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  • in reply to: Title Bar Height – Thickness #749699


    I added your code to: Dashboard>Appearance>Customize>Additional CSS

    Contents of Custom CSS below
    You can add your own CSS here.

    Click the help icon above to learn more.

    /*Add your own styles here:*/
    .title_container .container {
    padding-top: 5px;
    padding-bottom: 5px;
    min-height: 20px;

    That did not affect anything so I added it to my Child Theme Stylesheet
    Dashboard>Appearance>Editor>Enfold Child>Styles Stylesheet (style.css)
    That did not affect it either.

    I could not find the section called “Quick CSS” It seems like I have seen it before, but now I cannot find it.
    Sorry, I’m just an armature trying to make a nice website, Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Title Bar Height – Thickness #745305


    Yes, I can turn it off or turn the breadcrumbs off, but I cannot change the height. You can see it directly on my website:
    or any other page on the site. The title bar is too thick for what I want. The Title Bar is Black with White Text, just under the Header, and is about as thick as the Header.

    Fred Littlefield

    in reply to: reloading enfold #742694

    You’re in the Same boat as I am. Except for my host had a power outage from a lightning storm. I went back to the Theme Forest site and downloaded my Enfold theme and reinstalled it. You can download it again at no charge, but you are probably like me and have gone past your support license for the first year.

    – A word of advice, install the plugin “Limit Login Attempts Reloaded” That will make it so that hackers can only log in a few times before they are locked out.
    – Another word of advice is to make your password stronger so that it will be more difficult to hack.
    – My Final word of advice is to backup your site. If you don’t know how to do that ask you Host Provider to tell you how. It’s not that difficult to do and it will save you weeks of work. I learned the hard way!

    in reply to: Child Theme Colors not changing with Theme Options #532376

    I found the Problem. I got a clue form another post about caching and child themes. I disabled my W3 Total Cache Plugin and everything is working.

    I am new at this so I didn’t realize that the Cache would create this problem.

    Have I not set my cache up correctly? Any suggestions would be helpful. I will restart the cache and reconfigure it for the Child Theme. Should I leave it off until I am done editing and setting up my website?

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