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November 8, 2022 at 1:00 am in reply to: Blog Posts Element Showing Incorrect Dates for Events after TEC 6.0 Update #1371713
Hi Yigit, thank you for looking into this.
Re. contacting TEC: we are just using the free version of the plug-in with the built-in integration provided by Enfold. We don’t have a direct support relationship with them.
You will see if you investigate
in a standard Enfold installation that there is quite a bit of custom integration and theming for TEC provided by Enfold. This is used specifically in the Enfold Church Demo (on which our site is based). I made the assumption that the behavior we are relying on here was a custom optimization for the tribe-events custom taxonomy provided by Enfold (to support displaying events in the Blog Posts element).Hopefully, your developers will be able to restore this behavior, or, if they have a relationship with TEC, they may be able to reach out to them to see if a fix could be worked out on their end… Thanks in advance!
November 2, 2022 at 5:43 pm in reply to: Blog Posts Element Showing Incorrect Dates for Events after TEC 6.0 Update #1371112Quick update: We could not leave the page in a broken state any longer, so we temporarily “fixed” the issue with JavaScript. If you view the page I previously linked, the dates have been corrected, but the problem remains.
Also, we are running the latest Enfold release, 5.2.1 at the time of this posting.
December 6, 2021 at 5:49 pm in reply to: Custom Enfold Styles for The Events Calendar Not Applied #1331741Thanks Mike, I appreciate the detailed response.
Yes, the headline styling I mentioned was in reference to the H3 styles you pointed out. I had a feeling you might say this, and it’s okay, we can restyle the pages.
All I can say is that when we first chose Enfold for our site using the Church Demo template, I recall that all of the TEC event pages we created were styled to match the theme styling (at least in terms of fonts), without us having to do anything. I had thought that was intentional, since the Church Demo used TEC as an integrated feature. But with the updated TEC plug-in, it appears this is no longer the case.
In any case, I have also found good bit of our own TEC-related CSS overrides in our child theme’s CSS that I apparently used to adjust spacing here and there. Some of this is no doubt invalid for the new TEC 5.x plug-in. I will spend some time cleaning this up and restyling things to our liking.
Thanks again for the help. Should you have any further updates on this, please let me know.
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by
December 3, 2021 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Custom Enfold Styles for The Events Calendar Not Applied #1331479Okay, another update on this after being able to test with the new file.
It appears that the original broken CSS font-family styling issue is corrected, so thank you for this. However, there are still quite a number of cases where the Enfold theme styling not being applied on the new TEC 5.x event pages. For example, headlines within the content are rendering as Helvetica instead of the theme styling, there are spacing issues with UL and LI elements, etc.
For context, our site’s design is based on the original Enfold Church Demo, and a version of TEC is automatically installed with that template. For several years this has served us well.
We can hand-override the various styling issues if needed, but I am trying to understand if this is as intended, or if there are are CSS updates you plan to roll out to the theme to address this?
For reference, here is an event page on our site (post fix) showing the lack of consistent theme styling:
Please let me know, thank you.
December 3, 2021 at 3:35 pm in reply to: Custom Enfold Styles for The Events Calendar Not Applied #1331470Hi Mike, thank you for the response. I am sorry for the late reply. I will give this a try.
November 11, 2021 at 4:36 pm in reply to: Custom Enfold Styles for The Events Calendar Not Applied #1328678One more follow up: As a test, I completely disabled everything in the functions.php file in our child theme to check the possibility that our code might be at fault. There was no change in the behavior, and the issue persisted.
This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by
November 11, 2021 at 2:13 pm in reply to: Custom Enfold Styles for The Events Calendar Not Applied #1328667Thank you Mike.
As a follow up, I believe any investigation should look into this with the Enfold Church demo theme. This is the theme we used as the basis for our site, and it has specific Enfold TEC customization that may be a factor.
I was able to test this on another site with Enfold after temporarily installing TEC. Without the Church demo theme I could not replicate the issue. But I also could not apply the Church demo theme to this site to test.
That leads me to believe that what’s going on is either something specific to our site, or something specific to the Enfold TEC customization that’s applied by the Church demo.
Edit: I realized that I made an assumption that the TEC customerization is installed only with the Church demo theme and not as a standard part of Enfold, since TEC is included with the demo. But if this isn’t the case then I think the issue must be with our code or with another plugin on our site. I’ll do some more investigation on my end as well.
Hope this helps.
This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by
November 10, 2021 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Custom Enfold Styles for The Events Calendar Not Applied #1328552Thanks Mike.
Looking at things in the debugger, the source of the problematic font family definition in the CSS is the auto-generated Enfold child theme CSS file: (…/wp/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold_child.css?ver=618be12cee9ca). As a test then, I tried changing the body text font in my child theme settings, and this eliminated the problem. I discovered that switching to basically any other font (in the UI below) seems to avoid the broken font family definition.
Switching body text styling back to Open Sans caused the problem to reappear.
If you would like to verify this, I give you my permission to temporarily change the body text font in order to see the results. (We are in our off-season and traffic to the site is low now.) Just be sure to change it back to Open Sans when you are done.
Of course, this issue is only showing up on the Event Calendar pages, not elsewhere in the site, so it seems to be some kind of interaction between the theme and the plug-in. I don’t have to means to test if this is specific to my site only, or if it is maybe a general issue. Is this something you have a way to check on your end?
Thank you
This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by
November 5, 2021 at 5:03 pm in reply to: Custom Enfold Styles for The Events Calendar Not Applied #1327967Thank you Ismael.
I solved the initial issue of the styles in event-mod.css not being applied by upgrading my TEC calendar views to their new version. This has fixed the layout problems.
However, I am now seeing a new problem with fonts on the event pages not following the theme styling. Everything is being rendered in Helvetica instead of my theme font (Open Sans). Upon investigation, I am seeing invalid property declaration warnings in the Edge Chromium debugger.
I have posted a link to a screenshot in the private content area, as well as WordPress site credentials. Please let me know what else I can provide to help.
Hi Rikard.
I’m afraid I’m back. I am still not having success getting the Event Calendar single event view and default template override to work, even after working through the discussion in the linked threads–which basically amounted to using the same method to override the default designs that I have been using all along.
First, I have confirmed that the new calendar designs in TEC are disabled. (There have never been enabled on my site.)
The problem seems to be that the following code, which has been in the functions.php of my Enfold Child theme for a long time, no longer seems to work:
/************************************************************* * Code supplied by Kriesi to override mods to The Event Calendar plug in single event PHP */ add_action('after_setup_theme', function() { if(is_child_theme()) remove_action('tribe_events_template', 'avia_events_tempalte_paths', 10, 2); } ); add_action('tribe_events_template', 'avia_events_template_paths_mod', 10, 2); function avia_events_template_paths_mod($file, $template) { $redirect = array('default-template.php', 'single-event.php'); if(in_array($template, $redirect)) { //$file = get_stylesheet_directory() . "/tribe-events/views/".$template; $file = get_stylesheet_directory() . "/tribe/events/v2/".$template; } return $file; }
No matter which directory path I point to for the overriden files, the theme continues to execute its default custom templates in /enfold/config-events-calendar/views.
I am stuck, because I cannot see what I am doing wrong–this code has worked reliably in the past.
Any further help would be appreciated.
Alright, thank you Ismael. I’ll do some further investigating to see if I can make it work using the information referenced in the other threads. You can probably close this for now.
Thank you Ismael. You wrote:
This is an issue with the updated calendar designs in the plugin. To fix the issue temporarily, you can either disable the said option (Use updated calendar designs) from the Events > Settings > Display (tab) or override the default-template.php file in the child theme.
Are you suggesting the fix is to actually use the new calendar designs, or not to use these? I want to clarify that I never enabled the updated calendar designs in the first place, and as part of my troubleshooting I actually rolled back TEC to the last 4.x version prior to version 5, before they refactored all of their templates. I am still experiencing the issue which is why I am stumped.
Hi, thank you @guenni007 for the assistance. I appreciate it.
You guys can close this. I have abandoned this line of development for now. Thanks again.
Thanks Mike.
My read on the Magnific Popup Lightbox documentation is that there is in fact a way to register callbacks for certain events, but it seems you must do this when the MFP class object is created, or at least, you must have a reference to the MFP object. to do so. Enfold creates the Lightbox automagically, and I’m not sure how to get a reference to it, or if this is even possible.
Some possibly relevant API documentation is here:
I have a bit of programming background, but am a strict amateur when it comes to JavaScript, so I don’t know if getting this reference dynamically at runtime should be obvious or simple. If so, I apologize in advance.
Of course, my understanding could be entirely wrong.
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
Great, thank you Victoria. I can probably take things from here, so you can close this if you like.
April 28, 2020 at 1:21 am in reply to: Horizontal Gallery – Navigate to specific slide via URL? #1207655Go ahead and close it, thanks Jordan.
April 26, 2020 at 10:25 pm in reply to: Horizontal Gallery – Navigate to specific slide via URL? #1207383Hey, thank you for the response Nikko. I figured as much: oh well. It would be a useful enhancement, I feel, if something like this could be implemented eventually with navigation similar to a bookmark. The Horizontal Gallery already supports a setting to specify the initial slide on load, so this doesn’t seem like it would be too great a stretch.
In any case, thanks for listening.
September 27, 2019 at 11:46 pm in reply to: Event Countdown Shortcode Busted After Events Calendar Update #1142931Thank you Basilis.
We have temporarily switched to using an ordinary Animated Countdown element, but of course this is not ideal, as it must be manually updated for each new event, and we use them in several places on the site.
Hopefully this is something that you find a resolution for.
Thanks Jordan.
I appreciate the suggestion, but that code actually disables the navigation controls altogether. They are already disabled by default on mobile. Were were actually trying to enable them while disabling the flyout animation. (Sorry if I wasn’t clear.) Incidentally, your CSS does not work for mobile in Enfold unless you add .responsive and #top selectors as so:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive #top .avia-post-nav.avia-post-prev.with-image, .responsive #top .avia-post-nav.avia-post-next.with-image { display:none !important; } }
I guess we can play around with the matrix and transform on these elements. I’m not well versed in CSS3 animation stuff, but I can probably figure it out from here.
Hi Jordan. Our site blog is at The navigation buttons appear when viewing any blog post in desktop layout. It’s a standard feature of Enfold.
However, I’ve since decided to revert this change and hide the navigation buttons on mobile. I just think it’s a bit cumbersome in vertical orientation. Instead, we’ve injected a “Back to all news” link at the top of the single blog post content.
Still, if there is a known simple solution for my original question I’d still be interested in learning it in case we change our minds again, but if not then we are good for now.
Thank you.
Thank you Jordan for the reply. But it’s not the mobile menu I’m referring to, but the sticky post navigation buttons that appear at the sides of each single blog post page to allow moving through the feed. It seems these are hidden on mobile layouts by default, but we elected to show them through a bit of CSS previously provided here:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive #top .avia-post-nav { display: inline!important; } }
I’m seeking to know if there is a way to disable the mouse-hover flyout behavior for these elements on mobile layouts.
Thank you.
September 18, 2019 at 1:37 am in reply to: Event Countdown Shortcode Busted After Events Calendar Update #1139291Unfortunately, this is still not working, even after updating to version 4.6.2 of Enfold and version 4.9.8 of TEC. Is there any chance that this will be resolved soon?
Reminder: this issue is occurring with the Events Countdown element. The Upcoming Events element seems to be working correctly. The element fails to render any content.
Thank you.
August 22, 2019 at 1:08 am in reply to: Event Countdown Shortcode Busted After Events Calendar Update #1129809Hi Victoria, one last question.
August 21, 2019 at 7:19 pm in reply to: Event Countdown Shortcode Busted After Events Calendar Update #1129700Hey Victoria, thank you so much. I will give this a try and report back.
I discovered the solution and am posting it here in case anyone else has the same requirement. It turns out that it is possible to check the taxonomy of the current query, making it easy to scope the function to affect only events:add_filter('avia_post_slide_query','avia_modify_blog_post_query'); function avia_modify_blog_post_query( $query) { $tax = $query['tax_query'][0]; if ($tax['taxonomy'] == 'tribe_events_cat') { $query['orderby'] = 'date'; $query['order'] = 'ASC'; } return $query; }
Thanks, that worked. :)
Hello Günter, and thank you!
I have implemented your fix and the content is indeed showing up. However, it is returning the second upcoming event, not the first, at least on our site.
I have updated my test page so you can see this problem:
Can you take another look?
Thank you again.
Thanks Ismael. I appreciate it.
Hi Ismael. Any further word on this?
FYI, I have determined that the reason the element is “missing” is that the following lines are being executed in the shortcode_handler function:
if( empty( $next->posts[0] ) || empty( $next->posts[0]->EventStartDate ) || empty( $this->start_date_utc ) ) { return ''; }
This suggests that the code is failing to properly fetch the upcoming events in this function:
/** * * @since < 4.0 * @param int $offset * @return WP_Query */ protected function fetch_upcoming( $offset = 0 ) { $query = array( 'paged' => false, 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'eventDisplay' => 'list', 'offset' => $offset, 'start_date' => date( 'Y-m-d' ) ); $upcoming = Tribe__Events__Query::getEvents( $query, true ); return $upcoming; }
Can you please have your developers look into this soon?
Thank you.
Looks like I spoke too soon… I updated the Events Countdown shortcode PHP file as suggested, but the fix is not working for me. The event countdown still does not render, even after clearing all caches. Can you have another look?
Here is a test page to make this more straightforward:
Thank you,
This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by