Hello Rikard
No, this little Image was created automatically when I have place the Logo in the Enfold. I never have download an Image with the size 300 x 100px. For to have no problems now, I have delete all logos which I dont need. I have now only one Logo which I use, and the Problem is still the same.
What is CDN?
hope we can solve this problem
Fred Braune
Hello Rikard
In my Chrome-Browser I can see it much more bigger. Only the 4 Elephants i can see now. The same Image like this under the Header I ecpect. This Image in the Header is much more than 1310 px width.
Fred Braune
Hello Jordan
Now I have download the larger Picture 1310 x 166 px but I have the same problem it is unsharp and to small.
And I have place the same Picture as in the Header is. And it is ok!!!
in Customizer i have aded in CSS:
.logo img {
width: 1310px;
height: 166px;
best regards
Fred Braune
thanks for help. hope this will running.
That is the size in pixel. But you can see it is unsharp and not in the original size.