Thanks again
That did it thanks.
One last question how can I save this edit when you update the theme. I am running a child theme so could I add this file with the directory structure to the child theme?
I tried that one before but it seems to add the page title along with HTML code. Check the link again to see what I mean
Each tab created has a Tab Title, I was hoping to have the URL reflect each Tab Title name. If for example I have a tab named FAQ the URL would trail with /FAQ
I was mistaken about what the result should be. What I was hoping for is that the result would reflect actual Tab or section name. Is that possible?
When are you online so I can add the code and you can check the site?
I’ll have to arrange a time when you are online to see the link as I have it set to the default now.
Yes, that is the one I have been trying. I am getting /#sectionName1 in the URL instead of the tab name.
I’ve been unable to get either of these to work, is there any update?