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  • in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #560785

    thanks. The code block suggestion helped as I was completely lost on where to put code. I added an ID# to my slider of “Prolok_banner” and then the below code got me working. I also tested with taking the ID off and putting it just on 1 slide of the slider (like just the text instead of the image) so I verified that it works in a variety of manners. Thanks for your help. I had to use part of your solution and some from various google analytic s links as there is no way I would have gotten this working by myself.

    <script type = "text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    	$('#Prolok_banner').on('click', function() {
    	  ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'click', 'prolok banner', 1);
    in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #554655

    Where would this be added? into the HTML code on the slider?

    in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #504144

    Counting the banner clicks is a hot issue with my marketing department right now so I have moved my “Test” setup into production. So now both sites have the text in the banner as a link which fires the click event. However I am still interested in my initial issue of making the whole banner a link again and firing the clickevent.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by elrey52.
    in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #504133

    I have pasted the link that is working below .

    <a href="" onClick="ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'banner', eventAction: 'click', eventLabel: 'prolok banner', eventValue: 1});">PROLOK - our new band and buckle product line. A MUST SEE, click here for details.</a>

    in the HTML box of layer 2 of the slider the above link works. But if I remove that link from the html portion and put it in the URL box then it doesn’t. I get no link at all when that happens.

    my current setup on production site
    URL – (the whole banner is a link)HTML of layer 2 – “PROLOK – our new band and buckle product line…….” (text only)

    current setup on the test site
    URL – (blank)
    HTML of layer 2 – <a href="" onClick="ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'banner', eventAction: 'click', eventLabel: 'prolok banner', eventValue: 1});">PROLOK - our new band and buckle product line. A MUST SEE, click here for details.</a> – this makes the text a link but not the banner.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by elrey52.
    in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #503615

    no, still not fixed. . I have a production site (same URL) and a test system at the different IP Address. So the URL will work without the host edit but it will be accessing my production site where the banner is currently just a link. I am currently only trying to get the OnClick event working on the test system. Making the banner a link is not a problem but making it work as a link and fire the onclick event is a problem. On my test system the banner is not a link, only the text is and it fires the clickevent.

    in reply to: Adding Google OnClick event to LayerSlider WP #503079

    The slider I am using is basically just a banner. There is an “enter URL” box at the top that makes the whole slider a link. That is what I have always used for the link for this particular slider. In layer 1 of my slider I just have an image. in layer 2 I just have some text.

    I have the code for my Click Event but if I put the code in that “Enter URL box” it does not work and there is no link at all for the banner.

    I can add the link to the HTML portion of layer 2. then the text associated with the slider becomes a link and fires the Click Event successfully but then only the text is a link, not the entire slider.

    I would like for the whole slider to be a link again and fire the click event.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by elrey52.

    I have opened it on a variety of mobile devices – phones, ipads, android tablets, as well as browsers sized to display the mobile view instead of the desktop site. The problem is when scrolling down it cuts off part of the menu. I can scroll down on any device but depending on the size of the page I am on when I open the menu the “end” of the mobile menu stops changes. From the home page the menu cuts off at “Clamp Safety Clamps” just like my screen shot for any device. If I am on a different page when I open the mobile menu it might display the entire thing.

    The website is publicly visible using the IP address I provided in the private data. I use a browser plugin IPvFOO on Chrome and Firefox to verify whether I am accessing the public DNS site (which is using an older version of the theme until I can verify there are no issues with upgrading) or my test server (which I have sent screen shots of and is running the most current version of WP and Enfold.)

    I disabled every plugin and there was no change.

    screenshot of server running up to date Enfold Theme

    I am at the latest version of Enfold. The problem is still there.

    just an update – I just tried editing ALL of the special headings on the same page at the same time. When i did that all the data stayed.

    I tried various scenarios on a page that had 4 special headings. If I edited only #4 then everything below #1 to #4 was deleted (same as above). If I edited #1 only then everything stayed ok. If I edited #1 and #4 then everything between 4 and 2 was deleted. If I edited #1, #2, and #4 then everything between 4 and 3 was deleted. So it seemed like editing the Special Headings from top to bottom somehow stops this process.

    Is this normal behavior? a known bug? or something else.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    that is already checked (3rd post in this thread). Removing the code just makes the menu pop out parents and children again.

    ok. I put that in and it did hide the children elements but is there a way to make them expand when the parents are clicked on. . For the majority of my menu links the parent doesn’t link to an actual page. So right now the menu is displaying correctly but I can’t get any use out of it since clicking a parent doesn’t do anything except for the 1 or 2 parents that actually go to a page.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    thanks. Moving the quick CSS to the front made the menu show up as “Menu” instead of the icon. The sub categories are still there however.

    I have checked and unchecked the mark beside the Mobile Menu setting indicated in your screen shot and it has never made a difference. I have checked it again for you.

    I have also entered the code you sent in the quick CSS and it still looks the same as it did before.

    in reply to: Search Icon not appearing #407326

    ok. I tried that and it did not bring the icons back. I think I have resolved it another way though.

    When we updated the Enfold Theme to the latest version it had some differences from what our website looked like before…header, fonts etc I have taken over maintaining this website from someone else so in trying to figure out why I was looking to see if some files had been manually modified. I realized there was a list of CSS files in the wp-content/themes/enfold/css folder that all had a different modified date than the rest of the enfold theme on my old site (test server) meaning those had been manually edited and changed. So once we updated the theme to the latest version I re-uploaded those modified CSS files and overwrote the newest CSS files that were included with the latest Enfold Theme and the site looked normal again (although i didnt catch the search icon right away). So today I was notified that that the icon overlay on an image that was also a link was not working too. Thinking the two issues might be related I went back to the CSS folder and this time replaced all the files with the standard ones from the latest Enfold Theme. Again it made the customization on my website disappear and it looked a little weird but my search icon and the image/link overlay re-appeared. So then I tried uploading my modified CSS files back 1 by 1 until I saw the search icons disappear again. It seems to happen on the base.css file. Since I am not a web developer I just want to ask 1 more question…is it ok to modify this file? I have run a “Diff” program on the previously modified base.css with the standard base.css that was with the latest Enfold Theme. I dont want to waste my time trying to replace the changes in this file if it turns out that it should never be modified at all.

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