Forum Replies Created
Yes, I had to resolve this so I made the button a graphic. Since the template allows for buttons it would be nice to have a responsive button available to use within the layerslider.
Hoping someone has some suggestions for this.
Sorry I need to delete this. I ended up doing it without the layer slider.
May 11, 2016 at 3:55 pm in reply to: How do I change the size of the author photo on the author archive page #630783Sorry I was told that the photo was not needed, so if I have to enable it again, I’ll ask the question again. It looked like this and we wanted it larger
Sorry we ended up switching it. Not sure how to close or delete this topic.
Thank you, but this is a nav item, not just a regular link. How can I do this within Appearance > Menu etc.
Login information provided
Sorry. We have a navigational item labeled live chat that links to an external live chat service. We’d like to tell this one navigational item to open in a new window and be able to specify that size of the new window.
November 24, 2015 at 10:28 pm in reply to: Open Manual Link in Lightbox in Full Width Easy Slider #541984That is great and just what I want; however, in the Full Width Easy Slider I have selected the following
1. Apply a link or button to the slide: Apply Link to Image
2. Image Link: Set Manually and enter the url
3. Open Link in new Window? I can only choose Open in new window or Open in same window.I only have these fields and options.
We found a way to use the layer slider in columns rather than full width
We found the issue.
Our shortcode needed a wp_reset_query();
Yes when I started typing my question, I thought maybe just designating a different sidebar would be better than using Widget Logic; however, I did not update my subject. If you read through the threads it never really was about widget logic.
We got the theme updated; however, I have two pages as mentioned above that are set exactly the same but are displaying different items in the sidebar. One page uses shortcodes.
Sorry silly me. I was entering the purchase code rather than the API key.
We are having a problem updating on the windows server because it’s generating a download file with a really long filename.
It’s now updated and still the sidebars are different
- This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by endoradigital.
When I go to my theme and then updates I see the following. If I check manually there still isn’t anything avail. Why doesn’t it know there is a newer theme than 3.0.8?
Theme Updates
No Updates available. You are running the latest version! (3.0.8)Check Manually
The theme has been updated and the sidebar is still not returning the right elements.
This was just updated on Friday 10/30.
Again I am trying to use a form built in Contact Form 7. I don’t believe your instructions are for a Contact Form 7 form it is for the Enfold form.
I have thought of trying to modify the Enfold Contact Form; however, I was wondering if that data is databased and where in the admin you find the submissions. We need the info to be databased.
I’m assuming if I create the form using the Enfold contact form builder (wand > contact elements > contact form) in a new page using the default editor, I then copy all that code and put it in the layer slider in the HTML/Video/Audio tab? Do I need to save that page I originally used to create the code or can I just copy it and put it in the layer slider?
I did do the above and when I preview the slider it does not show the form. I cannot add it to a page right now because the avia builder is not loading for some reason…it just spins. I put it in a page with the default editor and it does not work.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by endoradigital.
That helps; however, could you please help me figure out why the sidebar isn’t the same on both pages I provided the url for?
Perfect thank you!
Thank you so much. I had thought of that, but how can I also make the left adjust responsively? I tried % and I tried em, but neither worked.
I was able to have some success by re-coding the shortcodes. Instead of using the php echo, I saved all output to a variable and then returned the variable. Doing it this way I no longer have to hard-code the divs inside the shortcodes and no extra divs are generated.
I am trying to put a contact form 7 form in the layerslider.
I am not using the theme contact form. I am using a Contact Form 7 form.
If I go to Pages > Create New > leave the page in default editor mode > click on the magic wand, what should I select?
We have some simple custom shortcodes that we are trying to use to display post information based on the selected category. The data from these shortcodes is what it should be. However, if we leave the hard-coded divs out, the template seems to ignore that the shortcodes are in different text blocks and displays the data together. Only by hard-coding the divs are we able to get the shortcode data to look like we want. Unfortunately, any other items in the same text block as the shortcode gets placed into a different div and displays under the data from the shortcodes.
As an example, take a look at the current Duexis page in the WordPress Admin. This has test copy above the shortcodes. Since the divs are hard-coded, five divs get generated for the content. Two for the shortcodes and three for the test copy and the widget. If I remove the hard-coded divs from these shortcode functions, three divs will get generated, however the shortcode will display above these divs and not inside like we want.
It looks like using custom shortcodes is not working nicely with the template text block divs that get generated. Does custom shortcode coding need to be done different that what we are doing? I first had the coding in the child functions.php and then moved them to the shortcodes folder as a stand-alone custom.php file.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by endoradigital.
When I use the magic wand in a text area in a new page I only have options for
Content Elements: Button, Fullwidth Button, Separator /Whitespace, Icon and Notification
Dropcap 1
Dropcap 2
I am not using the Avia form so this does not apply.
I did move it to the HTML / Video / Audio section and that did not fix it.I dumped it in a draft page and have provided the url.
I have reset the password to the one provided and testing the login. It should work fine now.
I was able to write the css and apply it to the images, the only thing missing is the animation when you scroll down, how them seem to grow/appear.
The only thing I wish is that it had the same style as when I used the avia builder gallery layout. With the border with padding and rectangular image and the hover opacity.
I think I got it thank you.
- This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by endoradigital.
Wow that is weird…it looks like it’s working now. Happy, but not sure what was going on.