Forum Replies Created
September 19, 2024 at 12:02 pm in reply to: Bug ?avia_extended_shop_select=yes breaks the filters #1467443
As far as I see there are 2 functions involved adding avia_extended_shop_select in ..\config-woocommerce\config.php. You can override them in your child theme:
function avia_woocommerce_frontend_search_params() { return; }
function avia_woocommerce_overwrite_catalog_ordering( $args ) { return $args; }
Can you try that please.
Best regards,
GünterHi @BigBatT,
Added files to the core and Thanks for your contributions!
Best regards,
Thank you for using Enfold and reporting this.
First issue:
We are working on a fix to ignore s=…. for all pages that are not the search page. Will be in the next Release 6.0.4.
Second issue:
The warning you mention is in a file that was used with the old Envato update API < 3.0 and is deprecated. If you have entered an "Envato private token" it should not be loaded at all. But we will remove it in next release 6.0.4. Best regards, Günter
September 2, 2024 at 1:48 pm in reply to: Bug: Cannot turn off sonar animation on ALB icon element #1466044Hi,
thank you for reporting this.
We remove the CSS Ismael mentions above in next release 6.0.4.
Best regards,
It seems that the class litespeed-loaded which is added to the img tag, causes the problem.
If you check the shop page of your dev server the HTML of second image “Guy Rope” you see 2 img tags, the first one is the overlay to change – it has class avia-product-hover. Remove the class litespeed-loaded there and it will work.
Why the first image does not have the the overlay image in HTML – no idea – maybe some customization ??
I added an echo at line 618 in ..\enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php and when logged in it shows, that
get_post_meta( $id, '_product_image_gallery', true );
returns no result – but the product shows a gallery.
Hope this helps your developer to fix the problem.
An idea would be to run a js script to remove class litespeed-loaded in all img tags that have class avia-product-hover.
Best regards,
GünterAugust 21, 2024 at 2:18 pm in reply to: Question about the new Enfold 6.0 Feature: Dynamic Content #1465085Hi,
wichtig wäre hier auch in Klassen dynamic content zu nutzen
Was genau würde Dir hier vorschweben ?
Best regards,
GünterHey Tim,
Very sorry for the late reply.
Do you have a staging site where I can see the HTML structure and the backend settings please – so we are talking about the same.
Best regards,
GünterHi Tim,
thank you very much for locating the issue. I added a check for empty $bg and then skipping the output.
Around line 1733:
if( trim( $bg ) == '' ) { return ''; }
Hope this fixes it.
Best regards,
GünterHey waveseven,
Please check
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
GünterHi Patrick,
Thank you for your feedback.
I did not change anything with animation. Mayby some browser/server cache issue.
Enjoy the theme and have a great day.
I will close this topic – feel free to open a new one when you need further assistance or find other bugs.
Best regards,
GünterHi Tim,
Thank you for the credentials.
Having a look into it – you are having a lot of customizations, a lot of plugins and also modifications to the image sizes defined.
E.g. 1500*0 – Featured Thin (added by theme), 1700*0 – Fullscreen Sections/Sliders (added by theme), …
In core it is: 1500*430 – Featured Thin (added by theme), 1500*1500 – Fullscreen Sections/Sliders (added by theme)
We are using core WP functions for creating the responsive scrset and size – no idea what *0 causes behind the scene in WP core.
Also it is a bit strange that when no image is selected for a category we get the last image added returned by a core WP function:
$attachment_id = avia_get_woocommerce_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'thumbnail_id' );
get_term_meta( $term_id, $key, $single )
The following functions are involved in handling the banner for shop page and category pages in file ..\config-woocommerce\config.php:
avia_woocommerce_parallax_banner()The code in the functions is pretty straight and easy to understand.
What I would suggest you can do:
– To make 100% sure we do not have a bug in our core (we tested it carefully, but we might have missed something) create a clean install with Enfold and WooCommerce, add a few images and categories and check, if you get it to run as you want it – using filters if necessary (we can add additional filters if needed to core)
– Then you need to dig into your customizationed site and try to figure out, what breaks our code
I know this answer does not satisfy but digging into your code cannot be done in a few minutes.
If you need anything added to code or anything I can assist you let me know.
Best regards,
GünterHi Tim,
Theme option:
Did you enable “Display responsive banner image …” and for uploaded image you have to select the desired size in media library.
There is filter ‘avf_woocommerce_default_banner_image_size’ (..\config-woocommerce\config.php line 1694) – you can return a registered image size
I cannot reproduce the problem with the categories.
Do you have a staging site where I can see it – and with backend access to check option settings and theme editor ?
Best regards,
Glad we could fix the problem.
Enjoy the theme and have a great day.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 18, 2024 at 4:48 pm in reply to: Button functionality in Header section after code embedding #1462406Hi,
Glad we found the solution and we could help you.
Enjoy the theme and have a great day.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 18, 2024 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Button functionality in Header section after code embedding #1462402Hi,
In the dev console of FF and Chrome I added the css above in the element – this makes the button clickable but leaves the video playing.
Did you save theme options after adding the CSS to rebuild the merged files and cleared browser cache?
Alternative disable merging first and check.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 18, 2024 at 2:09 pm in reply to: Button functionality in Header section after code embedding #1462392Hey reqonsult,
Can you try to add the following CSS code:
#top .av-video-slide.av-video-playing a.avia-button { pointer-events: all; }
It might be necessary to add !important.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 18, 2024 at 12:01 pm in reply to: Accordion header issues with Enfold 6.01 (constant value refresh) #1462380Hey ofeuillet,
I answered in your other topic:
I will close this.
Best regards,
GünterHey ofeuillet,
Thank you for using Enfold and for reporting this.
I missed a check for that.
Will be fixed in next release 6.0.3.
If you want to test the fix please update the 2 files
..\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\toggles\toggles.min.jswith not forget to make a backup for a fallback and save theme options in case you use merged js.
Best regards,
GünterHey Patrick,
Thank you for reporting this.
I updated aria-hidden=”false” for ALB icons containing a link for 6.0.2.
If you want to test it before please replace
There’s also still an animation
I cannot reproduce this. If you have a staging site can we have a link to it where we can see it and we can also get access to the underlying shortcode.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
GünterHi @BigBatT,
Added files to the core and Thanks for your contributions!
Best regards,
Thank you very much for checking and your help.
I will add a fix to 6.0.1 and we will release it very soon.
Have a great day – and thank you for using Enfold.
Best regards,
Thanks for checking and your time.
Using the index seems to be server depending:
I removed the order by clause and the query time dropped dramatically on my install.
Could you try to remove the following line from ..\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\class-dynamic-content.php
around line 1410:
$sql .= 'ORDER BY meta_key ';
and can you please check with and without limit ?
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Thank you for posting the temporary solution.
As I do not have a test environment with such many posts: could you please check if adding a limit (as WP does) would help?
e.g. like
add_filter('avf_query_default_custom_fields_limit', function($limit) { return 300; });
Thank you for your help in advance.
Best regards,
I checked the query on my localhost:
Can you check that meta_key is an index on your install and maybe also try to reindex it. Sounds a bit strange that an SQL Server does not use an index.
If you do not need the custom field feature added with 6.0 disable it in theme option Enfold->Template Builder-> Custom Layout And Dynamic Content.
Our query is based on the WP query in ..\wp-admin\includes\template.php function meta_form() which fills the custom fields when editing a post. This query is limited to 30 entries by default.
There are also several filters for our query (see ..\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\class-dynamic-content.php function get_default_custom_fields() ) – even to shortcut it or to limit:
$limit = apply_filters( 'avf_query_default_custom_fields_limit', 0 );
But we offer the custom fields in dropdowns to be selected by users – not showing all might result in being not user friendly. There is much depending on your application.
If you know exactly which custom fields are needed you can return this set hardcoded with filter:
/** * Allow to short circuit the query against post meta table. * Return an array filled with the keys. * Query for _ only might get much longer than other queries * * @since 6.0 * @param array|null $keys * @param bool $filter * @param int $limit * @return array|null */ $wp_custom_fields = apply_filters( 'avf_before_query_wp_default_custom_fields', null, $filter, $limit );
Best regards,
GünterHey roelvanleuken,
Thank you for pointing at this – I already answered your contact form request yesterday:
First I checked the database structure of WP post meta table.
meta_key field is an index in my install (6.5.3). This means the query you show is a simple query against an index and this means that is a very fast query – even in a database that contains million of entries in a table.
Please check with your hoster (datatbase hoster) why this query is so slow in your case. Could be your database is broken somehow or allocated memory is too small.
Nevertheless I improved the query logic to remove it from frontend for next release 6.0.1.
If you want to test the fixes please replace the 2 following files:
..\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\class-dynamic-content.phpwith regards,
GünterHi Roel,
Thank you for pointing at this.
First I checked the database structure of WP post meta table.
meta_key field is an index in my install (6.5.3). This means the query you show is a simple query against an index and this means that is a very fast query – even in a database that contains million of entries in a table.
Please check with your hoster (datatbase hoster) why this query is so slow in your case. Could be your database is broken somehow or allocated memory is too small.
Nevertheless I improved the query logic to remove it from frontend for next release 6.0.1.
If you want to test the fixes please replace the 2 following files:
..\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\class-dynamic-content.phpwith regards,
GünterJuly 4, 2024 at 8:55 pm in reply to: how to use avf_dynamic_css_additional_vars and avf_dynamic_css_after_vars #1461382Hi,
Achtung, dass der Selektor nicht zu schwach ist. :root ist ein sehr starker selector, stärker als html !!!
Würde sicherheitshalber wie in meinem Beispiel nehmen:
html.html_entry_id_46364 , html.html_entry_id_2407
Best regards,
I forgot to mention that when using HTML markup in toggle title the open toggle title is ignored (there is a message in the description text). This is a limitation – but I think something to live with.
In your test site it works as it should – with fixed toggle title as it did before 6.0 where we added the open toggle title option.
Did you clear browser cache? See example of @Guenni007.
Can you give me a access to a staging site with full WP admin access where I can see why it is not working ?
Best regards,
GünterHey conflock,
Thank you for reporting this – and sorry for the problems.
Will be fixed in next release.
Meanwhile you can replace the content of folder “..\enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcodes\toggles\” with the files of:
If you need help let us know and we can do it for you.
In case you have enabled file compression please disable it, save theme options, enable it again and save theme options again.
Best regards,
GünterJuly 3, 2024 at 1:22 pm in reply to: how to use avf_dynamic_css_additional_vars and avf_dynamic_css_after_vars #1461203Hi Günter,
Best regards,
Günter -