Hi, thanks for help.
I just tried to add the following:
do_shortcode( '[easy-social-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,linkedin,xing" counters=1 counter_pos="rightm" total_counter_pos="hidden" style="button"]' );
But it doesn’t work. If I add the shortcode in the post themself, it works. Do you have an idea?
Thanks, Enrico
Okay, thanks. But how can I add my own shortcode instead? I dont wanna put it into the post itself, because when I have to change the shortcode, I’d have to change every single post.
Regards, Enrico
Okay, I just found out how it works. You can’t use the advanced layout editor, otherwise the template seems not to work.
So if I use the standard view, it works. But is there an option to work with both? The template AND the advanced layout editor?
Thanks, Enrico