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  • in reply to: Image resizes on lightbox preview image #1322189

    Hi Ismael,

    yeah sure, see private content.

    I’m talking about the slider you see once you’ve clicked on one of our references
    These images within the slider need to be fullsize, if possible.

    in reply to: Tab-Section: all tabs closed #1321083

    Hey Ismael,

    thank you, the code worked. But It’s not quite what I expected.

    The tabs are closed, but it’s just a whitespace. I created Screenshots for better understanding.

    How it is:
    How it should be:

    I need the tabs fully removed until the user clicks it.

    Hope that clarifies my problem.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Grid row: same height for cells #1320862

    Hey Mike,

    worked perfectly. Thank you!

    in reply to: do_shortcode issue with layout #1319845

    Hi Ismael,

    that looked good, but unfortunately, we don’t pass the $post as post. We have a preview text within the post with shortcodes – these are the ones getting displayed in the results. Is there something similar to compile_post_content but taking a String (with shortcodes)?

    Thanks in advance!

    in reply to: Image resizes automatically on portfolio grid #1316293

    Hi Ismael,

    yes! That’s it. Thank you a lot!

    in reply to: Image resizes automatically on portfolio grid #1315992


    I am referring to the image you see when you click on a preview image in the portfolio preview/slider. It does only display the original if the uploaded image is under 1300, if it’s bigger it’s getting cropped.

    This image for example (Link 1) will show up if you click on the image in the slider, but we want the full sized image to be displayed, which would be (Link 2).

    See Link 3 for the case I am referring to.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by emilconsor. Reason: Added screenshot
    in reply to: Image resizes automatically on portfolio grid #1315817


    I still need help – we want the lightbox images to have fullsize once clicked on the preview.
    I’ve searched for that and found some snippets to add to the functions.php, but that doesnt work:

    add_filter( 'avf_avia_builder_masonry_lightbox_img_size', 'enfold_customization_change_popup_size' );
    function enfold_customization_change_popup_size( $size ) {
      return 'full';

    as well as

    function change_lightbox_size() {
        return "full";
    add_filter('avf_avia_builder_helper_lightbox_size','change_lightbox_size', 10);


    function avia_change_gallery_thumbnail_link($link, $attachment, $atts, $meta){
        $link = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment->ID, "full");
        return $link;
    add_filter('avf_avia_builder_gallery_image_link', 'avia_change_gallery_thumbnail_link', 10, 4);

    Are these deprecated or why aren’t they working?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by emilconsor. Reason: Specification
    in reply to: Image resizes automatically on portfolio grid #1314852

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks! That worked.


    in reply to: Image resizes automatically on portfolio grid #1313964

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks, that did the trick for the lightbox. Now we have got another problem tho, as you can see here:
    (Link 1)
    The image now gets cropped within the carousel.

    Is there a way to resize the image within the carousel instead of cropping it?


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by emilconsor.
    in reply to: Post format video not showing thumbnail #1312313

    Hi Mike,

    thanks for your reply.

    I kinda remeber that it should work like this. The first embedded Video in the post is used as thumbnail and featured image. Am I wrong? I thought it’s a standard wordpress feature.

    The problem is, if we’re using the normal thumbnail image upload, the image gets also displayed within the post as featured image, and we don’t want this to happen, because the video within the post has the same thumbnail. So it would be shown twice and we don’t want that.

    Is there a way to get this to work like I described above?

    Thanks so far,

    Hi Nikko,

    sorry for not responding anymore.
    You helped me a lot! It was a child theme setting under “Custom Elements”.
    If the “Custom Elements Management” is set to “editors and admins”, the slider will not work in the backend.

    I will look into it if the option is needed at all.
    Do you know why it’s crashing when the option is not deactivated?

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by emilconsor. Reason: typo

    Hi Nikko,

    I do not quite understand this – I’ve commented out the entire functions.php leaving only the style.css from the child theme.
    If the child theme is activated, the error occurs.

    Am I understanding something wrong about how WordPress works and missing something else?

    in reply to: Add Custom Field to Post Meta Date Shortcode #1304409

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for the answer.
    I guess It’s too much of a hassle.
    But thanks anyway.


    Hi Nikko,

    its working now – but the parent theme is still active so maybe that is the reason why its working eventhough everything is uncommented.

    I think I can narrow it down myself now, I thought it was an Enfold-Bug but if its because of a function in the functions.php, I will debug it myself. Thanks!

    Hi Nikko,

    no problem.

    in reply to: Date above Title of Blog Post Modul #1302784

    Hi Mike,

    thanks for your help.

    I got the result i wanted via css. Problem solved.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Layout Builder as default for custom types #1301342


    that worked like a charm! Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Layout Builder as default for custom types #1300883

    HI Ismael,

    I need to add the a:():{} because of the broken layout after importing the json-data.

    If I just activate the editor from the database, there is still the space above and the HTML-construct is wrong.
    After I’ve added the a:():{} manually to the database, the construct fixes himself (just like after saving in the backend).

    I need it to be automated since it is an import, that is why I add the metafields programmatically into the database – and that’s where the “s:6” appears. After deleting the s:6 from the database, the construct is fixed.
    Why does it add the s:6 even though I’m not inserting that?


    in reply to: Change responsive Breakpoints for Devices #1300321

    Hi Ismael,

    the masonry gallery on the “Leistungen”-Section or the “Referenzen”-Section has 4 columns at 768px but 2 columns at 767px.

    So basically i want them to be 2 columns from 820px to 480px.

    Thank you in advance

    Kind regards

    in reply to: do_shortcode issue on visual builder #1299384

    Hi Ismael,

    I’ve already tried the snippet, but that didn’t work either.
    What do you mean custom builder?
    Search&Filter plugin just allows to make a search- or/and filterform with customized resultpages, so I’ve written only php-code.

    What else can we do then?

    in reply to: do_shortcode issue on visual builder #1297141


    we’re using the result-page of the plugin Search&Filter. They allow to customize the result page and we are using shortcodes for icons and buttons within the resultpage.
    If you scroll down to “Weitere Kundenrefenzen” and open up one of the references, you can see the content where the shortcodes are executed.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: do_shortcode issue on visual builder #1294307


    unfortunately, the filter didn’t work.
    We are using the normal template, so no custom template. The only custom thing is the search&filter-part.
    You can see this here:

    in reply to: do_shortcode issue on visual builder #1291312


    this issue is still relevant for me (Enfold The given solutions do not work for me.
    When I’m using “do_shortcode($content)”, some columns get 100% width – just as BlutVampir described.
    The shortcode I’m using is just an icon:

    [av_font_icon icon='ue906' font='econsor-system-icons' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='20px' position='right' animation='' color='#21759b' av_uid='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_font_icon]

    If replaced with a button, the problem still persists.
    Is there something new about this issue?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Video Shortcode not working in Accordion #1289582

    Hi Rikad,

    I try to describe the single steps as close as possible, so you udnerstand what i’m asking for.

    The use case is to maintain videos wthin a accordion element which has two different inputs types title and content.
    In the content area there is the posibillity to use theme shortcodes like the video shortcode through the magic stick.
    Then the visual shortcode editor opens up in a lightbox. After finishing the editing and saving the shortcode settings the shortcode gets inserted in the content area. After that we’re not able to edit this shortcode again. As far as I know we have to delete the existing shortcode and do the editing from scratch. So we would like to now if it’s possible to avoid that workflow and if its possible to open up the visual editor again after the shortcode is already inserted.

    I hope this gets more clear now to you.

    Maybe this is too advanced and out of scope for the support but it would be good to know if this is possible.


    in reply to: Bynder Integration #1289571

    Hi Rikkard,

    the bar is no part of the plugin but we solved it by our own. It was disabled through enfold backend stylesheet. Also some customization work of some theme files was required to show the remote library in the bar.


    in reply to: Bynder Integration #1288467

    Hi Yigit,

    we are in contact with the author to develope a custom solution for the integration

    But what can we do about the the missing action bar in the media library popup? This is not related to any other plugin.


    in reply to: Video Shortcode not working in Accordion #1288265

    Hi Rikard,
    We know about the pivate Vimeo content issues and we’re working on that.
    That was not our problem. It doesn’t matter what url we’re using, the video shortcode wasn’t working within a accordion element. However it works now but it is a bit laborious for editors to maintain the content with shortcodes in the text editor because it can’t be changed after it’s inserted. Is there a way to edit the shortcode the same way as it is possible when it’s inserted initially?

    Thanks so far.


    in reply to: Font Awesome Pro import issue #1287612

    Hi Nikko,

    thanks so much. Appreciate it.


    in reply to: Font Awesome Pro import issue #1287335

    Hi Nikko,

    thanks, it workes but unfortunately it only imports one font type. However the Pro Font has over 7.000 Icons and it only imports the solid ones. So we have to zip each of the six types and upload it seperatly.

    Further there is one newer version of the fontawesome the version 6. We got the same problem with this one. We also tryed to zip the webfont folder and upload this but than an error accures. May you check this for us?

    I’ve uploaded the whole zip for you. Check private content.

    Thanks so far,

    in reply to: Font Awesome Pro import issue #1287160

    Hi Nikko,
    we’ve already increased the php values to upload the font. The problem ist that we can’t import/install it via icon font manager.
    Post Max Size is at 512 MB
    Upload Max Filesize is at 200 MB

    Link to font zip is in priavte content.


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