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  • in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #745501

    @Guenni007 you are beyond amazing.
    Thanks for your help!!

    in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #745421

    I will update soon, thanks for telling me that!

    About the website; the menu is still great, it’s still responsive as the screen gets smaller.

    I saw you added this code:

    #top.boxed, .html_boxed.html_header_sticky #header {
        max-width: 85% !important;
        width: 1010px;

    I changed that code to:

    #top.boxed, .html_boxed.html_header_sticky #header {
        max-width: 85% !important;
        width: 80%;

    And now it works axactly like how I want it to be.

    Amazing @quenni007, I’ll keep you in the credits of the website.

    EDIT: I now see that both codes underneath dont work anymore; why is that .. ?

    /* Content slider */
    .contentsliderlettertyp {
    font-size: 14px;
    text-align: center;
    /* Witte special header met schaduw */
    .dropshadow .av-special-heading-tag {
    text-shadow: 2px 1px 2px black !important;
    color: #ffffff;
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by ernaborbas.
    in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #745409

    I just sent you the details, hope you can help me.

    Otherwise I hope the mods can help me with:
    – Centering menu (logo in middle)
    – Links may not fall underneath other menu links
    – Keeping it sort of responsive

    This code is great allready:
    Only downside to that is that my page isn’t 80% wide anymore.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by ernaborbas.
    in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #745348

    @guenni007 I’m just very confused about it all, can I maybe send you login details so you can change the piecie of code for me? It would help ALOT ..

    Because I can’t seem to find where in the website I have to delete this pieces of code –

    If u agree, i will send the details to: (Email address hidden if logged out)


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by ernaborbas.
    in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #745323

    I now only added this code, what should I add next??

    .container {
        width: 100%;
    .container .av-content-small.units {
        width: 80%;
    .responsive #top.boxed, .responsive.html_boxed.html_header_sticky #header, .responsive.html_boxed.html_header_transparency #header {
        max-width: 90%;
        width: 80%;
    .responsive .container {
        max-width: 80%;
    #top #header .av-main-nav > li > a {
        font-size: 15px;

    As you can see, the width of the page is perfect now.
    That is the width i would like to have.

    Now I need the menu to be: Link – Link – Link – Logo – Link – Link – Link & The responsive part that you designed.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by ernaborbas.
    in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #745314

    Hello @Guenni007,

    I had a short vacation, I can’t seem to figure out what I need to remove from the code I have on my website right now..
    The code i have working now is:

    .av-main-nav li:nth-child(3) {
        margin-right: 150px;
    .responsive .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
        padding: 0 8px;
    #header_main_alternate {
         border: medium none !important;
    #header .container {
         max-width: 100%;
         padding: 0px;
    .html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo {
         filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 3px #888888);
         left: 50%;
         transform: translate(-50%, 20px);
    .html_header_top.html_header_sticky.html_large.html_bottom_nav_header #main {
        padding-top: 165px !important;
    .cart_dropdown {
        opacity: 0;
        right: 0;
        top: 0;
        transition: none !important;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 980px) {
    .responsive .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
        padding: 0 20px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 810px) {
      .container #advanced_menu_toggle, #advanced_menu_hide {
          display: block;
    .main_menu .avia-menu, #header_main_alternate, .fallback_menu {
        display: none;
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .container {
        float: none;
        margin: 0 auto;
        max-width: 85%;
        padding-left: 0;
        padding-right: 0;
        width: 85%;
    .responsive.html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo {
        left: 0;
        margin: 0;
        transform: translate(0%, 0px);
    .responsive #top .cart_dropdown {
        margin: -23px 50px 0 0;
        position: absolute;
        right: 7.5%;
        top: 50%;
        opacity: 1

    Can you help me with completing the piece of code with your new code?

    You’re very helpfull allready, thanks for that!

    in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #743959

    Thank you @Guenni007, amazing piece of code.
    The code seems to work; partially.

    My site had the maximum container width of 80%. It looks like the maximun width is back at 1310px again.
    I really want it to be 80% wide.

    I MAY want to shrink the logo a little, what part of the code do I need to change to make that happen?

    Also i can’t seem to adjust the font-size anymore, of the main menu.
    The size is 14px right now, I want the size to be around 16px/18px.

    I like what you did with the shadow, underneath the logo; good job!!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by ernaborbas.
    in reply to: Center menu – responsive ?! #743639

    This is the website (in the first post i placed in in private content).

    As i said; I dont want to shrink the font-size. I’m searching for a other solution.

    in reply to: Center menu – White space below #730347

    EDIT: This code seems to work fine.

    #main {
        padding-top: 80px !important;

    Thanks Kriesi Support!

    in reply to: Center menu – White space below #730334

    Thanks Rikard! That worked right away.
    How can I make it work for ALL the pages + future pages? the code only works on the main page right now.

    I’m not looking for a code like this, I dont want to make a code for every future page I create.

    .page-id-212 #main {
        padding-top: 80px !important;

    Thanks in advance.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by ernaborbas.
    in reply to: Responsive photo's and text. #724912

    We already seemed to make it work Rikard.
    Thanks for your response.

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