Forum Replies Created
Hi marcellovoc!
Thank you for using our theme.
Sorry, but I do not understand your aims. Can you explain more clearly, what you want to do?
jQuery is a frontend tool. If you need some ajax search you will have to hire a freelancer or look at woothemes for a plugin.
GünterAugust 22, 2015 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Braintree plugin and Woocommerce checkout CC Month and Date stuck together #491740Hi eric84!
Thank you for using our theme.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the values as needed:
#braintree-cc-exp-year { margin-top: 5px !important; } #braintree-cc-cvv_field { margin-top: -30px !important; }
Best regards,
Wenn Du die Datei enfold\includes\helper-post-format.php modifizierst, dann:
$output .= " <a href='".get_permalink()."' rel='bookmark' title='". __('Permanent Link:','avia_framework')." ".$current_post['title']."'>".$current_post['title']; $output .= " <span class='post-format-icon minor-meta'></span>"; $output .= " </a>";
ersetzen mit:
$output .= " <div>".$current_post['title']; $output .= " <span class='post-format-icon minor-meta'></span>"; $output .= " </div>";
Auf meiner Installation funktionieren beide Versionen für einen Eintrag vom Typ Post.
Kannst Du mir einen Link auf die Seite geben?
Best regards,
Ersetze das obige durch:
add_filter( 'post-format-standard', 'my_avia_default_title_filter', 20, 1 ); function my_avia_default_title_filter($current_post) { if( ( ! empty( $current_post['title'] ) ) && is_singular() ) { $heading = $current_post['title']; $heading = str_replace( '<a ', '<div ', $heading); $heading = str_replace( '</a>', '</div>', $heading); $heading = preg_replace( "/href='.*?'/", '', $heading); $current_post['title'] = $heading; } return $current_post; }
GünterHey crevlon!
Danke dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Es gibt da einen Filter in enfold\includes\helper-post-format.php line 15: add_filter( ‘post-format-standard’, ‘avia_default_title_filter’, 10, 1 ); und die Funktion in line 52ff.
In functions.php am Ende füge den folgenden Code ein:
add_filter( 'post-format-standard', 'my_avia_default_title_filter', 20, 1 ); function my_avia_default_title_filter($current_post) { if( ( ! empty( $current_post['title'] ) ) && is_singular() ) { $heading = $current_post['title']; $heading = str_replace( '<a ', '<div ', $heading); $heading = str_replace( '</a>', '</div>', $heading); $current_post['title'] = $heading; } return $current_post; }
Glad I could help you. Enjoy the theme and feel free to come back with further questions and/or problems you have.
Best regards,
GünterJune 16, 2015 at 6:02 pm in reply to: Exclude pages and posts by id from ajax search results #460230Hi!
Thank you for using our theme.
Have a look at line 153:
$search_query = apply_filters('avf_ajax_search_query', http_build_query($search_parameters));
You can manipulate the query parameters with the filter avf_ajax_search_query.
Hope, this helps you.
Try the following:
.page-id-14 #element_avia_avia_age_2 label { position: absolute !important; top: 50px !important; }
Best regards,
Thanks for the feedback.
Replace the code above with:
.page-id-3542 #main img { border: 5px solid red !important; }
GünterHi youkendooit!
Thank you for coming back.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the values as needed:
.page-id-3542 img { border: 5px solid red !important; }
GünterHi benduncalf!
Thank you for using our theme.
Can you give us a link to the page pls.
You can post it here as a private reply.Regards,
GünterHey brooks!
Thank you for using our theme.
You can try the following:
– Export the settings of your child theme.
– Open styles.css of the child theme and change Enfold Child to your name:Theme Name: Enfold Child
– Import the settings.
You probably will have to adjust the menu settings.
You should test this in a test environment before doing it on live site.
GünterHey Biggy!
Danke, dass Du unser Theme verwendest.
Es ist leider nicht möglich. Siehe dazu folgenden Post:
GünterHey 2funky!
Thank you for using our theme.
Currently the maximum size of a contact form field name is limited to 30 characters. You canincrease this by adding the following in functions.php at the end:
function my_avf_form_el_name_length( $formID, $form_params) { return 50; } add_filter( 'avf_form_el_name_length', 'my_avf_form_el_name_length',10, 2);
Replace 50 with the value you need.
GünterJune 5, 2015 at 6:22 pm in reply to: A bug switching between the year (of the Date Posted) and '# of Comments' #455231Hey Doron!
Thank you for using our theme.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following:
Try to use the following:
.post-meta-infos time { float: right !important; }
Best regards,
GünterHi CelebrationEvents!
Thank you for using our theme.
Try to replace:
.content ul li:before { content: “\e816″; font-family: “entypo-fontello”; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: 5px; color: #38b750 ; }
.content ul li:before { content: ""; font-family: “entypo-fontello”; margin-left: -20px; margin-right: 5px; color: #38b750 ; }
GünterHi Coco!
Thank you for coming back.
You can try to use the ajax portfolio or a masonry element. You probably will have to convert the text parts to an image.
e.g. regards,
GünterHi Derek!
Thank you for coming back.
Goto Dashboard -> Enfold -> General Styling -> Tab Fonts and select a fontsize from the selectbox Default content font size.
Best regards,
GünterHi CelebrationEvents!
Turn on the custom CSS class:
Give each header a unique class or all headers you want to have the same style the same class.
Then you can assign the colors and styling with CSS.
Put it in custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) and adjust the values as needed.
If you have troubles create a page and we will assist you.
Best regards,
GünterHey nigdowser!
Thank you for using our theme.
Can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct CSS. You can post it here as a private reply.
Best regards,
GünterMay 21, 2015 at 4:59 pm in reply to: How to add checkbox for newsletter subscription to contact form like demo? #447836Hi COLORIT!
Thank you for using our theme.
If you add a new form element, click on it there opens a modal window with a select box “Form Element Type”. There you can select the Form Element: check box
Best regards,
GünterHey alfaweb2!
Thank you for coming back.
If I understand you correctly, you want to change “footer” and “socket” divs.
This is not possible out of the box. You can modify:
GünterHi mattmosman!
Thank you for using our theme.
In custom.css or Enfold -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field (or when using a child theme: in styles.css of the child theme or Enfold-Child -> General Styling -> Quick CSS field) put the following and adjust the values as needed:
#socket span { display: none !important; }
Please replace the code above and try the following:
.page-id-367 ul.avia-slideshow-inner{ border:5px solid #e1e1e1 !important; }
Thank you for coming back.
I’m not sure, what element you are using but the code for the elements you find in:
Look into the files like:
productslider.phpIf you do not find, what you are looking for, can you give us a link to this page please? Then we can check and give you the correct file.
GünterMay 21, 2015 at 3:38 pm in reply to: Ajax Portfolio: Change to indicate which portfolio item is being viewed #447765Hi!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Sorry to say, but with the HTML setup of Enfold’s Ajax portfolio it is not possible (it is using isotop). You can open the large image only above or below the container of the images without breaking everything or the need of heavy changes.
Of course, everything is possible, but this means customization and is bejond the scope of support.
Best regards,
Thank you for your feedback.
Out of the box Enfold does not offer this option.
For some elements you can set the target, but not for all.
To achieve this you need to customize the shortcodes – but this is out of scope of support.
You can post a feature request on Kriesi looks at these reguarly and decides, what to implement or develop.
Günter -