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  • in reply to: Text box appear on hover #522889

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for your quick reply!

    I have enabled the custom css field for ALB, as I needed to add custom css class for something else on the site. In this case I am not sure what to do though. Do I give my text block a custom id? And then what? If you could help me with the code that will be much appreciated.

    Thanks so much.


    in reply to: Glassy fullwidth submenu #510412

    That worked perfectly!

    Thanks so so much, Yigit!

    in reply to: Glassy fullwidth submenu #509755

    Hi Elliott.

    Thank you so much for this! I changed the code a bit to suit my site (because I’ve had various issues with the fullwidth submenu!) but it works fine! :-)

    Could I also ask… I would like not to have this fullwidth submenu shown on mobile at all. I don’t want the little menu button or background colour etc shown on mobile. With all the code I’ve added to make it work on desktop I’ve made it look strange on mobile (or smaller screens in general), so if I could just eliminate it completely there, that’d be great! Would this be possible?

    Thanks a lot!


    in reply to: Back link button #509583

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you so much for that.

    I would like the button to sit under the header. Would that be possible? I was wondering if I could have a submenu item (using the fullwidth submenu) that I ‘tell’ it to link back to the previous page?!

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Text Block within Color Section alignment #495327

    Thanks a lot.



    in reply to: Text Block within Color Section alignment #494843


    Thanks for your reply.

    If you could check the link again, you’ll see what I mean. I had forgotten to make the header to adapt to the browser window. If you see now, the text block doesn’t align with the edge of the browser window & therefore logo.? Does this make sense?

    Thank you.

    PS. Not sure how to attach a screenshot! :-/

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #486571

    It is related to this thread. I am very grateful of all the help you’ve provided, however I feel that there is something wrong with the fullwidth submenu, fullscreen slider & the transparent header and it seems like it is not going to be resolved.

    I will need to change the design as it doesn’t seem to be an available solution.

    Thank you.

    Kind Regards,


    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #486452


    Thanks for the advice.

    I believe there is a fault in the theme when you have fullscreen slider, fullwidth submenu and transparent header. Maybe something to look into & fix for the next update?

    I am currently making another website using Enfold theme again, as I do really think it’s one of the best. I created a page to test the fullwidth submenu / transparent header situation. Since I don’t have a lot of info on this website yet and not many plugins installed I thought i’ll test it out. As you see on the link attached the submenu appears above the header instead of below.



    in reply to: Change Icon Box circle to square #486372


    Thanks so much, Yigit!



    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #486346


    Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately this works only for a specific screen size. On larger screens those menu items don’t appear at the correct location. :-(



    in reply to: Change Icon Box circle to square #486342


    I’m afraid the !important code didn’t make any difference. :-( So, I’ve attached login details.

    Thank you.


    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #485089

    Hi Ismael.

    Thank you for this. It worked OK. Only issue I have is that because the fullwidth submenu is too long, on smaller screens the second line is way too low as you can see on the attached link.
    If there’s an easy code to fix this, please let me know.
    Otherwise, I might try and reduce the size of the submenu.

    Thanks again!


    in reply to: Customise Widget Area #478823

    Thank you so much!
    That did the job! :-)

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #478403


    Thank you for the reply. I added the updated code, but again no luck, as you can see on the link. Could you possibly have a look at the quick css code and see if you can maybe spot something that doesn’t look right?

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #475905


    Yes, it’s meant to be page-id-16.
    I’m afraid the code with page-id’s doesn’t work either. The submenu just acts strange when the header is transparent and I can’t understand why.

    If you can come up with a solution, please let me know. Otherwise maybe I just have to forget about the transparent header. :-/



    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #475729


    Yes, I had tried that. I added the page-id and post-id giving different values to each, but it still didn’t fix it. It fixes one page but not the other. :-(

    Thank you for trying to help. I think that there may be some kind of fault within the theme? Maybe? That the fullwidth submenu doesn’t respond well with a transparent header? At some point I removed all the Quick CSS code & deactivated all the plugins and the fullwidth submenu still jumped to the top when I changed my header to transparent.

    I feel we have tried pretty much everything at this stage.

    I do really like the theme and I even bought it again for another site, but it’s been driving me insane with this.

    Let me know if there is something we haven’t tried so if there’s anything I’m doing wrong.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #474961

    Hi Andy,

    I tried that, but didn’t work. It’s driving me insane at this stage!

    Basically if I add #top .av-subnav-menu > li { padding: 70px 0; } works on one page (link 1) and if I add #top .av-subnav-menu > li { padding: 2px 0; } works on the other pages (link 2 & 3) but I can’t find a way to have both. When I added page-id in front didn’t make any difference.

    Any other ideas?

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #474585


    I did what you suggested and I tried to find a solution to it using a combination of codes… So I managed to sort it using these codes:

    #top .av-subnav-menu > li { padding: 70px 0; }
    #top .av-submenu-container { height: 30px; border: none!important; }
    #top .sticky_placeholder { height: 0px!important; }

    .main_color.av-submenu-container, .main_color .av-subnav-menu a {
    background: transparent;
    #sub_menu1 {
    background: transparent!important;

    But, if you look at link no.1 you can see it works fine. But then it doesn’t work for links no.2 & 3. Do you think you could possibly provide a code which applies the above code only to specific pages? I need it to be like this on all the portfolio items? I tried something myself but with no luck.

    Thank you for your help.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #473250

    Really sorry about the confusion with the links.

    So, I did what you said and the code you added works in terms of bringing the submenu down, below the header, but the actual submenu doesn’t work – links aren’t clickable. And it also messes up the other pages.

    Can I ask if there is a code that I can add to make the background of both header and fullwidth submenu semi transparent? Maybe this way it won’t jump up on the page and it will sort itself out?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #472991

    Thanks for your quick reply Andy.

    I tried this code, but again the fullwidth submenu appears on top of the header. When I have a non transparent header everything appears normal; the minute I change it to transparent the submenu jumps to the top.

    If this (the transparency) doesn’t work, maybe an idea would be to add a semi transparent background to both header and fullwidth submenu? Would that be more manageable?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #472951

    Maybe I’ve confused things now, so sorry about that.
    The header is transparent but the full-width menu is not at the right location. I’d like it to be below the header, as shown on the image in the attached link.
    – I wasn’t sure how to send the screenshot through dropbox… :-/ –

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #472475

    Hi. I’m afraid this didn’t help either.

    Any ideas on how to resolve this? It’s strange that the minute I change the header to transparent the full-width submenu moves to the top of the page and it doesn’t even work!? Seriously stuck with this issue.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #471741

    Hi. I have now updated the theme. So if you could please have a look again at the fullwidth submenu (which seems to just be stuck to the top of the page) and let me know what you think.

    Thank you so much for all your effort.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #471170

    I was wondering, can I upload the new Enfold version using my cPanel and not ftp?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #470932


    I removed the ‘contact-1-‘ menu item, as it was a trial page, so doesn’t need to be there.

    Yes, you could temporarily deactivate the plugins. Basically do whatever you think would fix the menu situation! :-)

    On my Enfold panel it says that there are no updates available.?!

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #470003

    Hi. I’ve added the code and cleared the cache. Now the submenu has no grey background but it sits at the top of the page instead of under the header. Also it doesn’t look like it works as a menu.? I added a whitespace element but that didn’t work either?


    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #469059

    Hi. I’m afraid that didn’t work.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #469035

    Hello. Thank you for replying.

    I’m afraid I haven’t achieved what I need yet. I need my header & fullwidth menu to be transparent on pages where I use the fullscreen slider so that it is visible behind the menu/submenu etc. When I choose the header to be transparent the fullwidth submenu jumps up to the top of the page with a grey background.
    Please check the link I’ve attached and let me know if you need more clarification.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #467558

    I’m on a tight time schedule, so if you could please help me as soon as you can, I’d appreciate it.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Full width submenu with transparent header #466998

    I haven’t received a reply yet and I need to put my site ‘under construction’, so I’m attaching the login details privately if you need to visit the site.

    Thank you.

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