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  • in reply to: Masonry Galerie #1295094

    Hi Nikko
    sorry for delay.

    I want to do the following:

    I have many many pictures on my website and I want to create dynamic galleries.

    Pictures are shown on different pages/posts/portfolios eg of different photographers.
    I want to add categories or tags to the pictures to show all pictures from the wordpress-media-gallery with these attributes in one new gallery.
    This works with posts, pages and portfolios that all have the same tag when I want to display them as a masonry — but I can’t find such a solution for a masonry-gallery.

    I tried the plugin “Media Library Categories”
    this works well for organizing the media-library, but Enfold does not recognize these categories.

    I know this feature from next-gen-gallery (I own the professional version using it on a different website) — but the problem ist, that ngg uses its own folder-management and those pictures are not shown in the wp-media-gallery. So you often have pictures two times on the server (eg the featured images).
    And, by the way, the website is running much faster when not using ngg :-)

    So please tell me, if there is any way to create such dynamic masonry-galleries.

    thanks a lot and greetings from Vienna

    in reply to: Avia Builder Element not clickable/draggable in pages #1247679

    I have the same problem.
    The avia builder works with portfolio — but not with pages.
    If I publish the page, then avia builder works
    And it keeps working, when changing back to draft

    kind regards

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