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  • in reply to: Tablet view #347850

    Hi marcus538!

    I tested your site and it is working correctly. How big is the resolution of your tablet? If it’s width is around 1000px or higher then the regular menu will display. When that happens you have to do a “long tap” to emulate a hover on the menu. If you just tap it quickly then the parent link will be clicked instead of hovered on.


    in reply to: Opt in #347844

    Hey paola86pp!

    There are lots of plugins out there you can try out. Is this for a newsletter? If so then I have used feedburner before, I don’t know of any others that I can recommend though.

    Are you wanting the form to display in a popup?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Masonry Gallery shrinking footer part 2 #347838

    Hi xfacta!

    Your site is currently under maintenance mode. If you’d like then send us a WordPress login and mark your reply as private so we can take a look.

    Best regards,

    Hi bensmithdesign!

    Please see here,


    in reply to: Contact Form #347812


    Email problems are usually always a problem with the server. Try installing this plugin,, and send a test email to see if it works. You can try contacting your hosting provider for help in configuring the SMTP settings.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Higlight sticky posts #347807

    Hi kihlbaum!

    This CSS will change the post title color and add a “Featured!” to the beginning of the title.

    .sticky .post-title:before {
        content: "Featured!";
    .sticky .post-title {
        color: red !important;


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Sidebar not showing #347796


    Did this happen after updating Enfold? Your missing a class on your main container for some reason. Try completely deleting the theme before downloading and uploading a fresh copy. Also let us know if we can deactivate plugins while testing.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Re-Modifying and tweaking Woocommerce page layouts #347789


    Sorry, I thought you were talking about one of our shop pages.

    For the single product view that would take more work. What I would do is add the accordian to your content. It will display above the add to cart button but getting them separate like that would take a lot of time and code and would have to be considered custom work.

    As for the images try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .related .products img {
        width: 100px !important;
        height: 100px !important;


    in reply to: Contact Form Color Change #347783

    Hi Micheal0424!

    Assuming you add a class to the form called “my_class” then this is the CSS you will want to use.

    .my_class input, .my_class label, .my_class select {
        color: red !important;


    in reply to: Mobile View #347780


    I’m having trouble understanding so I will flag this for some of our german speaking support members.


    in reply to: banners in header WHAT WORKS? #347778


    You can move it to the left by surrounding it with this.

    <div style = "position: relative; left: 200px;">

    Or this,

    <div style = "position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 500px;">

    Go ahead and add it back in so we can see what it’s doing.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Event Calendar Issues #347777

    Hi Michelle!

    1. I just tested this on my localhost and only the date that you set in the event settings get displayed. It looks like it’s working correctly on your end also because it says 4 – 6 as the time.

    2. Go ahead and do that again and then take a screenshot and highlight what your trying to do and we may be able to offer a CSS fix.


    in reply to: Progess Bar element not working? #347497


    Glad you got it sorted. It sounds like it could have been a caching issue. Try clearing your browser cache and any caching related plugins you might have installed next time.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Target the CSS for table rows? #347496

    Hey koala!

    Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .main_color tr:nth-child(2n), .main_color .avia-data-table .avia-heading-row .avia-desc-col, .main_color .avia-data-table .avia-highlight-col, .main_color .pricing-table > li:nth-child(2n), body .main_color .pricing-table.avia-desc-col li { background: red !important; }
    .main_color tr:nth-child(2n+1) { background: rgba(0,0,0,.3) !important; }


    in reply to: Horizontal rule in Layer Slider #347495

    Hey stepheng!

    Have you tried out our Seperator / Whitespace element? It has a lot of options where you can set the size, position, and even include icons with it. Go ahead and send us a link if your still having problems and we’ll take a look.


    in reply to: Shortcodes in Excerpts #347490

    Hi Ben!

    It’s on line 473 in /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php.

    $output .= !empty($excerpt) ? "<div class='grid-entry-excerpt entry-content' ".avia_markup_helper(array('context'=>'entry_content','echo'=>false)).">".do_shortcode($excerpt)."</div>" : '';

    I just tried it and it seems to work fine. If it’s still not working for you then send us a link to your page and we’ll take a look.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Grid Row Changes Default Page Padding #347487

    Hey laurarabell!

    The grid_row does not have any padding (it’s supposed to span the whole area) so the padding that your seeing is the column elements. If you want to increase their padding when used inside the grid_row try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .av-layout-grid-container  .flex_cell { padding: 50px !important; }

    I would consider just using the column elements though. It doesn’t look like you need the grid_row for that layout.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Create Borders for Boxes on my home page #347486

    Hey cobalt_blue_1!

    Try doing this, And then for your text blocks add a custom class such as “my_class” in the custom CSS field and then add this in Dashboard > Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS.

    .my_class {
        border-right: 1px solid black;

    And then for the last one change the class and make the border display on the left.


    in reply to: Extra images showing in galleries #347482


    I selected new images for your Masonry Gallery and saved and it seems to be working fine.

    On your “Annual Reports” entry though I noticed you had two Masonry Gallery elements so perhaps that is what you were referring to. I deleted the last one.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Altered Featured Image Height in blog #347477

    Hi Paul!

    When you edit the Blog Post element there is an option called “Preview Image Size”. Select “Choose the preview image size manually” and another option will appear which will let you select the size. Your probably wanting the medium size.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Re-Modifying and tweaking Woocommerce page layouts #347476


    You could import the demo content but then that would bring in a lot of images, posts, etc etc that you probably don’t want. It would be easier to just create the page on your own. Send us a link to the page your wanting to recreate and we’ll give you instructions.


    in reply to: Delayed Posting Issue #347474

    Hey efic1!

    Try clearing your browser cache and any caching related plugins you might have installed after you publish the post. Also make sure your not setting the post to publish at a future date.


    in reply to: Can't Make Updates to Any Page – Spinning Wheel #347472

    Hi tstirl!

    The latest version of Enfold is 3.0.2 are you sure that’s what your using? Make sure to deactivate all plugins while testing and send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a look.


    in reply to: Sidebar not showing #347470

    Hey frankwelschlehmann!

    Can you send us a WordPress login? Be sure to mark your reply as private.


    in reply to: Menu issues with theme update #347469


    Try adding this.

    #header #header_main_alternate .container { padding: 0px !important; }


    in reply to: use shortcode in 1/3 column #347468

    Hey leRenaar!

    You will need to return your output instead of echoing it out. Here is a good read on how to do that,


    in reply to: Woocommerce Hooks #347467

    Hey kevince52!

    Try this out.

    add_action( 'init', 'enfold_customization_remove_related_products' );
    function enfold_customization_remove_related_products(){
    	remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'avia_woocommerce_output_related_products', 20);

    Because the child theme gets executed first we have to delay the remove_action until the parent theme adds it.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Import demo settings using the theme settings import #347460

    Hey affiliatebuddies!

    Navigate to Dashboard -> Enfold -> Demo Import and click on the demo that you wish to import to start the procedure. Please give it a minute to download all of the content.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Adsense before pagination #347459

    Hey dududman!

    Paste your adsense code here and we’ll take a look.


    in reply to: Icon Box Styling anpassen #347430

    Hallo !

    Sie waren ziemlich nah! In der benutzerdefinierten CSS Feld sollten Sie nur den Namen der Klasse , die Sie verwenden möchten platzieren . Ich ging weiter und verändert es nur “dh” .

    Weiter, um Ihre benutzerdefinierte CSS fügen Sie diese an die neue Klasse von Ihnen erstellten Ziel.

    .dh .iconbox_content {
        background-color: yellow !important;

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen ,

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