Forum Replies Created
You dont need the whole file.
You only need the part thats problematic
Here it is – copied directly from the WP-Editor under wp-admin/theme-editor.php?file=style.css&theme=enfold-child :.html_header_top.html_header_topbar_active.html_header_sticky #top #main { padding-top: 166px;} /* Navigation */ #header_main .logo{ position:relative; }
PS: I can tell you what will happen – cause i did it already several times:
– You will not find the special character (or when you do you will remove it)
– You send the “clean code” back.
– I will paste it into my CSS
Layout will be broken.Remember:
The problem IS NOT that THERE IS this special character.
The problem is that the layout breaks when i DELETE the special character– I wrote: “and the read more button i added”
– like i already said multiple times: margins and paddings for the read more button have NO INFLUENCE.
– No, i did not edit the masonry template – i added some PHP for my child themes functions.php which you gave me:/* Fügt "read more" button zu Masonry Elements */ function savvy_custom_mod(){ ?> <script> (function($){ $(window).on('av-height-change', function() { $('.av-masonry:not([class*="-gallery"]) .av-masonry-entry').each(function() { var more = $(this).find('.av-masonry-read-more'); var cont = $(this).find('.av-masonry-entry-content'); if( more.length == 1 ) return; cont.append('<div class="av-masonry-read-more">weiterlesen...</div>'); }); }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } add_action('wp_footer', 'savvy_custom_mod');
October 4, 2022 at 11:23 am in reply to: Description & title in masonry element move to the left #1367548Nope , does not work live and Firefox Inspector shows everything – selectors and rule – in grey (as deprecated or invalid or whatever it means).
The page has an ID called “workshop” – so i also tried this – but it also did not work:
#workshop .av-fixed-size #av-masonry-1-item-33326.av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-no-image .av-inner-masonry-content-pos { text-align: left !important;}
Hi, as far as i understand from reading it, it hides ALL descriptions under all conditions IF screen is smaller than 990px.
Is that correct?How would it be if i want it ONLY for the page with the page ID 32278?
Like this?@media only screen and (max-width: 990px) { .page-id-32278 .av-masonry-entry .av-masonry-entry-title + .av-masonry-entry-content { display: none; }}
eva“Others can stay :)”
Hi, i didnt ask if they “can stay”.
I asked if they “have to stay”
Big difference.Eva
All posts do have featured images – but i already solved it.
There must have been some interference with other CSS rules causing that issue.thank you
eva1: Where do i set the length for the breadcrumb?
2: “You also incorporate the wp_is_mobile function if you want to only apply it on mobile view.”
I dont understand that sentence. It seems to me as if you did not understand what i initially askedeva
“Have you tried to replace the condtion with the is_singular function?”
Did i say anything that makes you think that i understand PHP?
So why dont you simply paste a complete code instead of let me spend my time with trying to understad semi cryptical “advises” and timewasting trial & errors?Yes, i replaced post_type with the actual name of my own custom post type.
But even your new code does not work.
It is still: “Startseite / Name of the Post
Are you sure that the codes you gave are complete?The first code you gave worked – except the fact that that were 2 slashes.
Why dont you just try to follow this idea?eva
Hi Yigit
1: Your code does not work at all. Its still “Startseite / Name of the Post”
2: The code Ismael gave has more issues than just the 2 “/ /”.
On mobile the breadcrumb shows the wrong order..
It says “Startseite / Name of the post / Home of masonry”
3: “if is single” means a condition for every single page which makes a lot of work.
There must be a better way.
Something like “if is CPT courses” or soeva
PS: The rel attribute you added seems wrong to me cause its not any kind of relation
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
i have already answered this question.
Do you realy read what i write?Its not about the code, Ismael.
Its aboout classes or IDs i might have given in the ALB but never used1: Answer to your question: in my first post.
2: Your suggesteions dont work
-: When i follow your advice with creating it from scratch in annother editor …the layout breaks
-: When i open the file via FTP and edit the line or delete the line (plus the line above and below to make sure) .…the layout breaksits always the same:
When i delete the BOM (whatever way)….the layout breakseva
September 28, 2022 at 4:27 pm in reply to: Massive CSS issues – classes not editable cause gone #13667471: the closing span exists in the database – i just forgot to paste it here.
2: “Have you tried to manually edit the shortcode from the shortcode field?…Like i already said: IT IS in the database. IT IS NOT in ALB/Shortcode debug mode.eva
There have been much more codes i asked about
“Just replace this line with your own condition.”
This is unprecise.
1: instead of the code you gave me yesterday or additional? If additional- how?
2: What conditions are we talking about?kind regards
evaHallo Yigit
thank you very muchkind regards
evaHi Yigit,
1: when?
2: Meanwhile i would like to have quickfixes. Nikko proved that there are some.thanks and kind regards
evaAlmost, but:
“Sie sind hier: Startseite / / PagewithMasonry TitleofClass”
There are now:
– 2 Slashes between “Startseite” and “PageWithMasonry”
– No slash between “Page with Masonry” and “Title of Class”When i add a slash after the anchor ( PagewiththeMasonry /’;) i get a third slash after “Startseite”
“Sie sind hier: Startseite / / / PagewithMasonry TitleofClass”This is strange cause when i use any other character (like X or – or anything else) than the character is behind “PageWithMasonry”
Like “PageWithMasonry – ”
But if i use a slash it gets strangeFor me as a user your argument is a bit of a sophistic trick cause i clearly explained what i want.
No, i dont order cucumbers and complain about that they are green and long instead of red and round.
;-)1/5 or 2/5 column
Why do i always need to have workarounds or completly build a new layout instead of using the themes options??
Let me think for a moment….
ah yes.
There arent any.(Got the sarcasm?)
That would be a valid way if i would know which classes or IDs i look for.
But what if want to know IF there are any unused classes or IDs but i dont know their names?
kind regards
– I would not edit any CSS except the childthemes CSS. I copied some parts from the parents CSS, edited and pasted it into the childCSS. This might be the way the BOM charakter came from.
– The screenshot would not show you anything else than you can see here:
Except that the red dot is in front of the comment.
Like this:
DOT/* Navigation */best regards
evaNo. “Button” like nondevelopers understandt it, does not necessarily imply anything that moves or pulsates or sonars or change colors or hovers or twitches.
My post tells clear that i want a plain “button” without any gimmicks.
It is, by the way, quite irritating that Enfold meanwhile comes with hundreds of “gimmicks” but lacks stable and plain features like a simple “button”, a plain uncolored notice box or a form with a working multiselect or a a very simple honeypot field which is very easy to build.It devolops more and more into the direction of “Avada” and no one who is reasonable can want that.
Hi Rikard,
you can answer your question by reading my post.
Thank you very much.kind regards
1: of course i need the code to reverse ALL effects .
2: If this is so simple – why isnt it an option in your theme? Instead you gave us a dozens of shadows and borders which easily can be done by some lines of simple CSS and gimmicks like sonar & pulsar and stuff nobody ever seriously will use.regards
evaSeptember 25, 2022 at 11:05 pm in reply to: Title + Description of masonry element alignment #1366287Hello Ismael,
thank you. It works.
kind regards
evaOK, that works. Thanx
Can you explain why my code didnt work?
.page-id-32278 .av-caption-style-overlay .av-masonry-entry .av-masonry-entry-title {
font-size: 3em !important;}eva
September 25, 2022 at 3:38 pm in reply to: Massive CSS issues – classes not editable cause gone #1366264and maybe you should fix this forum too, so that your WHYSIWYG-Editor works
It was a typo – of course i meant masonry element.
The fact that i posted the CSS is a strong hint for it.Read again please!
I need to change the font size only for the page with the .page-id-32278.
All other pages should show the masonry element like normal/standard/defaultkind regards
Eva -
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by