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  • I found this function code, it however does not work for category
    add_filter(‘avf_which_archive_output’, ‘avf_remove_which_archive_output’, 10, 1);

    function avf_remove_which_archive_output($output) {
    $output = “”;

    $term = get_term_by( ‘slug’, get_query_var( ‘term’ ), get_query_var( ‘taxonomy’ ) );
    $output = __(”,’avia_framework’).” “.$term->name;

    return $output;

    I tried to various changes to the if(is_tax()) but could not get it to work for category

    What I need is a code that is a combination, one for tax f(is_tax()) and one for if ( is_category() )

    any suggestions ??


    I have tried for the pst few hours the function.pho code you provided.
    it does not work at all.
    if(is_tax(‘category”)) does not work, on category or any other tax.

    I start out with this: and I want to remove, “archive for categories” and have only “wildlife images”

    using this function code provided

    all I get is for output:

    Interesting enough, this code provided by a support participant

    makes the correct output

    the problems is that it only works on category……
    I don’t know how to modify it for other tax

    Do you ?

    this is where I want to remove “Archive for category;” but still keep Wildlife Images

    in reply to: How to reactive Enfold downsizing of Image in Post Blog #290649

    Hi Devin,

    that’s exactly the info I needed ! Perfect…..

    Do you see and understand now….?

    thanks !

    Your code also wipes out all different tax in the banner, The code is not selective for a unique tax. It wipes out 12 different tax that I have set up.. Whihc is okay, as I don’t want archive at all, but I’l like to have the Tax Description visible

    This is without the function code enabled:

    Archive for category: Wildlife Images
    Archive for :Recommendation


    This code removes all the info, I set the if(is_tax(‘portfolio_entries’) to if(is_tax(‘category’))

    The banner originally reads:
    Archive for category: Wildlife Images

    Using your code it reads:

    I want it to read:
    Wildlife Images

    Looks Like I’m toast trying to use this Blog Post like the last 5 themes I have used over the last several years. You guys are doing something very unconventional to everything I have ever used or seen before. Very counterintuitive and disruptive thinking and design on your part. ( just my opinion and observation). Why anyone would create a blog container that does not resize with the width of theme is crazy.

    In any event, I’ll have to look for ways to adapt using the functions that you do have.

    Mark this dissatisfied with theme functionality and Enfold design for blog single post but close the thread.

    How would I use this for category and its children ?

    if(is_tax(‘category_entries’) or like above if( is_category() )


    As you probably know…

    Your theme puts featured image inside an upper box and outside a lower box of blog content and text.

    the lower box does not resize when using full frame.

    The problem is that that the theme blog size is to small.

    How can I change <div class = “entry-content” improp=”text”


    thanks for the response.

    The images inside of my posts are 950X632. If I use the large container, then the images should display at 950X632, for some reason, even with the larger container, the images are being rendered at 600X400.

    I know you are trying to help, but please do not make the suggestion about that regeneration plugin. I’ll never use it. My work and content have been produced over the last five years at the dimensions that are compatible with the DLSR ratio 4:3 ration and my vision of how that content should be displayed….Your site is currently rerendering that content to a 600X400 dimension is 4:3 which is downsized from my 950X632 is 4:3 inside a large container. At least the aspect ratio that we are both using is compatible, of the images would be compromised.

    How do I get my work at my original dimensions to display in the full size container that is not the featured image ?

    Where specifically is the setting that designates the 600 X 400. And can this be changed. Or can we add my image dimensions to your database ?


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by EdFritz. Reason: added link


    Can I use this function code that you have provided as written in Enfold without any modifications ?


    I am a photographer. The images that come out of all DLSR camera are a 4:3 format. I want to use my Images as they came from camera and not an Enfold feature Image cropped version o 1500X430 or 1500X650. If I look at the link you’ve show, the images are not real format, they are all cropped.

    I set a featured image with my 950X632 and went full screen with blog, and the image rendered was 1500X430.. I don’s want my image to take on the dimensions that I did not specify.

    I have 800 blog’s and thousands of images at 4:3. I need to use those images that are already linked in my blogs to display at full screen with 950X632.

    It should be very easy to accommodate, you are already downsampling my 950X632 (4:3) to 600X400 (4:3) in full-sized post with the featured image disabled.

    Hi, – thanks, Not solved –

    I figured I had to goto fullsize, but I do not have a choice under element Blog Post for blog-single-author-full. The only choice is single author, big preview Pic,(no author picture is displayed, featured image big). When this is enabled and I set Preview image size to original, I am still getting a Blog Posted with the 600X400 dimension.

    any ideas ??

    in reply to: functions.php #290507

    There is a better way to manages changes to a themes functions.php. I’d recommend using the WP plugin: code-snippets. You can manage/catalog all your various function.php code changes, and active, deactivate, ext….. Also if you add a new function code using this plug-in, then activate code and the code breaks your site, you can put plug in into safe mode by adding a line code into you wp-config.php. define(‘CODE_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE’, true); how to do this is defined in plugins read me.txt.

    I am using this plugin to manage my function.pho changes in Enfold without any problems.

    Hi Josh,

    thanks third times the charm. This CSS worked !

    in reply to: 2nd Request//Just Purchased Theme/Where is the support ? #290325

    The code did not work.

    You can goto my website to see the issue. When you hover your mouse on the center of first image in the slider the Overlay Opacity is the element that I want change.


    Thanks Josh,

    the CSS you supplied: #top a.avia-hover-fx .image-overlay{
    background: rgba(255,255,255, 0) !important;

    Did not change the opacity, on the image overlay… How am I supposed to change the opacity ?


    the other CSS you provided, Did stop lightbox….

    I’ll check out the video link when I get a chance…

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