Ballon Blow by Adam Sparks, 2009

German law wants it. If you don’t do it, and somebody does a legal action (statement of claim), you will pay a lot of money (1.000€-30.000€).

Please have a look at:

Could you please send this link to Kriesi?



“3. Muss ich einen Copyright-Vermerk bei fremden Fotos anbringen?

§ 13 Satz 1 des Urheberrechtsgesetzes sieht folgendes vor:

„Der Urheber hat das Recht auf Anerkennung seiner Urheberschaft am Werk. Er kann bestimmen, ob das Werk mit einer Urheberbezeichnung zu versehen und welche Bezeichnung zu verwenden ist.“

Dieses sogenannte Urheberbenennungsrecht ist gänzlich unabhängig davon, ob das Werk im Internet oder in Druckmedien verwendet wird. Der Nutzer eines fremden Fotos ist grundsätzlich verpflichtet, den Urheber bzw. den Rechteinhaber ausdrücklich anzugeben.

Eine Ausnahme besteht nur dann, wenn mit dem Urheber etwas anderes vereinbart wurde. Denn grundsätzlich kann der Fotograf gegenüber seinem Auftraggeber auch auf eine namentliche Nennung verzichten.

In einem separaten Beitrag haben wir ausführlich die Frage “Was bringt ein Copyright-Vermerk?” beantwortet.

Nach deutschem Recht braucht eigentlich nur der Namen des Urhebers angegeben zu werden. Regelmäßig findet sich jedoch an den Bild-Dateien ein Copyright-Vermerk nach US-amerikanischem Vorbild:

„© Name des Fotografen oder Name der Agentur, Jahr der Veröffentlichung“

Wie die Urheberbenennung und die davon zu unterscheidende Quellenangabe genau zu gestalten ist, hängt von den vertraglichen Vorgaben des Vertragspartners ab.”

Hello Yigit,


But I need the name of the author and year of production of this picture to list the copyright notice on my website correctly.


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