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  • in reply to: WP 4.2.3 Breaks theme w/twentytwenty plugin #478679


    I dblcheck some setting of other plugins (not twenty twenty) and found that if I disabled a lazy loading function in another plugging, then the twenty twenty theme worked properly. I am still testing but I think that was the problem.

    I understand,I usually see a flurry of activity and support here if WP upgrade is breaking enfold themes. Since it did not, I felt that an upgrade was okay. It is always taking a chance with WP upgrades. I have some robust instructions for a WP fallback and was able to fall back and will look at wp 4.2.3 in a test environment and see if I can isolate what is causing the problem. I have my suspicions that another plugin is creating the issue and not twenty-twenty .

    Thanks for the support, You can close these threads

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by EdFritz.

    Thanks for your support, it is a tweak that has been buging me for a long time…thanks

    Thanks Drake,

    But you may have missed my comments further in the thread……. I need the icons to behave like the top menu. So that when you scroll down the header goes white and the icons would go from white to gray. You can see now that , this icon configuration goes invisible when you scroll down….

    If you could please take a look at it again…

    thanks !

    Hi so thoughtful for you to ask…..No…I don’t mind …….go ahead

    Login info


    Username attached in private content

    info provided in private content.

    I would like the social icons on the right side to behave like the top left side menu.


    Hi Drake,

    I am trying to do the same thing. I would like to change the color of social icons on top right on a transparent menu on no scroll from gray to white. On mouse hover I do not want to change anything. see here:

    I have worked with enfold before and have some custom CSS :
    .iconbox_top .iconbox_content { padding-top: 30px !important; }
    #top .iconbox_top { margin-top: 0px!important; }

    .av_header_transparency .logo { opacity: .95; }
    .logo { opacity: .95; }

    Can you tell me what css I should add additionally to my custom code ?


    in reply to: Where to put inLine CSS #475822

    Thanks !, could I also inline .js using the code you gave me ?

    in reply to: Where to put inLine CSS #475794


    I am well aware of the option page for custom Css.

    However, I need to “inline CSS” and the custom CSS is not the answer.

    Please advise as to where I would inline CSS.


    in reply to: Archives by Month #465089

    I have discovered that my issue is with WP SEO by Yoast plugin configuration.

    For those who may have similar problem with Archive page.

    To fix the issue:
    Open WP SEO by Yoast
    open section Titles & Metas
    Open Tab ARCHIVE
    Check Add no index,follow
    Do not check Disable the date-based archives

    The Enfold Archive page tab monthly will work properly

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by EdFritz. Reason: Reconfigure WP by Yoast settings to correct redirection on Enfold Archives Monthly tab
    in reply to: Google Testing Tool – Search structure error #461484

    Hi Andy,

    I’ll update the pie-squared site and get back to you.

    I have had very very very very unpleasant experiences with enfold playing well with 3rd party plugins, including wordpress upgrades and wpseo….I waited 5 months before doing the last enfold upgrade (and I am glad I did)…. very gun shy about your QA release processes,,,,,so I do not recommend anyone being an early adopter of Enfold unless they have a simple site and the last upgrade did not look to compelling or useful to me………that being said, It is a wonderful Theme……I have to use over 30 plugins so the comment of deactivating plugins is not well accepted by me. Most plug ins have settings and ofter deactivation can loose settings or break short codes for awhile,,,even when I did the last enfield upgrade I had to spend a day resetting settings that should have imported over without any problems…. I had even had saved all settings but reload did not work with Enfold…..

    Anyway, I think the next action will be that I’ll look to see if the helper-markup.php file has been updated in the last enfold release to comply with Google recommendations for structured date and upgrade the simple pie-squared site. I’ll be back with status….

    in reply to: popup option #456810

    I looked around for awhile for a simple plugin popup that worked well with this theme. I finally came across Popup by Subsystic. I went with the pro version (on time payment) The popup is very intuitive to use. And while the css and php code are available to edit, I just use the canned configuration. You can configure, text, text footer, location,placement, call to action location, when to launch, what post or page to launch, which users to launch on, it also logs stats, and can do A/B analysis, it all very simple, you just click and enable drop downs or check boxes…and a lot of other parameters… I am using the plugin now on ” the exit’

    It sounds like you should consider an uprez of your original image size to accomplish what you want. What is the current dimension of the image(s) that you are using ?

    I am using the full screen slider at . As a photographer, I want to maintain the same aspect ratio as my original images. So,.my out of camera Image size is 4928X3280@300dpi, For use in the slider I will down rez at the same aspect ratio to 1860X1238 @ 72dpi. I live for full size images and Enfold is a wonderful theme to present them in….For final web output, I process the image at two separate resolutions and combine for sharpen and final output to web save as. Remember that these are large images, you need to web save as with progressive set and then after you save image outside of photoshop, run the image thru imageoptim to strip out 5-10% of unnecessary content to reduce file size. That final Image size shows well on computers, laptops and iPads and is sharp and is optimized for google page speed/ and webpagetest and loads quickly on my site.

    My enfold setting:
    No scaling ( Original width and Original Height)
    No, don’t stretch image

    Hope that helps my fellow photographers…. sorry Josue although the 1500X1000 maintains the same aspect ratio, I don’t want to scale and stretch….

    in reply to: Enfold Theme Post Format 'Aside' #372687

    thanks…deactivating plugins a bad option… If you think about it, I may have 60 posts that need to have the aside reset to standard…so I need to have visibility to those posts to rework and reset the asides..I’ll figure it out…hopefully it does not come around to be an enfold issue…but at this point you say no, so I’ll continue with my workflow and update and reprise legacy content… right now I understand that you do provide any support for Post Formats…That include a section on the Post design page …

    A Post Format is a piece of meta information that can be used by a theme to customize its presentation of a post. The Post Formats feature provides a standardized list of formats that are available to all themes that support the feature. Themes are not required to support every format on the list. New formats cannot be introduced by themes or even plugins

    Thats why I believe the Aside format on my post was brought into enfold , I don’t think they are being auto generated… but Ill watch it//

    thanks can close the thread….if something comes up I’ll start a new one

    in reply to: Enfold Theme Post Format 'Aside' #372668

    Thanks Elliott for the feedback. Im not using any plugin to add aside format, I don’t want Post coded as aside, somehow some early content has been retagged without my knowledge… I am hoping that it is a legacy issue when I changed themes to Enfold a year ago..I am just getting around to looking into it and see how to cleanup and prevent. ….it could be that the prior theme had coded these posts…as aside….I’ll keep an eye on…the earliest Post was date Mar 11….

    In any event, your are saying that there is nothing in enfold which would retagged older post from Standard to Aside..

    in reply to: Conflict with WordPress SEO by Yoast Version 1.7.1 #361422

    There is a well documented trail of incompatibility issues starting in August of recent updates of Yoast SEO version and Enfold theme version. You may want to try getting Yoast seo V 1.5.5 and Enfold v 2.9.2 and wordpress 4.0…it is the last stable baseline that works well together. Enfold is still researching on how to provide a theme that works. I have posted about this problem a number of times and have had responses from theme designer who acknowledges the issue and concern…

    in reply to: I'd like to add thumbnail in search results #357748

    Can you review where to insert the snippet, line 88 has code in it.


    in reply to: Biography in the Blog sidebar #355807

    Hi paola86pp!

    I found a very useful widget for putting the content into sidebar.

    see example:

    (Sidebar) Content is developed by the user in “Content Blocks”. The plug in lets you create “content blocks” with php, text,images or short code, then you can place them via widgets in any page or post location or keep them as an archive for later use. I think of them as mini-pages. It is very flexible and I’ve been using it for years.

    Plug-in name is Custom Post Widget

    all the best

    in reply to: WordPress 4.0.1 problems #354834


    Can you confirm that enfold 3.0.4 is fully compatible and has been tested with wordpress SEO V 1.7. I have written in a previous reply #341338 that the two are not compatible and that Kriesi confirmed (eply #343617) that he agrees that they do not work together in harmony.

    I am maintaining enfold v 2.9.2 and wordpress SEO V1.5.5 and word press V 4.0 …they all work together. ( I am going to fallback from WPV4.1 to WPV4.0)

    I have seen no confirmation that this configuration (enfold 3.0.4 and wordpress SEO 1.7 and wordpress 4.01) will work without creating well document reports of errors (reply 308267) (reply 308671) (reply 33667) as well as Kriesi reply #343617)

    If it is a small bug then perhaps you can please let me know if I can modify a specific file in enfold V2.9.2 so I can maintain the working wordpress SEO V1.5.5 and wp4.01…I cannot upgrade Enfold to 3.0.4 as Kriesi says it will not work with wordpress SEO 1.7.



    in reply to: Easy way to Rollback to 4.0.0 #354633

    Thanks for the info and community support ….wish I had know how to disable auto WP before hand

    in reply to: WordPress 4.01 Breaks My Site #354629

    okay thanks for the tip ! I’ll look into it now

    in reply to: Layerslider has suddenly disappeared #354593

    Probably due to auto update of wordpress to 4.0.1. A few other users including myself have been reporting layer slider problems due to auto update of WP to 4.0.1. I did not have any issues with masonry though….

    in reply to: WordPress 4.0.1 problems #354576

    With the release of WP 4.0, there was an autoupdate feature included. A lot of people concerned about how this would impact their sites, now we know…We have all become early adopters at once…. My site is broken also..issue with fullwidth easy slider

    in reply to: Yoast SEO Plug IN #343895

    Hi Kriesi,

    Thanks for your well worded and thoughtful reply. I think I will continue to sit on the sidelines and not take the benefits of the features of the new revisions of Enfold and Yoast until either the compatibility is solid or I am forced to experiment. I am probably the 1% of users that will have an issue :). I’ll keep on checking back-in to keep current on progress to see if you figure it out and nail the problem down.

    All the best,


    in reply to: Front Page now Blank WO4&2.9.2 Full width Slider #315830

    Yea I found out the hard way. Too much css for quick css. I’ll just road custom after updates…

    in reply to: WordPress 4.0 Update #315528

    FYI-Hope this helps

    I did not disable any third party plugins to get my theme to work.
    I also did not use FTP to update to 2.9.2, I used WordPress theme update, which shows up on the same page but beneath the WP plugin updater

    I updated to WP 4 then
    I went out to Themeforest and got my Enfold api key which I entered into Enfold theme options/theme update
    I went to the WP plugin update page and there was a message beneath the plugin updates to update the enfold theme to 2.9.2
    After I updated, my site when blank, found out that the 2.9.2 updater deleted custom.css. I had bkup of my custom.css and reinstalled and all works now.
    The enfold/theme option/general/quick CSS was not impacted by updating to 2.9.2

    in reply to: WordPress 4.0 error #315525

    FYI-hope this helps

    I updated to WP 4 then
    I went out to Themeforest and got my Enfold api key which I entered into Enfold theme options/theme update
    I went to the WP plugin update page and there was a message beneath the plugin updates to update the enfold theme to 2.9.2
    After I updated, my site when blank, found out that the 2.9.2 updater deleted custom.css. I had bkup of my custom.css and reinstalled and all works now.
    The enfold/theme option/general/quick CSS was not impacted by updating to 2.9.2

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