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  • in reply to: LayerSlider WP bug #353093


    I think you had some characters in another language inside the text. I couldn’t view them on my end.

    I removed them from the text and it seems to be working fine now. Which characters were you using?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Yoast not working / Images broken #353086


    See here for updating via FTP,

    If your still seeing the problem after updating then let us know and we’ll take another look.


    in reply to: Yoast Local SEO page builder not working #353081


    I would go ahead and contact the plugin authors to see if they have any idea on what it could be. That would help us out quite a bit.

    I’ll go ahead and forward this to the rest of our team to see if they have any idea as well.


    in reply to: Youtube vidéo links and size of the image of the blog #353077

    Hey Keurdom!

    Thanks for using Enfold.

    1. When you insert our video shortcode there will be an option where you can change the aspect ratio. You can also add a column shortcode to your content and place the video inside. Or if you’d like we can make it so you display an image and when clicked on the video will display in a popup.

    2. The image your using is not big enough to fit in the container so WordPress is trying to resize it a bit so it fits inside. If you want to crop just a specific section then click on the featured image when editing your post and you will see a popup. Look under the Attachment Image options and you will see a Edit Image link where you can resize and crop it to display however you want.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: mobile changes #353065


    I’m not sure. It may be best to just wait on it. I found this which may be helpful,

    If you haven’t done so already then I recommend installing the WordPress SEO plugin,, and following along with their documentation on setting up your site SEO.


    in reply to: Advanced Layout Builder & WPML #353053


    I think the problem is that you have a copy of jQuery being loaded from google,, which is causing javascript errors.

    Though I’m not sure where it’s being called from. Try completely deleting Enfold before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest to see what happens.


    in reply to: Accordion Slider on Mobile #353015

    Hi spadalbert!

    You will need to remove the flex column beside it or you can add this to your custom CSS.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) { #top .aviaccordion { overflow: visible !important; } }

    But really I think it performs best as how it is working right now. The flex column will span full width on mobiles and push it off the screen. There just isn’t enough space on a small phone so if you have it displayed it’s not going to look good or be usable.


    in reply to: Search parameter fix ?s= #352798


    There shouldn’t be any links on your site with search terms. If there are then it’s most likely they were added in manually.

    When you check for bad links try just the domain name or the page URL with no search terms,


    in reply to: Custom category image #352791


    Line 16 should look like this.

    if(isset($avia_config['use_child_theme_functions_only'])) return;

    So you need to add the code right below it so it should look like this.

    if(isset($avia_config['use_child_theme_functions_only'])) return;
    add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
    add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_add_heading_font');
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts['Open Sans Subset'] = 'Open Sans:400,600&subset=latin,latin-ext';
    return $fonts;

    Let us know if that works.



    I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understand. Go ahead and take a screenshot and highlight what is going on so we can get a better idea.

    As for saving the changes between updates create a new folder in your child theme called /includes/ and then copy the loop-index.php file over to it from Enfold.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Remove time from latest portfolio side bar widget? #352775

    Hey Micheal0424!

    Try opening up /enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php and around line 520 you should see this.

    $time_format = apply_filters( 'avia_widget_time', get_option('date_format')." - ".get_option('time_format'), 'avia_newsbox' );

    Try changing it to this.

    $time_format = apply_filters( 'avia_widget_time', get_option('date_format'), 'avia_newsbox' );


    in reply to: Custom Class to Special Heading #352770

    Hey Wils1234!

    The special heading element has a color tab which you can use to change it’s color so there is no need to set a custom class. If you still wish to do it though then make sure you do this,, and then use this CSS.

    .my_class, .my_class h3 { color: red !important; }


    in reply to: Blog – only display sticky posts #352766


    Hmm, not sure why that’s not working but let’s make this easier. Instead of using sticky posts create a new category called “featured” or “homepage” and use that with the blog posts shortcode instead. If you do not want to create a category then you can also use post tags.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Layout Editor not loading #352746

    Hi Matt!

    It seems to be working fine for me. I don’t see any errors and I can add elements to a new page just fine. Is it a specific page your having the issue on?


    in reply to: creating transparent text box overlays #352741

    Hey Munford!

    You would have to do it in CSS. You can set a body background in Dashboard > Enfold > General Styling > Body background.

    To start off with try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .main_color, .main_color .site-background, .main_color .first-quote, .main_color .related_image_wrap, .main_color .gravatar img .main_color .hr_content, .main_color .news-thumb, .main_color .post-format-icon, .main_color .ajax_controlls a, .main_color .tweet-text.avatar_no, .main_color .toggler, .main_color .toggler.activeTitle:hover, .main_color #js_sort_items, .main_color.inner-entry, .main_color .grid-entry-title, .main_color .related-format-icon, .grid-entry .main_color .avia-arrow, .main_color .avia-gallery-big, .main_color .avia-gallery-big, .main_color .avia-gallery img, .main_color .grid-content, .main_color .av-share-box ul, #top .main_color .av-related-style-full .related-format-icon, .main_color .related_posts.av-related-style-full a:hover, .main_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination .current, .main_color.avia-fullwidth-portfolio .pagination a { background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5) !important; }

    And then send us a link so we can take a look. You can set your reply as private if you wish.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Drop down arrow icon in Menubar. #352738

    Hey dmxsta!

    Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .main_menu .avia-bullet {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 red;
        border: 0 none !important;
        display: block;
        height: 20px;
        left: 20px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 40px;
        width: 20px;
    .main_menu > div > ul > li:hover > a > .avia-bullet { display: block; }

    That will display a little span when you hover over the main menu links. You can use CSS to style it into an arrow.


    in reply to: Nesting Layout Elements #352725


    Yes, it would look something like this.

    [av_toggle_container initial='0' mode='accordion' sort='']
    [av_toggle title='Toggle 1' tags='']
    [av_catalogue ]
    [av_catalogue_item title='test' price='' id='' link='' target='']
    [av_catalogue_item title='test' price='' id='' link='' target='']

    You can do this,, to enable the layout editor debugger. You can then drag the codes around to place the catalogue inside the accordion.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Animated Footer Widgets #352724

    Hi alfengland!

    Yes you can use the post slider in the footer widget areas. Drag a text widget over and add this.

    [av_postslider link='category' columns='1' items='3' offset='0' contents='excerpt' preview_mode='custom' image_size='thumbnail' autoplay='no' interval='5']


    in reply to: Pattern overlay on color section with video background #352717

    Hi Thomas!

    Your video will display full width so it’s going to display on top of any type of background for the color section. You can add a background to the main element that displays on top of the video though.

    #top #main .avia-section .template-page { background: red !important; }

    Best regards,

    in reply to: header incredible features #352713

    Hey xpoveda!

    Did you import that demo yet? If so then when you edit your pages you will see a color section in the page content. You can edit the color section to change the color used.

    If your trying to do it without importing the demo then create a new page and set the header to transparent. Next drag a color section over to your content and set it’s color and minimum height. You can then drag over a special heading into the color section.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Tooltip on icon box #352712


    This is kind of bordering on custom work but it seemed easy enough to do so we’ll try it. Open up /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/iconbox.php and around line 380 find this.

    $output .= 		'<div class="iconbox_content">';

    Change it to this.

    $output .= 		'<div class="iconbox_content" data-avia-icon-tooltip = "'.htmlspecialchars(do_shortcode($iconbox_tooltip)).'">';

    Next find line 291.


    Add this beneath it.


    Next find this code around line 130.

    		"name" 	=> __("Content",'avia_framework' ),
    		"desc" 	=> __("Add some content for this IconBox",'avia_framework' ),
    		"id" 	=> "content",
    		"type" 	=> "tiny_mce",
    		"std" 	=> __("Click here to add your own text", "avia_framework" )),

    And add this above it.

    						"name" 	=> __("Optional Tooltip",'avia_framework' ),
    						"desc" 	=> __("Add a tooltip for this Icon. The tooltip will appear on mouse over",'avia_framework' ),
    						"id" 	=> "iconbox_tooltip",
    						"type" 	=> "textarea",
    						"std" 	=> ""),


    in reply to: Anchor links disappear after edit? #352709


    Yes you can link to it.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: enfold doesnt want to open and save pages … #352707

    Hi studiokatowice!

    Go ahead and update Enfold to 3.0.2 and let us know when your done. Your currently using version 2.8.1.

    Also send us a WordPress login and set your reply as private and we’ll take a closer look.

    Did your host recently update PHP?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Portfolio Entries as drop down menu . #352705

    Hey simontwr!

    Are you trying to add your portfolio items to your dropdown menu in Dashboard > Appearance > Menus? If so then click on Screen Options in the top right hand corner of your screen and make sure “portfolio items” is checked.

    If your trying to create a dropdown select field to display your portfolio items with in a page then that would take a lot of time and code and would have to be considered custom work. It would be best to hire a freelancer out to help you with that.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Accordion sorting styling #352702


    I don’t see an easy way of going about that unfortunately but you can do this,, to have them all open by default.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Ralph12!

    Try this out, That should return true if your viewing an archive for a custom post type.


    in reply to: LAYER SLIDER #352699

    Hey mrperibanez!

    Make sure WordPress and the theme are updated and then deactivate all plugins. If your still seeing the problem then send us a WordPress login and set your reply as private and we’ll take a look.


    in reply to: Adding Google fonts AGAIN – Sorry #352696

    Hey lome61!

    Please see here,

    You would just add it to the bottom of your functions.php file as explained in the link. The 400, 600, and 800 values are the different weights that get added. You can add 200 to it if you wish. Like so,

    $fonts['Open Sans'] = 'Open Sans:200,400,600,800';


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.
    in reply to: Biography in the Blog sidebar #352695

    Hi paola86pp!

    You would have to use a text widget for this. You can add HTML such as images, links, text, etc etc.

    And you can grab the facebook like code from here,


    in reply to: Fonts don't display correctly #352694


    Try adding this to your custom CSS.

    .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h1, .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2 { letter-spacing: 0px !important; }

    And then do this,, and make sure to add the “200” weight along with 400 and 600 for open sans.


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