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The screenshot was of Google Tag Manager (GTM). I really want to use the GTM solution for form submit measuring. Apparently the built in “Form Submission” trigger, does not fire with the Enfold Form, since there is no page reload on submit. A solution would be if I catch the response of the form submission by CSS id in GTM. 2 Problems with this:
Thank you message code (div id) is very generic
The code is not very unique<div id="ajaxresponse_1" class="ajaxresponse ajaxresponse_1" style="display: block;"><div id="result_ajax_response_1" class="ajaxresponse ajaxresponse_1"><h3 class="avia-form-success ">Jouw bericht is verstuurd!</h3></div></div>
but I can fix this with a Page Patch criterium in GTM.Message stays in screen
The “thank you message” stays in the screen, so if the user accidentily opens the /contact/ page again, the trigger is fired twice and the submits are counted twice as well. Can this be avoided?
<img src="<img src=”” alt=”2024-02-04-16-01-13-Clipboard” border=”0″ />” alt=”Thank you message” />Nikko, that fixed it for me. As I understand correctly both documents used the same CSS Classes and this gave the logo a default color. Thanx a lot!
This is new for me, are the classes stored inside the SVG-file? I just downloaded them from their respected websites.
So I have to change them manually? or is there another solution?With kind regards,
The logo of the website has the same colors as the logo of the brand. So that’s why it looks good in your screenshot, but not for the other brand. For the other brandpages the brands logo messes up color of the website logo.
Read below in private comments.
Best regards,
I had to escape the ” in one line of your code:
echo "<img src=\"{$thumb_src[0]}\" />";
Then it works, but with 2 major downsides:
- Logo is extremely biga (looking into a CSS-fix)
- The logo changes the colors of main logo (here the black in de logo is turned into yellow of van der valk logo)
Best regards,
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
This reply has been marked as private.Nikko,
The code puts the SVG on the page with size 1 by 1 px.
<img src="" width="1" height="1">
So I added some code to make them show:
/* SVG brands overview */ div#our-brands-logo { margin-bottom: 20px; } div.our-brands-logo img[src$=".svg"] { height: 120px !important; width: auto !important; }
The problem is now that the normal categorie show a large thumb above it. How can I show logo, but hide that thumb?
Nikko, I am pretty sure it has something to do with a SVG filetype. So I tried to do something like this: detect the filetype, then return the content of the SVG as source in the page or if PNG/JPG just use normal <img src.
I don’t have the skills to do this right, but maybe you can make it work :)/** * Adds logo to brand page */ add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'add_brand_woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 5 ); function add_brand_woocommerce_before_shop_loop() { global $wp_query; $brand_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object()->term_id; $thumbnail_id = WC_Brands::get_term_meta( $brand_id, 'thumbnail_id', true ); $file_info = pathinfo( wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id ) ); if ( $thumbnail_id ) { if ( $file_info['extension'] === 'svg' ) { echo file_get_contents( wp_get_attachment_url( $thumbnail_id ) ); } else { $thumb_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id, $size ); echo "<img src="{$thumb_src[0]}" width="{$thumb_src[1]}" height="{$thumb_src[2]}" />"; } } }
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
Notice: Undefined variable: size in functions.php on line 66
Line 66:
$thumb_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $thumbnail_id, $size );
Does this have to do with SVG image support?
This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
Nikko, if a product bundle consists of mutiple brands and is included in the brands page, then there will be 2 logo’s above the page.
Is this something that can be fixed?Screenshot of brands page which features product bundles with mutiple brands
Thank you for your proposed solution. This displays 2 logos on the page and they are below the description of the brand. Can you tell me how I can adjust the code to display the logo above the content?
I can not filter a dynamic IP. So I have no means of revealing to you this page. But the brands overview page does not show a logo.
I have created a login for you as a reader so you can view the page. Check private data please.With kind regards,
I fixed it. Somehow I hadn’t setup the NEWS page in the Enfold settings.
Doh!Thanks for your help.
I do not understand. The newsarticle can not have a working breadcrumb like “home / news / uber die grenze”?
That fixed it. I know that putting a space in an anchor is a bad idee (and I didn’t do it), but that shouldn’t cause a site to malfunction like that right?
Thank you very much :)
Everything works again!I have tried everything by now:
- Enfold and WP are up-to-date. Even updated enfold folder manually from latest zip
- Tried removing content of style.css in CSS style sheet, no effect
- Tried with empty functions.php, no effect
When I copy all content of the page (CTRL+A CTRL+V in Notepad, I see the text of the testimonials.
Can you have one more look, this is driving me insane!Yigit,
Removed the entire Enfold theme and replaced it with version 4.05.
The problem persists.I do use a bit of custom code to keep the gallery in view when paginating.
You guys helped me with this:add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘enfold_customization_pagination_anchor’ );
function enfold_customization_pagination_anchor() {
<script type = “text/javascript”>
jQuery(‘.pagination a’).each(function(i, e){
var url = jQuery(this).attr(‘href’);
jQuery(this).attr(‘href’, url + “#portfolio”);
}Can this somehow influence the Tesitmonial rotator?
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Login information attached in private content
I deactivated all plugins and still nothing :S
Any clue?I fixed it. It was a caching problem :(
But also the second code needed <script> tags in order to work.function facebook_completeregistration(){ if ( is_page( 291 )) { ?> <!-- Facebook Pixel Code CompleteRegistration --> <script> fbq('track', 'CompleteRegistration'); </script> <!-- End Facebook Pixel Code CompleteRegistration --> <?php } } add_action('wp_head', 'facebook_completeregistration');
Maybe this is still useful for other Enfold-users who want to track conversions by adding code to functions.php :)
Thank you Ismael,
That is making the icon + text bigger.
But I would like to make the icon bigger than the text and keep them both vertically centered.Do you know any solution for this?
URL attached in Private Content
I have created the following CSS to make the icon bigger.
span.avia_button_icon.avia_button_icon_left { font-size: 36px; }
But as you can see, the vertical allignment is completely wrong.
I haven’t implemented it yet on my pages Rikard, since it doesn’t look good.
I want to increase the icons size in comparison tot the text, but keep the text and icon verticallay in the middle of the button.
This is what happens if I increase the icon size:
The image and text don’t vertically align with the button-
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by
Any news on this????
My customers are very upset with me, and I have no clue what is going on.
I am trying to tell you that I get different screens when I follow your instruction (
- So after step 2 I see this screen:
- Then when I click “Create Project and Enable API” I see this screen with an API key:
- When you use the copy button in this screen, the key gets a leading and trailing whitespace:
This API key does not work, with or without spaces.
- In order to get to your step 4 screen I need to go to the following url:,geocoding_backend,directions_backend,distance_matrix_backend,elevation_backend,places_backend&keyType=CLIENT_SIDE&reusekey=true
- Then I have to select a project and then I can create a browser key: (this browser key I have attached in the Private Content of this post)
- This browser key also has a leading and trailing whitespace that the Enfold Google Services does not remove. So I have removed them manually.
This API-key doesn’t work either!
Can you please take a serious look at my site. My customer’s are losing faith in my skills and I really can’t afford it to lose them.
Thank you.
First I deleted my current projects from the Google API page.
Then I tried tried to follow your tutorial.
I was logged in to Google.
So I followed the link from step 1 of your tutorial.
But when I clicked “Get a Key” it looked very different from your step 3. ( I select “Create New Project” it will load for half a minute and give me an API key.
I paste this API-key, but the Widget still doesn’t load :(
“Oops! Something went wrong.
This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.”PS. When you manually select the api key in your browser and paste it, the key has a trailing space. Your interface doesn’t trim the key.I removed the trailing space myself.
Andy, FTP credentials attached.
And the Google Map from ALB is not working either. It fails to receive coördinates for a valid address :(
No I generate one API-key per domain from different Google Accounts.
Could something be blocking the API key from being transmitted to Google Maps API?
Isn’t this a Javascript solution? How can it be blocked?I am getting really desperate, as none of the Google Maps widgets currently work.
My customers start to complain and I understand there complaints.
There must be some solution to this problem, right?HELP!