Hi Ismael,
i am a freelance developer
i like coding standards
i like standard wordpress functions
i like KISS
*bigsmile* ;-)
Kind regards,
Hi Devin,
thank you for your answer. I think this way it is harder for your customers to adapt the theme. I would realy like to see support for get_template_part() and the post-format ‘status’ and ‘chat’. Thank you ;-)
Best regards,
Hi Peter,
thanks for the fast reply and the code fragment.
Could you please explain why enfold doesn’t support get_template_part() and instead uses filter. What is the advantage ?
Kind Regards,
Hi Ismael,
thanks for your reply. With these changes i get some warnings from font-manager.class.php (622); because the icon for status is not defined.
Is enfold supporting get_template_part( ‘content’, get_post_format() ); ?
I think this would make some changes a lot easier.
Kind regards,