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Hey JTV Digital!
Add this to your custom CSS.
.template-blog .post-title { font-size: 20px; color: red; font-family: verdana; } .template-blog .entry-content { font-size: 20px; color: red; font-family: verdana; }
ElliottHi fchieli!
Try completely deleting Enfold from your WordPress theme directory before downloading + uploading a fresh copy from themeforest.
Be sure that WordPress is updated and all plugins deactivated while testing.
ElliottHi punkiracoon!
The area your looking for is line 571 in the /enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_accordion.php.
$output .= "<a class='aviaccordion-slide-link noHover' href='".$slide->av_permalink."' ".$slide->av_target.">";
You could try adding the target blank there.
ElliottHi msrun101!
1. Add this to your custom CSS.
#s { color: black !important; }
2. You could add a widget area to your header,, and then drag the search widget to it.
It looks fine to me but perhaps I am misunderstanding. Go ahead and take a screenshot and highlight exactly what your trying to do so we can get a better idea.
Best regards,
ElliottHey alebrandcare!
If there are no posts in the current set assigned to those categories then they will be hidden as nothing will happen when you click on them.
You’ll want to increase the amount of posts you display per page so there is at least one post assigned to the category displaying on the page (so there is something to sort by).
Best regards,
ElliottHi Ikyo!
Try this out.
#top .wc-bookings-date-picker .ui-datepicker td.ui-datepicker-current-day a { background: none !important; }
ElliottJanuary 8, 2016 at 2:09 am in reply to: Woo commerce only works when I'm logged into the Admin panel #561735Hi!
After logging in I get redirected to /my-account. I try to navigate to /wp-admin but it keeps timing out for me. I tried with both logins.
ElliottHey volocom7!
It would take a lot of time and code to implement and would have to be considered custom work. It would be best to hire a freelancer to help you out with this customization.
ElliottHi Janinifee!
We would need to see it in action. Can you send us a link to the page and a login?
Perhaps you have an empty column in the front or something like that. In those cases something like this might work,
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 8, 2016 at 1:57 am in reply to: the events calendar & woo tickets is not shown properly #561731Hi!
Not really sure what you mean there. Are you trying to add extra content to your header? If so then you could do this,, to add a widget area to your header and then use a text widget to display extra content.
ElliottJanuary 8, 2016 at 1:55 am in reply to: Bi-Lingual Site German – English Recommandation WPML Plugin or not?! #561730Hey!
The only other one that I know of is QTranslate but I highly recommend WPML instead. Other than that you could create two separate installations but it would be a lot of work.
Best regards,
ElliottHi djshortkut!
I don’t think that is one of our images. If you look at it in different browsers you’ll notice it displays differently so it appears to be how the browser displays a select element. You could try looking up tutorials for customizing the select element styling.
Best regards,
Try this.
@media screen and (max-width: 820px) { #top #header .widget .av_font_icon { top: 60px !important; position: relative !important; } }
It will drop it down an additional 40px on screens smaller than 820px.
ElliottHey cosminsky!
It looks like your using Enfold 3.1.3. You’ll need to update to the latest version, 3.4.7.
ElliottJanuary 8, 2016 at 1:37 am in reply to: My Logo/Partner Element does not slide automatically #561719Hey!
Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a closer look.
ElliottHey ribit!
Go ahead and update Enfold to the latest version, 3.4.7, and let us know when your done.
Best regards,
ElliottHey volocom7!
We might be able to give you some javascript code to change the URL that you can place inside a codeblock element in your page. Send us a link to your page and let us know which category your wanting to redirect.
ElliottHi pgh!
You can set custom links to redirect to after the form has been submitted. You could just link directly to your PDF file there.
ElliottHi tlchase!
Our single author small blog style has that layout,
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 8, 2016 at 1:25 am in reply to: "Recent Posts" Sidebar displays text preview of posts when using Default Editor #561705Hey Brad!
Add this to your custom CSS.
.news-excerpt { display: none !important; }
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 7, 2016 at 4:30 am in reply to: Woo commerce only works when I'm logged into the Admin panel #560977Hi!
Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a closer look.
Looks like it’s because of the padding on the second column.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by
Hey deboman!
Send us a link to your product category archive and we’ll take a look. You can set your reply as private if you wish.
ElliottHi sphilton!
I checked your link but the only headings I saw were the widget titles which are H3. Take a screenshot and highlight the exact area your referring to so we can get a better idea.
ElliottHi Lambrosg!
Create two pages and then when you edit each page drag the “Portfolio Grid” element to your content and select whichever category you want to display in the portfolio grid settings.
That’s going to take a lot of time and code to implement so it would have to be considered custom work. It would be best to hire a freelancer to help you out with this customization who knows a lot about the Woocommerce plugin.
Best regards,
Edit the menu and drag that link up to the top of the sub menu. If your not using the WordPress menus already then you can set it up in Dashboard > Appearance > Menus.
Still displaying fine for me. If your using a caching plugin then be sure to clear it’s cache.
Best regards,
ElliottJanuary 7, 2016 at 4:01 am in reply to: Search bar is overlapping main menu bar in some browser and when zooming in #560954Hi kenser!
The search icon is overlapping the menu items? It seems to look fine on my end. Can you take a screenshot and highlight what your seeing?
Elliott -
This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by