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  • in reply to: Masonry Image Sizes #1191626

    Hi Nikko,

    I tried the settings, which sort of worked, but the 960x960px, whilst it took up two columns width, it did not double in height. Is there a way I can email you a screen shot so you can tell me if I am doing something wrong?


    in reply to: Enfold Hamburger Menu #1188207

    Hi Victoria,
    Thank you for the reply. I have used your theme demo to achieve the look that I needed. However, in your theme demo you have ‘Home’ and then under it you have ‘A small introduction’. How do I change this text please?

    in reply to: Masonry Image Sizes #1185153

    Hi Nikko,

    Thanks so much, I’ll take a look at this and let you know how it worked out! Please can you see the private link below.


    in reply to: Masonry Image Sizes #1183822

    HI Nikko,

    Thanks so much for your fast response.

    Unfortunately it’s a local host site. But I can tell you that I set up the gallery using portfolio items and that the images of each portfolio post are 480px x 480px and some are 960px x 960px. Can you let me know if this is correct and I should be either making all the images different sizes (like 480, 960) or if they should all be the same size (480px) and that the gallery chooses how to size them?

    The masonry gallery is a full width masonry gallery which chooses one category of portfolio entries.
    Post number: 9
    Columns: 4
    Order By: Title
    Descending Order
    ‘Perfect Manual Masonry: Manually control the height and width of entries by adding either a “landscape” or “portrait” tag when creating the entry. Elements with no such tag use a fixed default size, elements with both tags will display extra large’
    No Gap
    Slightly fade in effect
    Animation Activated
    I haven’t changed anything on the other tabs.

    Many thanks,

    in reply to: Cannot find homepage – 404 page shows instead #1074932

    As I didn’t hear back from anyone on here and had a deadline I managed to find help on a Facebook forum instead which helped me solve the issue. Which, for anyone else reading this was a very easy fix. All I had to do was go Enfold > theme > front page settings (right at the top of that page) and just choose which page should be the home page. I was looking under appearance > homepage before which was not working for me.

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