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  • in reply to: Prevent Popup for YouTube and Vimeo links #1074956

    Here you go Jordan. Link to Test page in Private Content – with just an image pointing to a sample video on

    Thanks for the help

    Hi Victoria- here you go, login credentials for you in the private content box below.


    So I had a slightly different situation that I think I worked through. Thought I’d post here in the event anyone else can benefit.

    I was using a Button (not a navigation link) to scroll to different sections on the page. Found the section in avia.js that controlled click to a hash tag and added the following line:

    if( $(window).innerWidth() < 1025 && $(window).innerWidth() > 736 ) { target -= 100; }

    That line was placed within this block:

    		var cur_offset = the_win.scrollTop(),
    			container_offset = container.offset().top,
    			target =  container_offset - fixedMainPadding,
    			hash = window.location.hash,
    			hash = hash.replace(/\//g, ""),
    			oldLocation=window.location.href.replace(hash, ''),
    			duration= data.duration || 1200,
    			easing= data.easing || 'easeInOutQuint';
    		if( $(window).innerWidth() < 1025 && $(window).innerWidth() > 736 ) { target -= 100; }
    		if(sticky_sub.length && container_offset > sticky_sub.offset().top) { target -= sticky_sub.outerHeight() - 3;}
    		// make sure it's the same location
    		if(oldLocation+newHash==newLocation || originHash)
    			if(cur_offset != target) // if current pos and target are the same dont scroll
    				if(!(cur_offset == 0 && target <= 0 )) // if we are at the top dont try to scroll to top or above

    Not sure if there was a better way to handle, but seems to be working properly now on iPad Portrait and Landscape for me.


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Gregory.

    Thanks for the response Basilis.


    Hi @Ismael- would I place this code at the top of the “functions-enfold.php” file?


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